| 2009 |
40 |  | Alexander Lux,
Heiko Mantel:
Declassification with Explicit Reference Points.
ESORICS 2009: 69-85 |
| 2008 |
39 |  | Alexander Lux,
Heiko Mantel:
Who Can Declassify?.
Formal Aspects in Security and Trust 2008: 35-49 |
38 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Henning Sudbrock:
Information-Theoretic Modeling and Analysis of Interrupt-Related Covert Channels.
Formal Aspects in Security and Trust 2008: 67-81 |
37 |  | Serge Autexier,
Heiko Mantel,
Stephan Merz,
Tobias Nipkow:
J. Autom. Reasoning 41(3-4): 191-192 (2008) |
| 2007 |
36 |  | Peng Ning,
Vijay Atluri,
Virgil D. Gligor,
Heiko Mantel:
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Formal methods in security engineering, FMSE 2007, Fairfax, VA, USA, November 2, 2007
ACM 2007 |
35 |  | Gilles Barthe,
Heiko Mantel,
Peter Müller,
Andrew C. Myers,
Andrei Sabelfeld:
Mobility, Ubiquity and Security, 25.02. - 02.03.2007
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007 |
34 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Henning Sudbrock:
Comparing Countermeasures against Interrupt-Related Covert Channels in an Information-Theoretic Framework.
CSF 2007: 326-340 |
33 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Alexander Reinhard:
Controlling the What and Where of Declassification in Language-Based Security.
ESOP 2007: 141-156 |
32 |  | Gilles Barthe,
Heiko Mantel,
Peter Müller,
Andrew C. Myers,
Andrei Sabelfeld:
07091 Abstracts Collection - Mobility, Ubiquity and Security.
Mobility, Ubiquity and Security 2007 |
31 |  | Gilles Barthe,
Heiko Mantel,
Peter Müller,
Andrew C. Myers,
Andrei Sabelfeld:
07091 Executive Summary - Mobility, Ubiquity and Security.
Mobility, Ubiquity and Security 2007 |
30 |  | Boris Köpf,
Heiko Mantel:
Transformational typing and unification for automatically correcting insecure programs.
Int. J. Inf. Sec. 6(2-3): 107-131 (2007) |
29 |  | Dieter Hutter,
Heiko Mantel,
Ina Schaefer,
Axel Schairer:
Security of multi-agent systems: A case study on comparison shopping.
J. Applied Logic 5(2): 303-332 (2007) |
| 2006 |
28 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Henning Sudbrock,
Tina Kraußer:
Combining Different Proof Techniques for Verifying Information Flow Security.
LOPSTR 2006: 94-110 |
| 2005 |
27 |  | Anindya Banerjee,
Heiko Mantel,
David A. Naumann,
Andrei Sabelfeld:
Language-Based Security, 5.-10. October 2003
IBFI, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2005 |
26 |  | Heiko Mantel:
The framework of selective interleaving functions and the modular assembly kit.
FMSE 2005: 53-62 |
25 |  | Boris Köpf,
Heiko Mantel:
Eliminating Implicit Information Leaks by Transformational Typing and Unification.
Formal Aspects in Security and Trust 2005: 47-62 |
24 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Axel Schairer:
Exploiting Generic Aspects of Security Models in Formal Developments.
Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning 2005: 452-475 |
23 |  | Serge Autexier,
Iliano Cervesato,
Heiko Mantel:
Preface to the special issue of selected papers from FCS/VERIFY 2002.
Int. J. Inf. Sec. 4(1-2): 1 (2005) |
| 2004 |
22 |  | Heiko Mantel,
David Sands:
Controlled Declassification Based on Intransitive Noninterference.
APLAS 2004: 129-145 |
21 |  | Christoph Kreitz,
Heiko Mantel:
A Matrix Characterization for Multiplicative Exponential Linear Logic.
J. Autom. Reasoning 32(2): 121-166 (2004) |
| 2003 |
20 |  | Anindya Banerjee,
Heiko Mantel,
David A. Naumann,
Andrei Sabelfeld:
03411 Abstracts Collection - Language Based Security.
Language Based Security 2003 |
19 |  | Anindya Banerjee,
Heiko Mantel,
David A. Naumann,
Andrei Sabelfeld:
03411 Final Report - Language Based Security.
Language Based Security 2003 |
18 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Andrei Sabelfeld:
A Unifying Approach to the Security of Distributed and Multi-Threaded Programs.
Journal of Computer Security 11(4): 615-676 (2003) |
| 2002 |
17 |  | Heiko Mantel:
On the Composition of Secure Systems.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2002: 88- |
16 |  | Andrei Sabelfeld,
Heiko Mantel:
Securing Communication in a Concurrent Language.
SAS 2002: 376-394 |
| 2001 |
15 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Andrei Sabelfeld:
A Generic Approach to the Security of Multi-Threaded Programs.
CSFW 2001: 126- |
14 |  | Heiko Mantel:
Information Flow Control and Applications - Bridging a Gap.
FME 2001: 153-172 |
13 |  | Heiko Mantel:
Preserving Information Flow Properties under Refinement.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2001: 78- |
| 2000 |
12 |  | Heiko Mantel:
Possibilistic Definitions of Security - An Assembly Kit.
CSFW 2000: 185-199 |
11 |  | Heiko Mantel:
Unwinding Possibilistic Security Properties.
ESORICS 2000: 238-254 |
10 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Felix C. Gärtner:
A Case Study in the Mechanical Verification of Fault Tolerance.
FLAIRS Conference 2000: 341-345 |
9 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Felix C. Gärtner:
A case study in the mechanical verification of fault tolerance.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 12(4): 473-487 (2000) |
8 |  | Serge Autexier,
Dieter Hutter,
Bruno Langenstein,
Heiko Mantel,
Georg Rock,
Axel Schairer,
Werner Stephan,
Roland Vogt,
Andreas Wolpers:
VSE: formal methods meet industrial needs.
STTT 3(1): 66-77 (2000) |
| 1999 |
7 |  | Serge Autexier,
Dieter Hutter,
Heiko Mantel,
Axel Schairer:
System Description: inka 5.0 - A Logic Voyager.
CADE 1999: 207-211 |
6 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Jens Otten:
linTAP: A Tableau Prover for Linear Logic.
TABLEAUX 1999: 217-231 |
5 |  | Serge Autexier,
Dieter Hutter,
Heiko Mantel,
Axel Schairer:
Towards an Evolutionary Formal Software-Development Using CASL.
WADT 1999: 73-88 |
| 1998 |
4 |  | Dieter Hutter,
Heiko Mantel,
Georg Rock,
Werner Stephan,
Andreas Wolpers,
Michael Balser,
Wolfgang Reif,
Gerhard Schellhorn,
Kurt Stenzel:
VSE: Controlling the Complexity in Formal Software Developments.
FM-Trends 1998: 351-358 |
3 |  | Heiko Mantel,
Christoph Kreitz:
A Matrix Characterization for MELL.
JELIA 1998: 169-183 |
2 |  | Serge Autexier,
Heiko Mantel,
Werner Stephan:
Simultaneous Quantifier Elimination.
KI 1998: 141-152 |
| 1997 |
1 |  | Christoph Kreitz,
Heiko Mantel,
Jens Otten,
Stephan Schmitt:
Connection-Based Proof Construction in Linear Logic.
CADE 1997: 207-221 |