| 2008 |
54 |  | Maxime Morneau,
Guy W. Mineau:
Employing a Domain Specific Ontology to Perform Semantic Search.
ICCS 2008: 242-254 |
| 2007 |
53 |  | Mohamed Aounallah,
Guy W. Mineau:
Distributed Data Mining: Why Do More Than Aggregating Models.
IJCAI 2007: 2645-2650 |
52 |  | Olivier Gerbé,
Guy W. Mineau,
Rudolf K. Keller:
Un métamodèle des graphes conceptuels.
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 21(2): 255-284 (2007) |
| 2006 |
51 |  | Mohamed Aounallah,
Guy W. Mineau:
Rule Validation of a Meta-classifier Through a Galois (Concept) Lattice and Complementary Means.
CLA 2006: 123-138 |
50 |  | Mohamed Aounallah,
Guy W. Mineau:
Le forage distribué des données: une méthode simple, rapide et efficace.
EGC 2006: 95-106 |
49 |  | Maxime Morneau,
Guy W. Mineau,
Dan Corbett:
SeseiOnto: Interfacing NLP and Ontology Extraction.
Web Intelligence 2006: 449-455 |
| 2005 |
48 |  | Simon Réhel,
Guy W. Mineau:
Vocabulary Completion Through Word Cooccurrence Analysis Using Unlabeled Documents for Text Categorization.
Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 377-388 |
47 |  | Mohamed Aounallah,
Sébastien Quirion,
Guy W. Mineau:
Forage distribué des données : une comparaison entre l'agrégation d'échantillons et l'agrégation de règles.
EGC 2005: 43-54 |
46 |  | Pascal Soucy,
Guy W. Mineau:
Beyond TFIDF Weighting for Text Categorization in the Vector Space Model.
IJCAI 2005: 1130-1135 |
| 2004 |
45 |  | Mohamed Aounallah,
Sébastien Quirion,
Guy W. Mineau:
Distributed Data Mining vs. Sampling Techniques: A Comparison.
Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 454-460 |
44 |  | Sehl Mellouli,
Bernard Moulin,
Guy W. Mineau:
Towards a Modelling Methodology for Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent System.
Informatica (Slovenia) 28(1): 31-40 (2004) |
| 2003 |
43 |  | Sehl Mellouli,
Guy W. Mineau,
Bernard Moulin:
Situation Event Logic for Early Validation of Multi-Agent Systems.
Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 370-382 |
42 |  | Pascal Soucy,
Guy W. Mineau:
Feature Selection Strategies for Text Categorization.
Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 505-509 |
41 |  | Sadok Ben Yahia,
Cherif Chiraz Latiri,
Guy W. Mineau,
Ali Jaoua:
Découverte des règles associatives non redondantes - Application aux corpus textuels.
EGC 2003: 131-144 |
40 |  | Sehl Mellouli,
Bernard Moulin,
Guy W. Mineau:
Laying Down the Foundations of an Agent Modelling Methodology for Fault-Tolerant Multi-agent Systems.
ESAW 2003: 275-293 |
39 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
Representing and Enforcing Interaction Protocols in Multi-Agent Systems: an Approach Based on Conceptual Graphs.
IAT 2003: 261-267 |
38 |  | Stéphane Nicolas,
Bernard Moulin,
Guy W. Mineau:
Sesei: A CG-Based Filter for Internet Search Engines.
ICCS 2003: 362-377 |
| 2002 |
37 |  | Sehl Mellouli,
Guy W. Mineau,
Daniel Pascot:
The integrated modeling of multi-agent systems and their environment.
AAMAS 2002: 507-508 |
36 |  | Sehl Mellouli,
Guy W. Mineau,
Daniel Pascot:
Modelling a Multi-agent System Environment.
ESAW 2002: 227-240 |
35 |  | Olivier Gerbé,
Guy W. Mineau:
The CG Formalism as an Ontolingua for Web-Oriented Representation Languages.
ICCS 2002: 205-219 |
34 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
A First Step toward the Knowledge Web : Interoperability Issues among Conceptual Graph Based Software Agents, Part I.
ICCS 2002: 250-260 |
| 2001 |
33 |  | Olivier Gerbé,
Guy W. Mineau,
Rudolf K. Keller:
Conceptual Graphs and Metamodeling.
ICCS 2001: 245-259 |
32 |  | Pascal Soucy,
Guy W. Mineau:
A Simple KNN Algorithm for Text Categorization.
ICDM 2001: 647-648 |
31 |  | Pascal Soucy,
Guy W. Mineau:
A Simple Feature Selection Method for Text Classification.
IJCAI 2001: 897-902 |
| 2000 |
30 |  | Bernhard Ganter,
Guy W. Mineau:
Conceptual Structures: Logical, Linguistic, and Computational Issues, 8th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2000, Darmstadt, Germany, August 14-18, 2000, Proceedings
Springer 2000 |
29 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
The Engineering of a CG-Based System: Fundamental Issues.
