| 2010 |
44 |  | Daniel Lübke,
Kurt Schneider,
Jörg Dörr,
Sébastian Adam,
Leif Singer:
2. Workshop für Requirements Engineering und Business Process Management (REBPM 2010).
Software Engineering 2010: 248 |
43 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Anforderungen klären mit Videoclips.
Software Engineering 2010: 93-104 |
| 2009 |
42 |  | Eric Knauss,
Kurt Schneider,
Kai Stapel:
Learning to Write Better Requirements through Heuristic Critiques.
RE 2009: 387-388 |
41 |  | Kurt Schneider,
Jörg Dörr,
Sebastian Stein,
Sébastian Adam,
Daniel Lübke:
Requirements Engineering und Business Process Management - Konvergenz, Synonym oder doch so wie gehabt? (REBPM 2009).
Software Engineering 2009: 205-206 |
| 2008 |
40 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Supporting Experience and Information Flow in Software Projects.
PROFES 2008: 3 |
| 2007 |
39 |  | Victor R. Basili,
H. Dieter Rombach,
Kurt Schneider,
Barbara A. Kitchenham,
Dietmar Pfahl,
Richard W. Selby:
Empirical Software Engineering Issues. Critical Assessment and Future Directions, International Workshop, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 26-30, 2006. Revised Papers
Springer 2007 |
38 |  | Kai Stapel,
Kurt Schneider,
Daniel Lübke,
Thomas Flohr:
Improving an Industrial Reference Process by Information Flow Analysis: A Case Study.
PROFES 2007: 147-159 |
37 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Generating Fast Feedback in Requirements Elicitation.
REFSQ 2007: 160-174 |
36 |  | Kurt Schneider,
Kai Stapel:
Informationsflussanalyse für angemessene dokumentation und verbesserte kommunikation.
Software Engineering 2007: 263-264 |
| 2006 |
35 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Technology Transfer and Education Introduction.
Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 121-124 |
34 |  | Andreas Jedlitschka,
Dietmar Pfahl,
Kurt Schneider:
Technology Transfer and Education Discussion and Summary.
Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 163-167 |
33 |  | Daniel Lübke,
Kurt Schneider:
Leveraging Feedback on Processes in SOA Projects.
EuroSPI 2006: 195-206 |
| 2005 |
32 |  | Daniel Lübke,
Kurt Schneider:
Agile Hour: Teaching XP Skills to Students and IT Professionals.
PROFES 2005: 517-529 |
31 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Software Process Improvement from a FLOW Perspective.
Wissensmanagement 2005: 82-86 |
30 |  | Kari Smolander,
Kurt Schneider,
Torgeir Dingsøyr,
Finn Olav Bjørnson,
Pasi Juvonen,
Päivi Ovaska:
Future Studies of Learning Software Organizations.
Wissensmanagement (LNCS Volume) 2005: 134-144 |
| 2004 |
29 |  | Daniel Lübke,
Thomas Flohr,
Kurt Schneider:
Serious Insights Through Fun Software-Projects.
EuroSPI 2004: 57-68 |
28 |  | Peter Manhart,
Kurt Schneider:
Breaking the Ice for Agile Development of Embedded Software: An Industry Experience Report.
ICSE 2004: 378-386 |
| 2003 |
27 |  | Kurt Schneider,
Jan-Peter von Hunnius:
Effective Experience Repositories for Software Engineering.
ICSE 2003: 534-539 |
| 2002 |
26 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Experience Based Process Improvement.
ECSQ 2002: 114-123 |
25 |  | Kurt Schneider,
Jan-Peter von Hunnius,
Victor R. Basili:
Experience in Implementing a Learning Software Organization.
IEEE Software 19(3): 46-49 (2002) |
24 |  | Kurt Schneider:
What to Expect from Software Experience Exploitation.
J. UCS 8(6): 570-580 (2002) |
| 2001 |
23 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Experience Magnets: Attracting Experiences, Not Just Storing Them.
PROFES 2001: 126-140 |
22 |  | Kurt Schneider,
Thilo Schwinn:
Maturing experience base concepts at DaimlerChrysler.
