| 2009 |
41 |  | Stefan Dziembowski,
Alessandro Mei,
Alessandro Panconesi:
On Active Attacks on Sensor Network Key Distribution Schemes.
ALGOSENSORS 2009: 52-63 |
40 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Julinda Stefa:
SWIM: A Simple Model to Generate Small Mobile Worlds.
INFOCOM 2009: 2106-2113 |
39 |  | Mauro Conti,
Roberto Di Pietro,
Andrea Gabrielli,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
The Quest for Mobility Models to Analyse Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
WWIC 2009: 85-96 |
38 |  | Mauro Conti,
Roberto Di Pietro,
Andrea Gabrielli,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
The Smallville Effect: Social Ties Make Mobile Networks More Secure Against the Node Capture Attack
CoRR abs/0912.2199: (2009) |
37 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Julinda Stefa:
Routing in Outer Space: Fair Traffic Load in Multihop Wireless Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers 58(6): 839-850 (2009) |
36 |  | Mauro Conti,
Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
Distributed data source verification in wireless sensor networks.
Information Fusion 10(4): 342-353 (2009) |
| 2008 |
35 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Julinda Stefa:
Routing in Outer Space.
INFOCOM 2008: 2234-2242 |
34 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Julinda Stefa:
Routing in outer space: fair traffic load in multi-hop wireless networks.
MobiHoc 2008: 23-32 |
33 |  | Mauro Conti,
Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
Emergent properties: detection of the node-capture attack in mobile wireless sensor networks.
WISEC 2008: 214-219 |
32 |  | Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei,
Alessandro Panconesi,
Jaikumar Radhakrishnan:
Redoubtable Sensor Networks.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 11(3): (2008) |
31 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Julinda Stefa:
SWIM: A Simple Model to Generate Small Mobile Worlds
CoRR abs/0809.2730: (2008) |
| 2007 |
30 |  | Vishwas Patil,
Alessandro Mei,
Luigi V. Mancini:
Addressing interoperability issues in access control models.
ASIACCS 2007: 389-391 |
29 |  | Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
Towards threat-adaptive dynamic fragment replication in large scale distributed systems.
IPDPS 2007: 1 |
28 |  | Mauro Conti,
Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
A randomized, efficient, and distributed protocol for the detection of node replication attacks in wireless sensor networks.
MobiHoc 2007: 80-89 |
27 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Julinda Stefa:
Routing in Outer Space: Improved Security and Energy-Efficiency in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
CoRR abs/0711.0892: (2007) |
| 2006 |
26 |  | Giorgio Zanin,
Alessandro Mei,
Luigi V. Mancini:
A Secure and Efficient Large Scale Distributed System for Data Sharing.
ICDCS 2006: 27 |
25 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Romeo Rizzi:
Online Permutation Routing in Partitioned Optical Passive Star Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers 55(12): 1557-1571 (2006) |
24 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Romeo Rizzi:
Hypercube Computations on Partitioned Optical Passive Stars Networks.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 17(6): 497-507 (2006) |
23 |  | Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
Energy efficient node-to-node authentication and communication confidentiality in wireless sensor networks.
Wireless Networks 12(6): 709-721 (2006) |
| 2005 |
22 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Romeo Rizzi:
Online Permutation Routing in Partitioned Optical Passive Star Networks
CoRR abs/cs/0502093: (2005) |
21 |  | Devdatt P. Dubhashi,
Alessandro Mei,
Alessandro Panconesi,
Jaikumar Radhakrishnan,
Aravind Srinivasan:
Fast distributed algorithms for (weakly) connected dominating sets and linear-size skeletons.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 71(4): 467-479 (2005) |
| 2004 |
20 |  | Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
Efficient and Resilient Key Discovery Based on Pseudo-Random Key Pre-Deployment.
IPDPS 2004 |
19 |  | Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei,
Alessandro Panconesi,
Jaikumar Radhakrishnan:
Connectivity properties of secure wireless sensor networks.
SASN 2004: 53-58 |
18 |  | Alan A. Bertossi,
Alessandro Mei:
Time and work optimal simulation of basic reconfigurable meshes on hypercubes.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(1): 173-180 (2004) |
17 |  | Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
Key management for high bandwidth secure multicast.
Journal of Computer Security 12(5): 693-709 (2004) |
| 2003 |
16 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Romeo Rizzi:
Mapping Hypercube Computations onto Partitioned Optical Passive Star Networks.
HiPC 2003: 95-104 |
15 |  | Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
Random key-assignment for secure Wireless Sensor Networks.
SASN 2003: 62-71 |
14 |  | Roberto Di Pietro,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Alessandro Mei:
A Time Driven Methodology for Key Dimensioning in Multicast Communications.
SEC 2003: 121-132 |
13 |  | Devdatt P. Dubhashi,
Alessandro Mei,
Alessandro Panconesi,
Jaikumar Radhakrishnan,
Aravind Srinivasan:
Fast distributed algorithms for (weakly) connected dominating sets and linear-size skeletons.
SODA 2003: 717-724 |
12 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Luigi V. Mancini,
Sushil Jajodia:
Secure Dynamic Fragment and Replica Allocation in Large-Scale Distributed File Systems.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(9): 885-896 (2003) |
11 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Romeo Rizzi:
Routing permutations in Partitioned Optical Passive Stars Networks.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(9): 847-852 (2003) |
| 2002 |
10 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Romeo Rizzi:
Routing Permutations in Partitioned Optical Passive Star Networks.
IPDPS 2002 |
| 2001 |
9 |  | Alessandro Mei,
Romeo Rizzi:
Routing Permutations in Partitioned Optical Passive Star Networks
CoRR cs.DC/0109027: (2001) |
| 2000 |
8 |  | Reetinder P. S. Sidhu,
Sameer Wadhwa,
Alessandro Mei,
Viktor K. Prasanna:
A Self-Reconfigurable Gate Array Architecture.
FPL 2000: 106-120 |
7 |  | Alan A. Bertossi,
Alessandro Mei:
Optimal Segmented Scan and Simulation of Reconfigurable Architectures on Fixed Connection Networks.
HiPC 2000: 51-60 |
6 |  | Alan A. Bertossi,
Alessandro Mei:
A Residue Number System on Reconfigurable Mesh with Applications to Prefix Sums and Approximate String Matching.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 11(11): 1186-1199 (2000) |
5 |  | Alan A. Bertossi,
Alessandro Mei:
Constant Time Dynamic Programming on Directed Reconfigurable Networks.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 11(6): 529-536 (2000) |
| 1999 |
4 |  | Reetinder P. S. Sidhu,
Alessandro Mei,
Viktor K. Prasanna:
String Natching on Nulticontext FPGAs Using Self-Reconfiguration.
FPGA 1999: 217-226 |
3 |  | Reetinder P. S. Sidhu,
Alessandro Mei,
Viktor K. Prasanna:
Genetic Programming Using Self-Reconfigurable FPGAs.
FPL 1999: 301-312 |
2 |  | Andreas Dandalis,
Alessandro Mei,
Viktor K. Prasanna:
Domain Specific Mapping for Solving Graph Problems on Reconfigurable Devices.
IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 652-660 |
| 1997 |
1 |  | Alan A. Bertossi,
Alessandro Mei:
P-Bandwidth Priority Queues on Reconfigurable Tree of Meshes.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 40(2): 248-255 (1997) |