| 2009 |
24 |  | Stefan Saroiu,
Alec Wolman:
Enabling new mobile applications with location proofs.
HotMobile 2009 |
23 |  | Timothy J. Smith,
Stefan Saroiu,
Alec Wolman:
BlueMonarch: a system for evaluating bluetooth applications in the wild.
MobiSys 2009: 41-54 |
22 |  | Boon Thau Loo,
Stefan Saroiu:
5th international workshop on networking meets databases (NetDB 2009).
Operating Systems Review 43(4): 17-18 (2009) |
| 2008 |
21 |  | Troy Ronda,
Stefan Saroiu,
Alec Wolman:
Itrustpage: a user-assisted anti-phishing tool.
EuroSys 2008: 261-272 |
20 |  | Stefan Saroiu,
Alec Wolman:
SpySaver: using incentives to address spyware.
NetEcon 2008: 37-42 |
19 |  | Marcel Dischinger,
Andreas Haeberlen,
Ivan Beschastnikh,
P. Krishna Gummadi,
Stefan Saroiu:
Satellitelab: adding heterogeneity to planetary-scale network testbeds.
SIGCOMM 2008: 315-326 |
18 |  | Waqas ur Rehman,
Eyal de Lara,
Stefan Saroiu:
CILoS: a CDMA indoor localization system.
UbiComp 2008: 104-113 |
| 2007 |
17 |  | Marcel Dischinger,
Andreas Haeberlen,
P. Krishna Gummadi,
Stefan Saroiu:
Characterizing residential broadband networks.
Internet Measurement Comference 2007: 43-56 |
16 |  | Andrew G. Miklas,
Kiran K. Gollu,
Kelvin K. W. Chan,
Stefan Saroiu,
P. Krishna Gummadi,
Eyal de Lara:
Exploiting Social Interactions in Mobile Systems.
Ubicomp 2007: 409-428 |
| 2006 |
15 |  | Andreas Haeberlen,
Marcel Dischinger,
P. Krishna Gummadi,
Stefan Saroiu:
Monarch: a tool to emulate transport protocol flowsover the internet at large.
Internet Measurement Conference 2006: 105-118 |
14 |  | Jing Su,
Kelvin K. W. Chan,
Andrew G. Miklas,
Kenneth Po,
Ali Akhavan,
Stefan Saroiu,
Eyal de Lara,
Ashvin Goel:
A preliminary investigation of worm infections in a bluetooth environment.
WORM 2006: 9-16 |
| 2004 |
13 |  | Stefan Saroiu,
Steven D. Gribble,
Henry M. Levy:
Measurement and Analysis of Spyware in a University Environment.
NSDI 2004: 141-153 |
| 2003 |
12 |  | P. Krishna Gummadi,
Richard J. Dunn,
Stefan Saroiu,
Steven D. Gribble,
Henry M. Levy,
John Zahorjan:
Measurement, modeling, and analysis of a peer-to-peer file-sharing workload.
SOSP 2003: 314-329 |
11 |  | Nicholas J. A. Harvey,
Michael B. Jones,
Stefan Saroiu,
Marvin Theimer,
Alec Wolman:
SkipNet: A Scalable Overlay Network with Practical Locality Properties.
USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 2003 |
10 |  | Stefan Saroiu,
P. Krishna Gummadi,
Steven D. Gribble:
Measuring and analyzing the characteristics of Napster and Gnutella hosts.
Multimedia Syst. 9(2): 170-184 (2003) |
| 2002 |
9 |  | Stefan Saroiu,
P. Krishna Gummadi,
Steven D. Gribble:
Exploring the Design Space of Distributed and Peer-to-Peer Systems: Comparing the Web, TRIAD, and Chord/CFS.
IPTPS 2002: 214-224 |
8 |  | Jared Saia,
Amos Fiat,
Steven D. Gribble,
Anna R. Karlin,
Stefan Saroiu:
Dynamically Fault-Tolerant Content Addressable Networks.
IPTPS 2002: 270-279 |
7 |  | P. Krishna Gummadi,
Stefan Saroiu,
Steven D. Gribble:
King: estimating latency between arbitrary internet end hosts.
Internet Measurement Workshop 2002: 5-18 |
6 |  | Stefan Saroiu,
P. Krishna Gummadi,
Richard J. Dunn,
Steven D. Gribble,
Henry M. Levy:
An Analysis of Internet Content Delivery Systems.
OSDI 2002 |
5 |  | P. Krishna Gummadi,
Stefan Saroiu,
Steven D. Gribble:
A measurement study of Napster and Gnutella as examples of peer-to-peer file sharing systems.
Computer Communication Review 32(1): 82 (2002) |
4 |  | P. Krishna Gummadi,
Stefan Saroiu,
Steven D. Gribble:
King: estimating latency between arbitrary internet end hosts.
Computer Communication Review 32(3): 11 (2002) |
| 2001 |
3 |  | Michael B. Jones,
John Regehr,
Stefan Saroiu:
Two Case Studies in Predictable Application Scheduling Using Rialto/NT.
IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2001: 157-164 |
2 |  | Michael B. Jones,
Stefan Saroiu:
Predictability requirements of a soft modem.
SIGMETRICS/Performance 2001: 37-49 |
| 2000 |
1 |  | Zachary G. Ives,
Alon Y. Levy,
Jayant Madhavan,
Rachel Pottinger,
Stefan Saroiu,
Igor Tatarinov,
Shiori Betzler,
Qiong Chen,
Ewa Jaslikowska,
Jing Su,
Wai Tak Theodora Yeung:
Self-Organizing Data Sharing Communities with SAGRES.
SIGMOD Conference 2000: 582 |