| 2009 |
56 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Content-Model Based Course Design for Active Learning, Critical Thinking and Creativity.
FECS 2009: 285-291 |
55 |  | Shiyuan Gu,
Sukhamay Kundu:
Shape Recognition Using a New Spatial Representation and a D.P. Matching Algorithm.
ICAPR 2009: 422-425 |
54 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A Distributed O(|E|) Algorithm for Optimal Link-Reversal.
ICDCN 2009: 243-250 |
53 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Requirements Engineering by Connecting Requirements Directly to Data and Operations during Modeling.
ICSEA 2009: 100-107 |
| 2008 |
52 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Teaching Software Modeling and Design Based on The Science of Design and Science of Learning.
FECS 2008: 434-438 |
51 |  | Jerrolyn Brees,
Sukhamay Kundu:
Finding Shortest Multi-Paths with O(N2) Message Complexity.
ISCA PDCCS 2008: 1-6 |
50 |  | Jerrolyn Brees,
Sukhamay Kundu:
EasyMAC: A New and Simple Protocol for Slot Assignment.
ISCA PDCCS 2008: 141-146 |
49 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Orthogonal Decomposition of Finite-State Behavior Models As a Basis for Determining Components in Software Architectures.
SETP 2008: 77-84 |
48 |  | Damayanti Datta,
Sukhamay Kundu:
An Application-Specific Reliable Data Transfer Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks.
JNW 3(6): 69-81 (2008) |
| 2007 |
47 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Structuring Software Functional Requirements For Automated Design And Verification.
COMPSAC (1) 2007: 127-136 |
46 |  | Damayanti Datta,
Sukhamay Kundu:
Reliable and Efficient Data Transfer in Wireless Sensor Networks via Out-of-Sequence Forwarding and Delayed Request for Missing Packets.
ITNG 2007: 128-133 |
45 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Using data-integrity constraints in model-based design.
SEDE 2007: 288-295 |
44 |  | Nigel Gwee,
Sukhamay Kundu:
A software tool for optimal class-hierarchy design based on the use-relationship among functions and variables.
SEDE 2007: 326-331 |
| 2006 |
43 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Conflating two polygonal lines.
Pattern Recognition 39(3): 363-372 (2006) |
| 2005 |
42 |  | Sukhamay Kundu,
Nigel Gwee:
A Formal Approach to Designing a Class-Subclass Structure Using a Partial-Order on the Functions.
COMPSAC (1) 2005: 213-220 |
41 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Deadlock-Free Distributed Relaxed Mutual-Exclusion Without Revoke-Messages.
IWDC 2005: 463-474 |
| 2004 |
40 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A Modern Graphic Flowchart Layout Tool.
ICDCIT 2004: 329-335 |
| 2003 |
39 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Modeling Complex Systems by A Set of Interacting Finite-State Models.
APSEC 2003: 380-389 |
38 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures using Context-Fee Grammars.
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 15: 114 (2003) |
| 2002 |
37 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Finite-State Modeling in Software Design: Some Fundamental Techniques.
APSEC 2002: 317- |
| 2001 |
36 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
The Canonical Functional Design Based on the Domination-Relationship among Data.
APSEC 2001: 89-96 |
35 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
The normal form of a granular fuzzy function.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 124(1): 97-107 (2001) |
| 2000 |
34 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
The concept of path-closed subsets and its use in software functional design.
APSEC 2000: 112-119 |
33 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
An optimal O(N2) algorithm for computing the min-transitive closure of a weighted graph.
Inf. Process. Lett. 74(5-6): 215-220 (2000) |
32 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A better fitness measure of a text-document for a given set of keywords.
Pattern Recognition 33(5): 841-848 (2000) |
31 |  | Sukhamay Kundu,
Jianhua Chen:
Learning rules from numerical data by combining geometric and graph-theoretic approach.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 33(2-3): 135-147 (2000) |
| 1999 |
30 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A Better Fitness Measure of a Text-Document for a Given Set of Keywords.
ISMIS 1999: 217-225 |
29 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Gravitational clustering: a new approach based on the spatial distribution of the points.
Pattern Recognition 32(7): 1149-1160 (1999) |
| 1998 |
28 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A solution to histogram-equalization and other related problems by shortest path methods.
Pattern Recognition 31(3): 231-234 (1998) |
| 1997 |
27 |  | Sukhamay Kundu,
Jianhua Chen:
A New Method of Circumscribing Beliefs: The Propositional Case.
