| 2008 |
33 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Anastasios Michael Fotinopoulos,
Stella Seremetaki:
Conflicts between Relevance-Sensitive and Iterated Belief Revision.
ECAI 2008: 85-88 |
32 |  | Costas D. Koutras,
Christos Nomikos,
Pavlos Peppas:
On a Simple 3-valued Modal Language and a 3-valued Logic of 'not-fully-justified' Belief.
Logic Journal of the IGPL 16(6): 591-604 (2008) |
| 2007 |
31 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Samir Chopra,
Norman Y. Foo:
Distance Semantics for Relevance-Sensitive Belief Revision.
Formal Models of Belief Change in Rational Agents 2007 |
30 |  | Sheila A. McIlraith,
Pavlos Peppas,
Michael Thielscher:
J. Log. Comput. 17(5): 847-849 (2007) |
| 2006 |
29 |  | Loris Penserini,
Pavlos Peppas,
Anna Perini:
STAIRS 2006 - Proceedings of the Third Starting AI Researchers' Symposium, Riva del Garda, Trentino, Italy, 2006
IOS Press 2006 |
| 2005 |
28 |  | Dimitris Stavrinoudis,
Michalis Nik Xenos,
Pavlos Peppas,
Dimitris Christodoulakis:
Early Estimation of Users' Perception of Software Quality.
Software Quality Journal 13(2): 155-175 (2005) |
27 |  | Gerhard Brewka,
Pavlos Peppas:
Studia Logica 79(1): 3-5 (2005) |
| 2004 |
26 |  | Norman Y. Foo,
Pavlos Peppas:
Systems Theory: Melding the AI and Simulation Perspectives.
AIS 2004: 14-23 |
25 |  | Norman Y. Foo,
Pavlos Peppas:
System Properties of Action Theories.
AIS 2004: 416-427 |
24 |  | Norman Y. Foo,
Pavlos Peppas,
Yan Zhang:
Constraints from STRIPS - Preliminary Report.
Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 670-680 |
23 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Samir Chopra,
Norman Y. Foo:
Distance Semantics for Relevance-Sensitive Belief Revision.
KR 2004: 319-328 |
22 |  | Pavlos Peppas:
The Limit Assumption and Multiple Revision.
J. Log. Comput. 14(3): 355-371 (2004) |
| 2003 |
21 |  | Abhaya C. Nayak,
Maurice Pagnucco,
Pavlos Peppas:
Dynamic belief revision operators.
Artif. Intell. 146(2): 193-228 (2003) |
| 2002 |
20 |  | Costas D. Koutras,
Pavlos Peppas:
Weaker Axioms, More Ranges.
Fundam. Inform. 51(3): 297-310 (2002) |
19 |  | Costas D. Koutras,
Christos Nomikos,
Pavlos Peppas:
Canonicity and Completeness Results for Many-Valued Modal Logics.
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12(1): 7-42 (2002) |
| 2001 |
18 |  | Maurice Pagnucco,
Pavlos Peppas:
Causality and Minimal Change Demystified.
IJCAI 2001: 125-130 |
17 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Costas D. Koutras,
Mary-Anne Williams:
Prolegomena to Concise Theories of Action.
Studia Logica 67(3): 403-418 (2001) |
16 |  | Norman Y. Foo,
Pavlos Peppas:
Realization for Causal Nondeterministic Input-Output Systems.
Studia Logica 67(3): 419-437 (2001) |
| 2000 |
15 |  | Mikhail Prokopenko,
Maurice Pagnucco,
Pavlos Peppas,
Abhaya C. Nayak:
A Unifying Semantics for Causal Ramifications.
PRICAI 2000: 38-49 |
14 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Norman Y. Foo,
Abhaya C. Nayak:
Measuring similarity in belief revision.
J. Log. Comput. 10(4): 603-619 (2000) |
| 1999 |
13 |  | Mikhail Prokopenko,
Maurice Pagnucco,
Pavlos Peppas,
Abhaya C. Nayak:
Causal Propagation Semantics - A Study.
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1999: 378-392 |
12 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Maurice Pagnucco,
Mikhail Prokopenko,
Norman Y. Foo,
Abhaya C. Nayak:
Preferential Semantics for Causal Systems.
IJCAI 1999: 118-123 |
| 1997 |
11 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Maurice Pagnucco,
Mikhail Prokopenko,
Norman Y. Foo:
Preferential Semantics for Causal Fixpoints.
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 197-206 |
10 |  | Norman Y. Foo,
Pavlos Peppas,
Yan Zhang:
Inductive Properties of States.
Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 227-235 |
9 |  | Norman Y. Foo,
Abhaya C. Nayak,
Maurice Pagnucco,
Pavlos Peppas,
Yan Zhang:
Action Localness, Genericity and Invariants in STRIPS.
IJCAI (1) 1997: 549-554 |
| 1996 |
8 |  | Abhaya C. Nayak,
Maurice Pagnucco,
Norman Y. Foo,
Pavlos Peppas:
Learning From Conditionals: Judy Benjamin's Other Problems.
ECAI 1996: 75-79 |
7 |  | Pavlos Peppas:
PMA Epistemic Entrenchments: The General Case.
ECAI 1996: 85-89 |
6 |  | Pavlos Peppas:
Well Behaved and Multiple Belief Revision.
ECAI 1996: 90-94 |
5 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Abhaya C. Nayak,
Maurice Pagnucco,
Norman Y. Foo,
Rex Bing Hung Kwok,
Mikhail Prokopenko:
Revision vs. Update: Taking a Closer Look.
ECAI 1996: 95-99 |
4 |  | Didar Zowghi,
Aditya Ghose,
Pavlos Peppas:
A Framework for Reasoning about Requirements Evolution.
PRICAI 1996: 157-168 |
3 |  | Mikhail Prokopenko,
Pavlos Peppas:
Modelling intertia in action languages.
PRICAI Workshops 1996: 234-247 |
| 1995 |
2 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Mary-Anne Williams:
Constructive Modelings for Theory Change.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36(1): 120-133 (1995) |
| 1992 |
1 |  | Pavlos Peppas,
Wayne Wobcke:
On the Use of Epistemic Entrenchment in Reasoning about Action.
ECAI 1992: 403-407 |