| 2007 |
21 |  | Arnon Amir,
Alon Efrat,
Jussi Myllymaki,
Lingeshwaran Palaniappan,
Kevin Wampler:
Buddy tracking - efficient proximity detection among mobile friends.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 3(5): 489-511 (2007) |
| 2005 |
20 |  | Naizhen Qi,
Michiharu Kudo,
Jussi Myllymaki,
Hamid Pirahesh:
A function-based access control model for XML databases.
CIKM 2005: 115-122 |
19 |  | Paul Brown,
Peter J. Haas,
Jussi Myllymaki,
Hamid Pirahesh,
Berthold Reinwald,
Yannis Sismanis:
Toward Automated Large-Scale Information Integration and Discovery.
Data Management in a Connected World 2005: 161-180 |
| 2004 |
18 |  | Feng Tian,
Berthold Reinwald,
Hamid Pirahesh,
Tobias Mayr,
Jussi Myllymaki:
Implementing a Scalable XML Publish/Subscribe System Using a Relational Database System.
SIGMOD Conference 2004: 479-490 |
17 |  | Roberto J. Bayardo Jr.,
Daniel Gruhl,
Vanja Josifovski,
Jussi Myllymaki:
An evaluation of binary XML encoding optimizations for fast stream based xml processing.
WWW 2004: 345-354 |
| 2003 |
16 |  | Jussi Myllymaki,
James H. Kaufman:
DynaMark: A Benchmark for Dynamic Spatial Indexing.
Mobile Data Management 2003: 92-105 |
15 |  | Jussi Myllymaki,
James H. Kaufman:
High-performance spatial indexing for location-based services.
WWW 2003: 112-117 |
14 |  | Jussi Myllymaki,
James H. Kaufman:
Mobile Data Management (Part 3) - DynaMark: Benchmarking Dynamic Spatial Indexing for Location-Based Services.
IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(12): (2003) |
| 2002 |
13 |  | Jussi Myllymaki,
Stefan Edlund:
Location Aggregation from Multiple Sources.
Mobile Data Management 2002: 131-138 |
12 |  | Jussi Myllymaki:
Effective Web data extraction with standard XML technologies.
Computer Networks 39(5): 635-644 (2002) |
11 |  | Jussi Myllymaki,
James H. Kaufman:
LOCUS: A Testbed for Dynamic Spatial Indexing.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 25(2): 48-55 (2002) |
| 2001 |
10 |  | Daniel Alexander Ford,
Joann Ruvolo,
Stefan Edlund,
Jussi Myllymaki,
James H. Kaufman,
Jared Jackson,
Martin Gerlach:
Tempus Fugit: A System for Making Semantic Connections.
CIKM 2001: 520-522 |
9 |  | Jussi Myllymaki:
Effective Web data extraction with standard XML technologies.
WWW 2001: 689-696 |
| 1998 |
8 |  | Maria L. Barja,
Tore Bratvold,
Jussi Myllymaki,
Gabriele Sonnenberger:
Informia: A Mediator for Integrated Access to Heterogeneous Information Sources.
CIKM 1998: 234-241 |
| 1997 |
7 |  | Jussi Myllymaki,
Miron Livny:
Relational Joins for Data on Tertiary Storage.
ICDE 1997: 159-168 |
6 |  | Miron Livny,
Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Kevin S. Beyer,
Guangshun Chen,
Donko Donjerkovic,
Shilpa Lawande,
Jussi Myllymaki,
R. Kent Wenger:
DEVise: Integrated Querying and Visualization of Large Datasets.
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 301-312 |
5 |  | Miron Livny,
Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Kevin S. Beyer,
Guangshun Chen,
Donko Donjerkovic,
Shilpa Lawande,
Jussi Myllymaki,
R. Kent Wenger:
DEVise: Integrated Querying and Visual Exploration of Large Datasets (Demo Abstract).
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 517-520 |
4 |  | Karen L. Karavanic,
Jussi Myllymaki,
Miron Livny,
Barton P. Miller:
Integrated Visualization of Parallel Program Performance Data.
Parallel Computing 23(1-2): 181-198 (1997) |
| 1996 |
3 |  | Daniel Alexander Ford,
Jussi Myllymaki:
A Log-Structured Organization for Tertiary Storage.
ICDE 1996: 20-27 |
2 |  | Jussi Myllymaki,
Miron Livny:
Efficient Buffering for Concurrent Disk and Tape I/O.
Perform. Eval. 27/28(4): 453-471 (1996) |
| 1995 |
1 |  | Jussi Myllymaki,
Miron Livny:
Disk-Tape Joins: Synchronizing Disk and Tape Access.
SIGMETRICS 1995: 279-290 |