ICCS 2000: 140-156 |
28 |  | Olivier Gerbé,
Guy W. Mineau,
Rudolf K. Keller:
Conceptual Graphs, Metamodeling, and Notation of Concepts.
ICCS 2000: 157-171 |
27 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
The Extensional Semantics of the Conceptual Graph Formalism.
ICCS 2000: 221-234 |
26 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Rokia Missaoui,
Robert Godin:
Conceptual Modeling Using Conceptual Graphs.
KRDB 2000: 73-86 |
25 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Rokia Missaoui,
Robert Godin:
Conceptual modeling for data and knowledge management.
Data Knowl. Eng. 33(2): 137-168 (2000) |
24 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Akshay Bissoon,
Robert Godin:
Simple Pre- and Post-Pruning Techniques for Large Conceptual Clustering Structures.
Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell. 4(C): 1-20 (2000) |
| 1999 |
23 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
Constraints and Goals under the Conceptual Graph Formalism: One Way to Solve the SCG-1 Problem.
ICCS 1999: 334-354 |
22 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Gerd Stumme,
Rudolf Wille:
Conceptual Structures Represented by Conceptual Graphs and Formal Concept Analysis.
ICCS 1999: 423-441 |
21 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
Constraints on Processes: Essential Elements for the Validation and Execution of Processes.
ICCS 1999: 66-82 |
20 |  | Andrew Fall,
Guy W. Mineau:
Knowledge Retrieval, Use and Storage for Efficiency.
Computational Intelligence 15: 1-10 (1999) |
| 1998 |
19 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Mounsif Lahboub,
Jean-Marie Beaulieu:
An Object Indexing Methodology as Support to Object Recognition.
Canadian Conference on AI 1998: 72-85 |
18 |  | Olivier Gerbé,
Guy W. Mineau,
Rudolf K. Keller:
Conceptual Graphs for Representing Business Process in Corporate Memories.
ICCS 1998: 401-415 |
17 |  | Aldo de Moor,
Guy W. Mineau:
Handling Specification Knowledge Evolution Using Context Lattices.
ICCS 1998: 416-430 |
16 |  | Hung Wing,
Robert M. Colomb,
Guy W. Mineau:
Using CG Formal Contexts to Support Business System Interoperations (Research Note).
ICCS 1998: 431-438 |
15 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
From Actors to Processes: The Representation of Dynamic Knowledge Using Conceptual Graphs.
ICCS 1998: 65-79 |
14 |  | Robert Godin,
Hafedh Mili,
Guy W. Mineau,
Rokia Missaoui,
Amina Arfi,
Thuy-Tien Chau:
Design of Class Hierarchies Based on Concept (Galois) Lattices.
TAPOS 4(2): 117-134 (1998) |
| 1997 |
13 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Rokia Missaoui:
The Representation of Semantic Constraints in Conceptual Graph Systems.
ICCS 1997: 138-152 |
12 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Olivier Gerbé:
Contexts: A Formal Definition of Worlds of Assertions.
ICCS 1997: 80-94 |
| 1995 |
11 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Robert Godin:
Automatic Structuring of Knowledge Bases by Conceptual Clustering.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 7(5): 824-828 (1995) |
10 |  | Robert Godin,
Guy W. Mineau,
Rokia Missaoui,
Marc St-Germain,
Najib Faraj:
Applying Concept Formation Methods to Software Reuse.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 5(1): 119-142 (1995) |
| 1994 |
9 |  | Amina Arfi,
Robert Godin,
Hafedh Mili,
Guy W. Mineau,
Rokia Missaoui:
Generating the Interface Hierarchy of a Class Library.
COODBSE 1994: 42-57 |
8 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
Views, Mappings and Functions: Essential Definitions to The Conceptual Graph Theory.
ICCS 1994: 160-174 |
| 1993 |
7 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Bernard Moulin,
John F. Sowa:
Conceptual Graphs for Knowledge Representation, ICCS '93, Quebec City, Canada, August 4-7, 1993, Proceedings
Springer 1993 |
6 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
Facilitating the Creation of a Multiple Index on Graph-Described Documents by Transforming Their Descriptions.
CIKM 1993: 132-138 |
5 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
The Term Definition Operators of Ontolingua and of the Conceptual Graph Formalism: a Comparison.
ICCS 1993: 90-105 |
4 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Robert Godin,
Rokia Missaoui:
Induction of Generic Data Models by Conceptual Clustering.
SEKE 1993: 554-564 |
| 1992 |
3 |  | Bernard Moulin,
Guy W. Mineau:
Using World Structures for Factoring Knowledge.
Workshop on Conceptual Graphs 1992: 13-33 |
2 |  | Guy W. Mineau:
Sharing Knowledge: Starting with the Integration of Vocabularies.
Workshop on Conceptual Graphs 1992: 34-45 |
| 1990 |
1 |  | Guy W. Mineau,
Jan Gecsei,
Robert Godin:
Structuring Knowledge Bases Using Automatic Learning.
ICDE 1990: 274-280 |