| 2009 |
9 |  | Enoch Peserico,
Luca Pretto:
HITS Can Converge Slowly, but Not Too Slowly, in Score and Rank.
COCOON 2009: 348-357 |
8 |  | Enoch Peserico,
Luca Pretto:
Score and rank convergence of HITS.
SIGIR 2009: 770-771 |
| 2008 |
7 |  | Enoch Peserico,
Luca Pretto:
The rank convergence of HITS can be slow
CoRR abs/0807.3006: (2008) |
| 2007 |
6 |  | Maristella Agosti,
Tullio Coppotelli,
Nicola Ferro,
Luca Pretto:
An Approach for the Construction of an Experimental Test Collection to Evaluate Search Systems that Exploit Annotations.
DELOS Conference 2007: 167-176 |
5 |  | Massimo Melucci,
Luca Pretto:
PageRank: When Order Changes.
ECIR 2007: 581-588 |
4 |  | Maristella Agosti,
Tullio Coppotelli,
Nicola Ferro,
Luca Pretto:
Annotations and Digital Libraries: Designing Adequate Test-Beds.
ICADL 2007: 150-159 |
| 2005 |
3 |  | Maristella Agosti,
Luca Pretto:
A Theoretical Study of a Generalized Version of Kleinberg's HITS Algorithm.
Inf. Retr. 8(2): 219-243 (2005) |
| 2003 |
2 |  | Maristella Agosti,
Luca Pretto:
Structural Properties of Kleinberg's HITS Algorithm.
SEBD 2003: 449-458 |
| 2002 |
1 |  | Luca Pretto:
A Theoretical Analysis of Google's PageRank.
SPIRE 2002: 131-144 |