| 2010 |
25 |  | Fabien Badeig,
Flavien Balbo,
Suzanne Pinson:
A Contextual Environment Approach for Multi-agent-based Simulation.
ICAART (2) 2010: 212-217 |
| 2009 |
24 |  | Flavien Balbo,
Julien Saunier,
Edwin Diday,
Suzanne Pinson:
De l'utilisation de l'analyse de données symboliques dans les systèmes multi-agents.
EGC 2009: 139-150 |
23 |  | Dhouha Anane,
Samir Aknine,
Suzanne Pinson:
Coordination d'activités dans les chaînes logistiques. Une approche multi-agent par formation de coalitions.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 14(2): 113-136 (2009) |
| 2008 |
22 |  | Dhouha Anane,
Samir Aknine,
Suzanne Pinson:
Coordination d'Activités dans les Chaînes Logistiques: une Approche Multi-Agents par Formation de Coalitions.
21 |  | Dhouha Anane,
Samir Aknine,
Suzanne Pinson:
Coordination of Supply Chain Activities: A Coalition-Based Approach.
Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2008: 193-202 |
| 2007 |
20 |  | Gauvain Bourgne,
Gael Hette,
Nicolas Maudet,
Suzanne Pinson:
Hypotheses refinement under topological communication constraints.
AAMAS 2007: 239 |
19 |  | Flavien Balbo,
Suzanne Pinson:
A transportation decision support system in agent-based environment.
Intelligent Decision Technologies 1(3): 97-115 (2007) |
18 |  | Marie-Jo Bellosta,
Imène Brigui-Chtioui,
Sylvie Kornman,
Suzanne Pinson,
Daniel Vanderpooten:
Système multi-agent pour des enchères multicritères Modèle et expérimentations.
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 21(5-6): 703-727 (2007) |
| 2006 |
17 |  | Gauvain Bourgne,
Nicolas Maudet,
Suzanne Pinson:
When Agents Communicate Hypotheses in Critical Situations.
DALT 2006: 89-104 |
| 2005 |
16 |  | Suzanne Pinson,
Nicole Vincent:
Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2005), Actes des cinquièmes journées Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Paris, France, 18-21 janvier 2005, 2 Volumes
Cépaduès-Éditions 2005 |
15 |  | Flavien Balbo,
Julien Saunier,
Suzanne Pinson,
Mahdi Zargayouna:
An Operational Model for Mutual Awareness.
CEEMAS 2005: 531-534 |
14 |  | Athmane Hamel,
Suzanne Pinson:
ACKA : Une approche d'acquisition coopérative de connaissances pour la construction d'un modèle de simulation multi-agents.
EGC 2005: 625-636 |
13 |  | Gauvain Bourgne,
Nicolas Maudet,
Suzanne Pinson:
Efficient Propagation of Uncertain Information (A rumor-based approach).
EUMAS 2005: 69-78 |
12 |  | Athmane Hamel,
Suzanne Pinson,
Michel Picard:
A new approach to agency in a collaborative decision-making process.
IAT 2005: 273-276 |
11 |  | Flavien Balbo,
Suzanne Pinson:
Dynamic modeling of a disturbance in a multi-agent system for traffic regulation.
Decision Support Systems 41(1): 131-146 (2005) |
10 |  | M. Le Bars,
Jean-Marie Attonaty,
Suzanne Pinson,
Nils Ferrand:
An Agent-Based Simulation Testing the Impact of Water Allocation on Farmers' Collective Behaviors.
Simulation 81(3): 223-235 (2005) |
| 2004 |
9 |  | Samir Aknine,
Suzanne Pinson,
Melvin F. Shakun:
An Extended Multi-Agent Negotiation Protocol.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 8(1): 5-45 (2004) |
| 2003 |
8 |  | Philippe Caillou,
Samir Aknine,
Suzanne Pinson:
Méthode Pareto-optimale de formation et de restructuration dynamique de coalitions d'agents.
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle 17(4): 655-685 (2003) |
| 2002 |
7 |  | Philippe Caillou,
Samir Aknine,
Suzanne Pinson:
A multi-agent method for forming and dynamic restructuring of pareto optimal coalitions.
AAMAS 2002: 1074-1081 |
6 |  | M. Le Bars,
Jean-Marie Attonaty,
Suzanne Pinson:
An Agent-based simulation for water sharing between different users.
AAMAS 2002: 211-212 |
5 |  | Philippe Caillou,
Samir Aknine,
Suzanne Pinson:
Multi-agent models for searching Pareto optimal solutions to the problem of forming and dynamic restructuring of coalitions.
ECAI 2002: 13-17 |
| 2001 |
4 |  | Flavien Balbo,
Suzanne Pinson:
Toward a Multi-agent Modelling Approach for Urban Public Transportation Systems.
ESAW 2001: 160-174 |
| 1999 |
3 |  | Samir Aknine,
Suzanne Pinson:
Agent Oriented Conceptual Modeling of Parallel Workflow Systems.
IEA/AIE 1999: 500-509 |
| 1995 |
2 |  | Suzanne Pinson,
Pavlos Moraitis:
Communication and Cooperation in a Distributed Decision-making System.
SCAI 1995: 441-447 |
| 1987 |
1 |  | Suzanne Pinson:
A Multi-Attribute Approach to Knowledge Representation for Loan Granting.
IJCAI 1987: 588-591 |