| 2009 |
18 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Unsupervised strategies for shilling detection and robust collaborative filtering.
User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 19(1-2): 65-97 (2009) |
| 2008 |
17 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Attack resistant collaborative filtering.
SIGIR 2008: 75-82 |
16 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Saurabh Nangia,
Manish Gupta,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Detecting image spam using visual features and near duplicate detection.
WWW 2008: 497-506 |
15 |  | Ralf Krestel,
Bhaskar Mehta:
Predicting News Story Importance Using Language Features.
Web Intelligence 2008: 683-689 |
14 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Thomas Hofmann:
A Survey of Attack-Resistant Collaborative Filtering Algorithms.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 31(2): 14-22 (2008) |
| 2007 |
13 |  | Bhaskar Mehta:
Unsupervised Shilling Detection for Collaborative Filtering.
AAAI 2007: 1402-1407 |
12 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Thomas Hofmann,
Peter Fankhauser:
Lies and propaganda: detecting spam users in collaborative filtering.
IUI 2007: 14-21 |
11 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Thomas Hofmann,
Wolfgang Nejdl:
Robust collaborative filtering.
RecSys 2007: 49-56 |
10 |  | Bhaskar Mehta:
Learning from What Others Know: Privacy Preserving Cross System Personalization.
User Modeling 2007: 57-66 |
| 2006 |
9 |  | Bhaskar Mehta:
Cross System Personalization by Learning Manifold Alignments.
AAAI 2006 |
8 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Thomas Hofmann:
Cross System Personalization and Collaborative Filtering by Learning Manifold Alignments.
KI 2006: 244-259 |
| 2005 |
7 |  | Erich J. Neuhold,
Claudia Niederée,
Ingo Frommholz,
Avare Stewart,
Bhaskar Mehta:
The Role of Context for Information Mediation.
UDM 2005: 3-5 |
6 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Claudia Niederée,
Avare Stewart,
Marco Degemmis,
Pasquale Lops,
Giovanni Semeraro:
Ontologically-Enriched Unified User Modeling for Cross-System Personalization.
User Modeling 2005: 119-123 |
| 2004 |
5 |  | Ingo Frommholz,
Predrag Knezevic,
Bhaskar Mehta,
Claudia Niederée,
Thomas Risse,
Ulrich Thiel:
Supporting Information Access in Next Generation Digital Library Architectures.
DELOS Workshop: Digital Library Architectures 2004: 49-60 |
4 |  | Predrag Knezevic,
Bhaskar Mehta,
Claudia Niederée,
Thomas Risse,
Ulrich Thiel,
Ingo Frommholz:
Supporting Information Access in Next Generation Digital Library Architectures.
DELOS Workshop: Digital Library Architectures - LNCS Volume 2004: 207-222 |
3 |  | Erich J. Neuhold,
Claudia Niederée,
Avare Stewart,
Ingo Frommholz,
Bhaskar Mehta:
The Role of Context for Information Mediation in Digital Libraries.
ICADL 2004: 133-143 |
2 |  | Avare Stewart,
Claudia Niederée,
Bhaskar Mehta,
Matthias Hemmje,
Erich J. Neuhold:
Extending Your Neighborhood-Relationship-Based Recommendations Using Your Personal Web Context.
ICADL 2004: 523-532 |
1 |  | Bhaskar Mehta,
Claudia Niederée,
Avare Stewart,
Claudio Muscogiuri,
Erich J. Neuhold:
An Architecture for Recommendation Based Service Mediation.
ICSNW 2004: 250-262 |