Fundam. Inform. 29(4): 383-390 (1997) |
| 1996 |
26 |  | Jianhua Chen,
Sukhamay Kundu:
A Sound and Complete Fuzzy Logic System Using Zadeh's Implication Operator.
ISMIS 1996: 233-242 |
25 |  | Sukhamay Kundu,
Jianhua Chen:
A new class of theories for which circumscription can be obtained via the predicate completion.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 8(2): 191-205 (1996) |
| 1994 |
24 |  | Sukhamay Kundu,
Jianhua Chen:
Fuzzy Logic or Lukasiewicz Logic: A Clarification.
ISMIS 1994: 56-64 |
| 1993 |
23 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
An O(n) Algorithm for Determining the Subregion-Tree Representation of a Rectangular Dissection.
SIAM J. Comput. 22(1): 79-101 (1993) |
| 1991 |
22 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A New Logic of Beliefs: Monotonic and Non-Monotonic Beliefs - Part 1.
IJCAI 1991: 486-491 |
21 |  | Jianhua Chen,
Sukhamay Kundu:
The Strong Semantics for Logic Programs.
ISMIS 1991: 490-499 |
20 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A new variant of the A-algorithm which closes a node at most once.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 4: 157-176 (1991) |
19 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Minimal Strings in a Regular Language with Respect to a Partial Order on the Alphabet.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 83(2): 287-300 (1991) |
| 1990 |
18 |  | Sukhamay Kundu,
Jianhua Chen:
A New and Simple Method for Explicit Computation of a Circumscription.
GWAI 1990: 160-170 |
17 |  | Sukhamay Kundu,
Radhakrishnan Sridhar:
An O(kN.log N) algorithm for decomposing a set of polygons into d-separable components.
Pattern Recognition 23(7): 735-743 (1990) |
| 1988 |
16 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A Correct Form of the Satisfiability-Graph Based Decision Algorithm for Linear Propositional Temporal Logic.
ISMIS 1988: 454-465 |
15 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
The Equivalence of the Subregion Representation and the Wall Representation for a Certain Class of Rectangular Dissections.
Commun. ACM 31(6): 752-763 (1988) |
| 1987 |
14 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Rule-Discovery from Examples Using a Combination of Syntactic and Semantic Information.
ISMIS 1987: 333-340 |
13 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A new O(n*log n) algorithm for computing the intersection of convex polygons.
Pattern Recognition 20(4): 419-424 (1987) |
| 1986 |
12 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
The Call-Return Tree and Its Application to Program Performance Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 12(11): 1096-1101 (1986) |
11 |  | G. Barbara Demo,
Sukhamay Kundu:
Modeling the CODASYL DML context dependency for database program conversion.
Inf. Syst. 11(1): 87-100 (1986) |
| 1985 |
10 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
An Improved Algorithm for Finding a Key of a Relation.
PODS 1985: 189-192 |
9 |  | G. Barbara Demo,
Sukhamay Kundu:
Analysis of the Context Dependency of CODASYL Find-Statements with Application to Database Program Conversion.
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 354-361 |
| 1982 |
8 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
An O(V) algorithm M for computing transitive reduction of a planar acyclic digraph.
ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1982: 29 |
| 1979 |
7 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
An Intermediate-Value Theorem for Optimum Tree Valuation.
Inf. Process. Lett. 8(3): 141-145 (1979) |
| 1978 |
6 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Note on a Constrained-Path Problem in Program Testing.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 4(1): 75-76 (1978) |
| 1977 |
5 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Sorting Tree, Nestling Tree and Inverse Permutation.
Inf. Process. Lett. 6(3): 94-96 (1977) |
4 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
The Chartrand-Schuster conjecture: Graphs with unique distance trees are regular.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 22(3): 233-245 (1977) |
3 |  | Sukhamay Kundu,
Jayadev Misra:
A Linear Tree Partitioning Algorithm.
SIAM J. Comput. 6(1): 151-154 (1977) |
| 1976 |
2 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
A Linear Algorithm for the Hamiltonian Completion Number of a Tree.
Inf. Process. Lett. 5(2): 55-57 (1976) |
| 1974 |
1 |  | Sukhamay Kundu:
Existence of Graphs with Three Spanning Trees and Given Degree Sequence.
SIAM J. Comput. 3(4): 296-298 (1974) |