| 2009 |
25 |  | Witold Abramowicz,
Leszek A. Maciaszek,
Ryszard Kowalczyk,
Andreas Speck:
Business Process, Services Computing and Intelligent Service Management, Leipzig, Germany, March 23-25, 2009
GI 2009 |
| 2008 |
24 |  | Witold Abramowicz,
Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Message from the SemBPM 2008 Workshop Organizers.
COMPSAC 2008: 985 |
23 |  | Witold Abramowicz,
Leszek A. Maciaszek:
SemBPM 2008 Workshop Organization.
COMPSAC 2008: 986 |
22 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Building Quality into Web Information Systems.
WEBIST (1) 2008 |
21 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Architecture-Centric Software Quality Management.
WEBIST (Selected Papers) 2008: 11-26 |
| 2007 |
20 |  | John C. Grundy,
Sven Hartmann,
Alberto H. F. Laender,
Leszek A. Maciaszek,
John F. Roddick:
Challenges in Conceptual Modelling. Tutorials, posters, panels and industrial contributions at the 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007. Auckland, New Zealand, November 5-9, 2007. Proceedings
Australian Computer Society 2007 |
19 |  | Witold Abramowicz,
Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Business Process and Services Computing: 1st International Working Conference on Business Process and Services Computing, BPSC 2007, September 25-26, 2007, Leipzig, Germany.
GI 2007 |
18 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Modeling and Engineering Adaptive Complex Systems.
ER (Tutorials, Posters, Panels & Industrial Contributions) 2007: 31-38 |
| 2006 |
17 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Adaptive integration of enterprise and B2B applications.
ICSOFT (1) 2006 |
16 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
From Hubs Via Holons to an Adaptive Meta-Architecture - the "AD-HOC" Approach.
SET 2006: 1-13 |
| 2005 |
15 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Roundtrip Architectural Modeling.
APCCM 2005: 17-23 |
14 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Developing Supportable Enterprise Information Systems - Architectural, Managerial, and Engineering Imperatives.
ICSM 2005: 721-722 |
| 2004 |
13 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Managing Complexity of Enterprise Information Systems.
ICEIS (1) 2004: IS-9-IS-13 |
| 2003 |
12 |  | Bruc Lee Liong,
Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Computing Event Dependencies in System Designs and Programs.
CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2003 |
11 |  | Bruc Lee Liong,
Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Computing Message Dependencies in System Designs and Programs.
ICEIS (3) 2003: 619-622 |
| 2000 |
10 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Process model for round-trip engineering with relational database.
IRMA Conference 2000: 468-472 |
9 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek,
Kin-Shing Wong:
UML dialect for designing object-relational databases.
IRMA Conference 2000: 473-477 |
| 1996 |
8 |  | Igor Hawryszkiewycz,
Leszek A. Maciaszek,
Janusz R. Getta:
Coordination and artifact semantics in asynchronous distributed cooperation.
Journal of Systems and Software 33(2): 179-188 (1996) |
| 1995 |
7 |  | Janusz R. Getta,
Leszek A. Maciaszek,
Igor Hawryszkiewycz:
Correctness of Asynchronous Distributed Cooperation.
CoopIS 1995: 55-65 |
6 |  | Janusz R. Getta,
Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Management of Inconsistent Information in Federated Systems.
OOER 1995: 412-423 |
| 1994 |
5 |  | Igor Hawryszkiewycz,
Dimitris Karagiannis,
Leszek A. Maciaszek,
Bernd Teufel:
Response-Requirements Specific Object Model for Workgroup Computing.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 3(3): 293-318 (1994) |
| 1992 |
4 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek,
Christopher N. G. Dampney,
Janusz R. Getta:
Behavioural Object Clustering.
Future Databases 1992: 186-193 |
| 1989 |
3 |  | Jerzy J. Korczak,
Leszek A. Maciaszek,
G. J. Stafford:
Knowledge Base for Database Design.
DASFAA 1989: 61-68 |
| 1985 |
2 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Record-to-Area Mapping in the CODASYL Environment.
FODO 1985: 377-390 |
1 |  | Leszek A. Maciaszek:
Database Research and Development in Australia.
FODO 1985: 611-613 |