| 2008 |
10 |  | Aldo Gangemi,
Johannes Keizer,
Valentina Presutti,
Heiko Stoermer:
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP2008), Rome, Italy, December 15-17, 2008
CEUR-WS.org 2008 |
9 |  | Boris Lauser,
Gudrun Johannsen,
Caterina Caracciolo,
Johannes Keizer,
Willem Robert van Hage,
Philipp Mayr:
Comparing human and automatic thesaurus mapping approaches in the agricultural domain
CoRR abs/0808.2246: (2008) |
8 |  | Imma Subirats,
Irene Onyancha,
Gauri Salokhe,
Stefka Kaloyanova,
Stefano Anibaldi,
Johannes Keizer:
Towards an architecture for open archive networks in agricultural sciences and technology.
Online Information Review 32(4): 478-487 (2008) |
7 |  | Stefka Kaloyanova,
Gian Luigi Betti,
Francesco Castellani,
Johannes Keizer:
Achieving OAI PMH compliancy for CDS/ISIS databases.
The Electronic Library 26(3): 411-421 (2008) |
| 2007 |
6 |  | Nikos Manouselis,
Gauri Salokhe,
Johannes Keizer:
Comparing Different Metadata Application Profiles for Agricultural Learning Repositories.
MTSR 2007: 469-479 |
5 |  | Hilke Stuempel,
Gauri Salokhe,
Anne Aubert,
Johannes Keizer,
Andrew Nadeau,
Stephen Katz,
Stephen Rudgard:
Metadata Application Profile for Agricultural Learning Resources.
MTSR 2007: 499-507 |
4 |  | Valeria Pesce,
Maru Ajit,
Gauri Salokhe,
Johannes Keizer:
A Distributed Architecture for Harvesting Metadata Describing Organizations in the Agriculture Sector.
MTSR 2007: 509-514 |
3 |  | Caterina Caracciolo,
Margherita Sini,
Johannes Keizer:
Requirements for the Treatment of Multilinguality in Ontologies within FAO.
OWLED 2007 |
| 2004 |
2 |  | Dagobert Soergel,
Boris Lauser,
Anita C. Liang,
Frehiwot Fisseha,
Johannes Keizer,
Stephen Katz:
Reengineering Thesauri for New Applications: The AGROVOC Example.
J. Digit. Inf. 4(4): (2004) |
| 2001 |
1 |  | Irene Onyancha,
Johannes Keizer,
Stephen Katz:
A Dublin Core Application Profile in the Agricultural Domain.
Dublin Core Conference 2001: 185-192 |