| 2005 |
8 |  | William List,
David Brewer:
Measuring the effectivness of an internal control system.
ISSA 2005: 1-13 |
| 1998 |
7 |  | Sushil Jajodia,
William List,
Graeme W. McGregor,
Leon Strous:
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems, IFIP TC11 Working Group 11.5, Second Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Bridging Business Requirements and Research Results, Warrenton, Virginia, USA, November 19-20, 1998
Kluwer 1998 |
| 1997 |
6 |  | Sushil Jajodia,
William List,
Graeme W. McGregor,
Leon Strous:
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems, IFIP TC11 Working Group 11.5, First Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Increasing the confidence in Information Systems, Zurich, Switzerland, December 4-5, 1997
Chapman Hall 1997 |
5 |  | William List,
W. R. Melville:
Integrity in Information Systems.
IICIS 1997: 295-340 |
4 |  | William List:
Detecting Data Integrity Failures.
IICIS 1997: 341-348 |
3 |  | William List:
The Effects of Time on Integrity in Information Systems.
IICIS 1997: 349-358 |
| 1996 |
2 |  | William List:
The effects of time on integrity in information systems.
SEC 1996: 100-107 |
| 1994 |
1 |  | William List,
Rob Melville:
Integrity in information systems - Executive summary.
Computers & Security 13(4): 295-301 (1994) |