| 2009 |
34 |  | Boris Konev,
Dirk Walther,
Frank Wolter:
Forgetting and Uniform Interpolation in Extensions of the Description Logic EL.
Description Logics 2009 |
33 |  | Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
Taming the Complexity of Temporal Epistemic Reasoning.
FroCos 2009: 198-213 |
32 |  | Boris Konev,
Dirk Walther,
Frank Wolter:
Forgetting and Uniform Interpolation in Large-Scale Description Logic Terminologies.
IJCAI 2009: 830-835 |
31 |  | Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev,
Alexei Lisitsa:
Temporal Verification of Fault-Tolerant Protocols.
Methods, Models and Tools for Fault Tolerance 2009: 44-56 |
30 |  | Boris Konev,
Carsten Lutz,
Dirk Walther,
Frank Wolter:
Formal Properties of Modularisation.
Modular Ontologies 2009: 25-66 |
| 2008 |
29 |  | Boris Konev,
Renate A. Schmidt,
Stephan Schulz:
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning, Sydney, Australia, August 10-11, 2008
CEUR-WS.org 2008 |
28 |  | Piotr Rudnicki,
Geoff Sutcliffe,
Boris Konev,
Renate A. Schmidt,
Stephan Schulz:
Proceedings of the LPAR 2008 Workshops, Knowledge Exchange: Automated Provers and Proof Assistants, and the 7th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics, Doha, Qatar, November 22, 2008
CEUR-WS.org 2008 |
27 |  | Boris Konev,
Carsten Lutz,
Dirk Walther,
Frank Wolter:
Logical Difference and Module Extraction with CEX and MEX.
Description Logics 2008 |
26 |  | Boris Konev,
Carsten Lutz,
Dirk Walther,
Frank Wolter:
Semantic Modularity and Module Extraction in Description Logics.
ECAI 2008: 55-59 |
25 |  | Boris Konev,
Dirk Walther,
Frank Wolter:
The Logical Difference Problem for Description Logic Terminologies.
IJCAR 2008: 259-274 |
24 |  | Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev,
Alexei Lisitsa:
Practical First-Order Temporal Reasoning.
TIME 2008: 156-163 |
| 2007 |
23 |  | Boris Konev,
Frank Wolter:
Frontiers of Combining Systems, 6th International Symposium, FroCoS 2007, Liverpool, UK, September 10-12, 2007, Proceedings
Springer 2007 |
22 |  | Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
Temporal Logic with Capacity Constraints.
FroCos 2007: 163-177 |
21 |  | Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
Tractable Temporal Reasoning.
IJCAI 2007: 318-323 |
20 |  | Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev,
Alexei Lisitsa:
Efficient First-Order Temporal Logic for Infinite-State Systems
CoRR abs/cs/0702036: (2007) |
| 2006 |
19 |  | Michael Fisher,
Wiebe van der Hoek,
Boris Konev,
Alexei Lisitsa:
Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 10th European Conference, JELIA 2006, Liverpool, UK, September 13-15, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
18 |  | Boris Konev,
Roman Kontchakov,
Frank Wolter,
Michael Zakharyaschev:
Dynamic topological logics over spaces with continuous functions.
Advances in Modal Logic 2006: 299-318 |
17 |  | Alexander V. Lyaletski,
Boris Konev:
On Herbrand's Theorem for Intuitionistic Logic.
JELIA 2006: 293-305 |
16 |  | Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
Is There a Future for Deductive Temporal Verification?
TIME 2006: 11-18 |
15 |  | Anatoli Degtyarev,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
Monodic temporal resolution.
ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 7(1): 108-150 (2006) |
14 |  | Boris Konev,
Roman Kontchakov,
Frank Wolter,
Michael Zakharyaschev:
On Dynamic Topological and Metric Logics.
Studia Logica 84(1): 129-160 (2006) |
| 2005 |
13 |  | Boris Konev,
Frank Wolter,
Michael Zakharyaschev:
Temporal Logics over Transitive States.
CADE 2005: 182-203 |
12 |  | Ullrich Hustadt,
Boris Konev,
Renate A. Schmidt:
Deciding Monodic Fragments by Temporal Resolution.
CADE 2005: 204-218 |
11 |  | Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev,
Alexei Lisitsa:
Practical Infinite-State Verification with Temporal Reasoning.
VISSAS 2005: 91-100 |
10 |  | Boris Konev,
Anatoli Degtyarev,
Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Ullrich Hustadt:
Mechanising first-order temporal resolution.
Inf. Comput. 199(1-2): 55-86 (2005) |
9 |  | M. Carmen Fernández Gago,
Ullrich Hustadt,
Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
First-Order Temporal Verification in Practice.
J. Autom. Reasoning 34(3): 295-321 (2005) |
| 2004 |
8 |  | Ullrich Hustadt,
Boris Konev,
Alexandre Riazanov,
Andrei Voronkov:
TeMP: A Temporal Monodic Prover.
IJCAR 2004: 326-330 |
| 2003 |
7 |  | Ullrich Hustadt,
Boris Konev:
TRP++2.0: A Temporal Resolution Prover.
CADE 2003: 274-278 |
6 |  | Anatoli Degtyarev,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
Monodic Temporal Resolution.
CADE 2003: 397-411 |
5 |  | Boris Konev,
Anatoli Degtyarev,
Michael Fisher:
Handling Equality in Monodic Temporal Resolution.
LPAR 2003: 214-228 |
4 |  | Boris Konev,
Anatoli Degtyarev,
Clare Dixon,
Michael Fisher,
Ullrich Hustadt:
Towards the Implementation of First-Order Temporal Resolution: the Expanding Domain Case.
TIME 2003: 72-82 |
3 |  | Anatoli Degtyarev,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
Monodic temporal resolution
CoRR cs.LO/0306041: (2003) |
| 2002 |
2 |  | Anatoli Degtyarev,
Michael Fisher,
Boris Konev:
A Simplified Clausal Resolution Procedure for Propositional Linear-Time Temporal Logic.
TABLEAUX 2002: 85-99 |
| 2001 |
1 |  | Evgeny Dantsin,
Michael Gavrilovich,
Edward A. Hirsch,
Boris Konev:
MAX SAT approximation beyond the limits of polynomial-time approximation.
Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 113(1-3): 81-94 (2001) |