| 2010 |
43 |  | Lior Rokach:
Ensemble-based classifiers.
Artif. Intell. Rev. 33(1-2): 1-39 (2010) |
| 2009 |
42 |  | Alon Schclar,
Lior Rokach:
Random Projection Ensemble Classifiers.
ICEIS 2009: 309-316 |
41 |  | Alon Schclar,
Alexander Tsikinovsky,
Lior Rokach,
Amnon Meisels,
Liat Antwarg:
Ensemble methods for improving the performance of neighborhood-based collaborative filtering.
RecSys 2009: 261-264 |
40 |  | Eitan Menahem,
Lior Rokach,
Yuval Elovici:
Troika - An improved stacking schema for classification tasks.
Inf. Sci. 179(24): 4097-4122 (2009) |
| 2008 |
39 |  | Oded Maimon,
Lior Rokach:
Soft Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Springer 2008 |
38 |  | Lior Rokach,
Amnon Meisels,
Alon Schclar:
Anytime AHP Method for Preferences Elicitation in Stereotype-Based Recommender System.
ICEIS (2) 2008: 268-275 |
37 |  | Slava Kisilevich,
Yuval Elovici,
Bracha Shapira,
Lior Rokach:
kACTUS 2: Privacy Preserving in Classification Tasks Using k-Anonymity.
ISIPS 2008: 63-81 |
36 |  | Oded Maimon,
Lior Rokach:
Introduction to Soft Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
Soft Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2008: 1-13 |
35 |  | Lior Rokach:
The Role of Fuzzy Sets in Data Mining.
Soft Computing for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2008: 187-203 |
34 |  | Robert Moskovitch,
Yuval Elovici,
Lior Rokach:
Detection of unknown computer worms based on behavioral classification of the host.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(9): 4544-4566 (2008) |
33 |  | Lior Rokach,
Lihi Naamani,
Armin Shmilovici:
Pessimistic cost-sensitive active learning of decision trees for profit maximizing targeting campaigns.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 17(2): 283-316 (2008) |
32 |  | Lior Rokach:
Mining manufacturing data using genetic algorithm-based feature set decomposition.
IJISTA 4(1/2): 57-78 (2008) |
31 |  | Lior Rokach,
Roni Romano,
Oded Maimon:
Negation recognition in medical narrative reports.
Inf. Retr. 11(6): 499-538 (2008) |
30 |  | Lior Rokach:
An evolutionary algorithm for constructing a decision forest: Combining the classification of disjoints decision trees.
Int. J. Intell. Syst. 23(4): 455-482 (2008) |
29 |  | Lior Rokach:
Genetic algorithm-based feature set partitioning for classification problems.
Pattern Recognition 41(5): 1676-1700 (2008) |
| 2007 |
28 |  | David Ben-Shimon,
Alexander Tsikinovsky,
Lior Rokach,
Amnon Meisels,
Guy Shani,
Lihi Naamani:
Recommender System from Personal Social Networks.
AWIC 2007: 47-55 |
27 |  | Guy Shani,
Lior Rokach,
Amnon Meisels,
Lihi Naamani,
Nischal M. Piratla,
David Ben-Shimon:
Establishing User Profiles in the MediaScout Recommender System.
CIDM 2007: 470-476 |
26 |  | Lior Rokach,
Barak Chizi,
Oded Maimon:
A Methodology for Improving the Performance of Non-Ranker Feature Selection Filters.
IJPRAI 21(5): 809-830 (2007) |
25 |  | Shahar Cohen,
Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Decision-tree instance-space decomposition with grouped gain-ratio.
Inf. Sci. 177(17): 3592-3612 (2007) |
| 2006 |
24 |  | Roni Romano,
Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Cascaded Data Mining Methods for Text Understanding, with medical case study.
ICDM Workshops 2006: 458-462 |
23 |  | Lior Rokach,
Roni Romano,
Oded Maimon:
Automatic Identification of Negated Concepts in Narrative Clinical Reports.
ICEIS (2) 2006: 257-262 |
22 |  | Roni Romano,
Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Automatic Discovery of Regular Expression Patterns Representing Negated Findings in Medical Narrative Reports.
NGITS 2006: 300-311 |
21 |  | Lior Rokach,
Roni Romano,
Barak Chizi,
Oded Maimon:
A Decision Tree Framework for Semi-Automatic Extraction of Product Attributes from the Web.
Advances in Web Intelligence and Data Mining 2006: 201-210 |
20 |  | Shahar Cohen,
Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
A Decision-Tree Framework for Instance-space Decomposition.
Advances in Web Intelligence and Data Mining 2006: 265-274 |
19 |  | Lior Rokach,
Barak Chizi,
Oded Maimon:
Feature Selection by Combining Multiple Methods.
Advances in Web Intelligence and Data Mining 2006: 295-304 |
18 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon,
Reuven Arbel:
Selective Voting - Getting More for Less in Sensor Fusion.
IJPRAI 20(3): 329-350 (2006) |
17 |  | Lior Rokach:
Decomposition methodology for classification tasks: a meta decomposer framework.
Pattern Anal. Appl. 9(2-3): 257-271 (2006) |
16 |  | Reuven Arbel,
Lior Rokach:
Classifier evaluation under limited resources.
Pattern Recognition Letters 27(14): 1619-1631 (2006) |
| 2005 |
15 |  | Oded Maimon,
Lior Rokach:
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook.
Springer 2005 |
14 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Decomposition methodology for classification tasks.
GrC 2005: 636-641 |
13 |  | Oded Maimon,
Lior Rokach:
Introduction to Knowledge Discovery in Databases.
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 1-17 |
12 |  | Oded Maimon,
Lior Rokach:
Introduction to Supervised Methods.
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 149-164 |
11 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Decision Trees.
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 165-192 |
10 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Clustering Methods.
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 321-352 |
9 |  | Lior Rokach:
Ensemble Methods for Classifiers.
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 957-980 |
8 |  | Oded Maimon,
Lior Rokach:
Decomposition Methodology for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook 2005: 981-1003 |
7 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Top-down induction of decision trees classifiers - a survey.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 35(4): 476-487 (2005) |
6 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Feature set decomposition for decision trees.
Intell. Data Anal. 9(2): 131-158 (2005) |
5 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon,
Omri Arad:
Improving Supervised Learning by Sample Decomposition.
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 5(1): 37-54 (2005) |
| 2004 |
4 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon,
Mordechai Averbuch:
Information Retrieval System for Medical Narrative Reports.
FQAS 2004: 217-228 |
| 2003 |
3 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon,
Inbal Lavi:
Space Decomposition in Data Mining: A Clustering Approach.
ISMIS 2003: 24-31 |
| 2002 |
2 |  | Oded Maimon,
Lior Rokach:
Improving Supervised Learning by Feature Decomposition.
FoIKS 2002: 178-196 |
| 2001 |
1 |  | Lior Rokach,
Oded Maimon:
Theory and Applications of Attribute Decomposition.
ICDM 2001: 473-480 |