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 6(2): 85-96 (2001) |
| 2000 |
21 |  | Dietmar Pfahl,
Reidar Conradi,
Michael Haug,
Harri Reiman,
Kurt Schneider:
Panel Session Corporate Software Engineering Knowledge Networks: How Can They Improve Training of the Workforce in Software Organisations?
PROFES 2000: 4-5 |
20 |  | Kurt Schneider:
LIDs: A Light-Weight Approach to Experience Elicitation and Reuse.
PROFES 2000: 407-424 |
19 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Active Probes Synergy in Experience-Based Process Improvement.
PROFES 2000: 6-19 |
| 1999 |
18 |  | Eva Wieser,
Frank Houdek,
Kurt Schneider:
Push of Pull: Two Cognitive Modes of Systematic Experience Transfer at DaimlerChrysler.
SEKE 1999: 186-204 |
17 |  | Dieter Landes,
Kurt Schneider,
Frank Houdek:
Organizational learning and experience documentation in industrial software projects.
Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 51(3): 643-661 (1999) |
| 1998 |
16 |  | Frank Houdek,
Kurt Schneider,
Eva Wieser:
Establishing Experience Factories at Daimler-Benz An Experience Report.
ICSE 1998: 443-447 |
15 |  | Dieter Landes,
Kurt Schneider,
Frank Houdek:
Organizational Learning and Experience Documentation in Industrial Software Projects.
OM 1998 |
| 1997 |
14 |  | Frank Houdek,
Frank Sazama,
Kurt Schneider:
Risikominimierung bei der Einführung neuer Softwaretechnologien in der industriellen Praxis durch externe Experimentierfelder.
GI Jahrestagung 1997: 388-397 |
13 |  | Stefanie N. Lindstaedt,
Kurt Schneider:
Bridging the gap between face-to-face communication and long-term collaboration.
GROUP 1997: 331-340 |
12 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Application of Graph Grammars in an Educational Software Engineering Game: A Case Study in Pragmatic Adoption.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 7(4): 401-429 (1997) |
| 1996 |
11 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Prototypes as Assets, not Toys: Why and How to Extract Knowledge from Prototypes.
ICSE 1996: 522-531 |
| 1995 |
10 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Dynamic Pattern Knowledge in Software Engineering.
SEKE 1995: 39-46 |
9 |  | Kurt Schneider,
Alexander Repenning:
Deceived by Ease of Use: Using Paradigmatic Applications to Build Visual Design Environments.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1995: 177-188 |
| 1994 |
8 |  | Marcus Deininger,
Kurt Schneider:
Teaching Software Project Management by Simulation-Experiences with a Comprehensive Model.
CSEE 1994: 227-242 |
7 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Komm, wir spielen Projektleiter! - Ein Lehrspiel für Software Engineering.
SEUH 1994: 118-128 |
| 1993 |
6 |  | Kurt Schneider:
SESAM: Zwischen Planspiel und Adventure Game.
INFOS 1993: 246-255 |
5 |  | Horst Lichter,
Kurt Schneider:
vis-A-vis: An Object-Oriented Aplication Framework for Graphical Design-Tools.
Interfaces in Industrial Systems for Production Engineering 1993: 43-57 |
4 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Auf der Suche nach maßgeschneiderten Unterrichtsformen - das angeleitete Praktikum.
SEUH 1993: 66-77 |
| 1992 |
3 |  | Jochen Ludewig,
Kurt Schneider:
Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen - Studienführer Software Engineering, Workshop des German Chapter of the ACM und der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) am 27. und 28. Februar 1992 in Stuttgart
Teubner 1992 |
2 |  | Jochen Ludewig,
Thomas Bassler,
Marcus Deininger,
Kurt Schneider,
Jürgen Schwille:
SESAM - Simulating Software Projects.
SEKE 1992: 608-615 |
1 |  | Kurt Schneider:
Aufbau und Einbettung des SE-Unterrichts (Sitzungsbericht).
SEUH 1992: 9-10 |