| 2009 |
34 |  | Rob Arthan,
Ursula Martin,
Erik A. Mathiesen,
Paulo Oliva:
A general framework for sound and complete Floyd-Hoare logics.
ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 11(1): (2009) |
| 2008 |
33 |  | Denise W. Gürer,
Jennifer Light,
Christina Björkman,
Rhian Davies,
Mark S. Hancock,
Anne Condon,
Annemieke Craig,
Vashti Galpin,
Ursula Martin,
Margit Pohl,
Sylvia Wiltner,
M. Suriya,
Ellen Spertus,
Joanne McGrath Cohoon,
Gloria Childress Townsend,
Paula Gabbert:
Women in Computing.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008 |
32 |  | Rob Arthan,
Ursula Martin,
Erik A. Mathiesen,
Paulo Oliva:
A General Framework for Sound and Complete Floyd-Hoare Logics
CoRR abs/0807.1016: (2008) |
| 2006 |
31 |  | Ursula Martin,
Erik A. Mathiesen,
Paulo Oliva:
Hoare Logic in the Abstract.
CSL 2006: 501-515 |
| 2005 |
30 |  | Hanne Gottliebsen,
Tom Kelsey,
Ursula Martin:
Hidden verification for computational mathematics.
J. Symb. Comput. 39(5): 539-567 (2005) |
| 2004 |
29 |  | Richard J. Boulton,
Hanne Gottliebsen,
Ruth Hardy,
Tom Kelsey,
Ursula Martin:
Design Verification for Control Engineering.
IFM 2004: 21-35 |
| 2003 |
28 |  | Richard J. Boulton,
Ruth Hardy,
Ursula Martin:
A Hoare Logic for Single-Input Single-Output Continuous-Time Control Systems.
HSCC 2003: 113-125 |
| 2001 |
27 |  | Andrew Adams,
Martin Dunstan,
Hanne Gottliebsen,
Tom Kelsey,
Ursula Martin,
Sam Owre:
Computer Algebra Meets Automated Theorem Proving: Integrating Maple and PVS.
TPHOLs 2001: 27-42 |
26 |  | Nick Cropper,
Ursula Martin:
The Classification of Polynomial Orderings on Monadic Terms.
Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 12(3): 197-226 (2001) |
| 2000 |
25 |  | Simon Colton,
Volker Sorge,
Ursula Martin:
Workshop: The Role of Automated Deduction in Mathematics.
CADE 2000: 517 |
24 |  | Ursula Martin,
Duncan Shand:
Invariants, Patterns and Weights for Ordering Terms.
J. Symb. Comput. 29(6): 921-957 (2000) |
| 1999 |
23 |  | A. A. Adams,
Hanne Gottliebsen,
Steve Linton,
Ursula Martin:
VSDITLU: a verifiable symbolic definite integral table look-up.
CADE 1999: 112-126 |
22 |  | A. A. Adams,
Hanne Gottliebsen,
Steve Linton,
Ursula Martin:
Automated Theorem Proving in Support of Computer Algebra: Symbolic Definite Integration as a Case Study.
ISSAC 1999: 253-260 |
21 |  | Martin Dunstan,
Tom Kelsey,
Ursula Martin,
Steve Linton:
Formal Methods for Extensions to CAS.
World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 1758-1777 |
| 1998 |
20 |  | Martin Dunstan,
Tom Kelsey,
Steve Linton,
Ursula Martin:
Lightweight Formal Methods for Computer Algebra Systems.
ISSAC 1998: 80-87 |
| 1997 |
19 |  | Ursula Martin,
Elizabeth Scott:
The Order Types of Termination Orderings on Monadic Terms, Strings and Multisets.
J. Symb. Log. 62(2): 624-635 (1997) |
| 1996 |
18 |  | Ursula Martin:
Theorem Proving with Group Presentations: Examples and Questions.
CADE 1996: 358-372 |
17 |  | Steve Linton,
Ursula Martin,
Péter Pröhle,
Duncan Shand:
Algebra and Automated Deduction.
CADE 1996: 448-462 |
| 1995 |
16 |  | Ursula Martin:
On the Diversity of Orderings on Strings.
Fundam. Inform. 24(1/2): 25-46 (1995) |
| 1994 |
15 |  | Ursula Martin:
Termination, Geometry and Invariants.
CADE 1994: 432-434 |
14 |  | Ursula Martin,
M. Thomas:
Verification Techniques for LOTOS.
FME 1994: 83-92 |
| 1993 |
13 |  | Ursula Martin,
Jeannette M. Wing:
First International Workshop on Larch, Proceedings of the first First International Workshop on Larch, Dedham, Massachusetts, USA, 13-15 July 1992
Springer 1993 |
12 |  | Ursula Martin,
Elizabeth Scott:
The order types of termination orderings on monadic terms, strings and multisets
LICS 1993: 356-363 |
11 |  | Ursula Martin:
Linear Interpretations by Counting Patterns.
RTA 1993: 421-433 |
| 1992 |
10 |  | Ursula Martin,
M. Lai:
Some Experiments with a Completion Theorem Prover.
J. Symb. Comput. 13(1): 81-100 (1992) |
| 1990 |
9 |  | Ursula Martin,
Tobias Nipkow:
Ordered Rewriting and Confluence.
CADE 1990: 366-380 |
8 |  | Jeremy Dick,
John Kalmus,
Ursula Martin:
Automating the Knuth Bendix Ordering.
Acta Inf. 28(2): 95-119 (1990) |
7 |  | Ursula Martin:
A Note on Division Orderings on Strings.
Inf. Process. Lett. 36(5): 237-240 (1990) |
| 1989 |
6 |  | Ursula Martin,
Tobias Nipkow:
Boolean Unification - The Story So Far.
J. Symb. Comput. 7(3/4): 275-293 (1989) |
5 |  | Ursula Martin:
A Geometrical Approach to Multiset Orderings.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 67(1): 17-54 (1989) |
| 1988 |
4 |  | Ursula Martin,
Tobias Nipkow:
Unification in Boolean Rings.
J. Autom. Reasoning 4(4): 381-396 (1988) |
| 1987 |
3 |  | Ursula Martin:
How to Choose Weights in the Knuth Bendix Ordering.
RTA 1987: 42-53 |
2 |  | Ursula Martin:
Extension Functions for Multiset Orderings.
Inf. Process. Lett. 26(4): 181-186 (1987) |
| 1986 |
1 |  | Ursula Martin,
Tobias Nipkow:
Unification in Boolean Rings.
CADE 1986: 506-513 |