| 2007 |
5 |  | John Plate,
Thorsten Holtkämper,
Bernd Fröhlich:
A Flexible Multi-Volume Shader Framework for Arbitrarily Intersecting Multi-Resolution Datasets.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1584-1591 (2007) |
| 2004 |
4 |  | John Plate,
Anselm Grundhöfer,
Benjamin Schmidt,
Bernd Fröhlich:
Occlusion Culling for Sub-Surface Models in Geo-Scientific Applications.
VisSym 2004: 267-272, 351 |
| 2000 |
3 |  | Bernd Fröhlich,
John Plate:
The cubic mouse: a new device for three-dimensional input.
CHI 2000: 526-531 |
2 |  | Bernd Fröhlich,
John Plate,
Jürgen Wind,
Gerold Wesche,
Martin Göbel:
Cubic-Mouse-Based Interaction in Virtual Environments.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(4): 12-15 (2000) |
| 1999 |
1 |  | Bernd Fröhlich,
Stephen Barrass,
Björn Zehner,
John Plate,
Martin Göbel:
Exploring Geo-Scientific Data in Virtual Environments.
IEEE Visualization 1999: 169-173 |