| 2009 |
37 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Shiguo Lian:
Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems, First International ICST Conference, MobiSec 2009, Turin, Italy, June 3-5, 2009, Revised Selected Papers
Springer 2009 |
36 |  | Andreas Leicher,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Implementation of a Trusted Ticket System.
SEC 2009: 152-163 |
35 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt:
On the Superdistribution of Digital Goods.
J. UCS 15(2): 401-425 (2009) |
| 2008 |
34 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt:
Free-Riding and Competition in Network Markets for Digital Goods.
HICSS 2008: 299 |
33 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt,
Zaharina Velikova,
Carsten Rudolph:
Trust in Business Processes.
ICYCS 2008: 1992-1997 |
32 |  | Rachid El Khayari,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Spam Over Internet Telephony and How to Deal with it.
ISSA 2008: 1-25 |
31 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Joerg Abendroth:
Trust for Location-Based Authorisation.
WCNC 2008: 3163-3168 |
30 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Michael Kasper:
On the Deployment of Mobile Trusted Modules.
WCNC 2008: 3169-3174 |
29 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt:
On the Superdistribution of Digital Goods
CoRR abs/0806.1543: (2008) |
28 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Rachid El Khayari:
SPAM over Internet Telephony and how to deal with it
CoRR abs/0806.1610: (2008) |
| 2007 |
27 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt,
Christian Hett:
Non-Repudiation in Internet Telephony.
SEC 2007: 361-372 |
26 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Trusted Ticket Systems and Applications.
SEC 2007: 49-60 |
25 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Michael Kasper:
On the deployment of Mobile Trusted Modules
CoRR abs/0712.2113: (2007) |
24 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Joerg Abendroth:
Trust for Location-based Authorisation
CoRR abs/0712.2231: (2007) |
23 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Trusted Ticket Systems and Applications
CoRR abs/cs/0701144: (2007) |
22 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt,
Christian Hett:
Non-Repudiation in Internet Telephony
CoRR abs/cs/0701145: (2007) |
21 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Protection of DVB Systems by Trusted Computing
CoRR abs/cs/0702086: (2007) |
| 2006 |
20 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Transitive Trust in Mobile Scenarios.
ETRICS 2006: 73-85 |
19 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Trusted Computing in Mobile Action.
ISSA 2006: 1-12 |
18 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Jan Piechalski:
Authorised Translations of Electronic Documents.
ISSA 2006: 1-14 |
17 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Transitive trust in mobile scenarios
CoRR abs/cs/0603051: (2006) |
16 |  | Christian Hett,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
A secure archive for Voice-over-IP conversations
CoRR abs/cs/0606032: (2006) |
15 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Trusted Computing in Mobile Action
CoRR abs/cs/0606045: (2006) |
14 |  | Jan Piechalski,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Authorised Translations of Electronic Documents
CoRR abs/cs/0606046: (2006) |
13 |  | Christian Hett,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Security and Non-Repudiation for Voice-Over-IP Conversations
CoRR abs/cs/0606068: (2006) |
12 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Dominique Maehler,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Employing Trusted Computing for the forward pricing of pseudonyms in reputation systems
CoRR abs/cs/0607142: (2006) |
11 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Trustworthy content push
CoRR abs/cs/0612061: (2006) |
10 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt:
Multi-level markets and incentives for information goods.
Information Economics and Policy 18(2): 125-138 (2006) |
| 2005 |
9 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Thomas Rauch,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Sicherheit in verteilten Web-Applikationen durch aspektorientierte Programmierung.
DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2005: 191-204 |
8 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Zbynek Loebl:
Legal Security for Transformations of Signed Documents: Fundamental Concepts.
EuroPKI 2005: 255-270 |
7 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt,
Nicolai Kuntze,
Thomas Rauch:
Security for Distributed Web-Services via Aspect-Oriented Programming.
ISSA 2005: 1-12 |
6 |  | Stefanie Fischer-Dieskau,
Thomas Kunz,
Andreas U. Schmidt,
Ursula Viebeg:
Grundkonzepte rechtssicherer Transformation signierter Dokumente.
Sicherheit 2005: 401-412 |
5 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt:
A model for prejudiced learning in noisy environments.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(1): 354-379 (2005) |
4 |  | Nicolai Kuntze,
Thomas Rauch,
Andreas U. Schmidt:
Security for Distributed Web-Applications via Aspect-Oriented Programming
CoRR abs/cs/0507071: (2005) |
| 2004 |
3 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt:
On Incentive Systems Based on Multi-Level Marketing of Virtual Goods
CoRR cs.GT/0409028: (2004) |
| 2003 |
2 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt:
A Model for Prejudiced Learning in Noisy Environments
CoRR nlin.AO/0306055: (2003) |
| 2000 |
1 |  | Andreas U. Schmidt:
Signiertes XML und das Präsentationsproblem.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 24(3): (2000) |