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DBLP keys2009
71Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLLaura Cristiana Voicu, Heiko Schuldt: How replicated data management in the cloud can benefit from a data grid protocol: the Re: GRIDiT Approach. CloudDb 2009: 45-48
70Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLLaura Cristiana Voicu, Heiko Schuldt: Load-Aware Dynamic Replication Management in a Data Grid. OTM Conferences (1) 2009: 201-218
69Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLChristoph Langguth, Paola Ranaldi, Heiko Schuldt: Towards Quality of Service in Scientific Workflows by Using Advance Resource Reservations. SERVICES I 2009: 251-258
68Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt: Application Server. Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 104
67Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt: Multi-Tier Architecture. Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 1862-1865
66Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt: Transactional Processes. Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 3166
65Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt: Web Transactions. Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 3523-3524
64Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt: The Hyperdatabase Project - From the Vision to Realizations. BNCOD 2008: 207-226
63Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt: Agents and Databases: A Symbiosis?. CIA 2008: 24-34
62Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLThorsten Möller, Heiko Schuldt: Control Flow Intervention for Semantic Failure Handling during Composite Serice Execution. ICWS 2008: 834-835
61Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLFuat Akal, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Toward replication in grids for digital libraries with freshness and correctness guarantees. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(17): 1981-1993 (2008)
60Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLYannis E. Ioannidis, Diego Milano, Hans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt: DelosDLMS. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 9(2): 101-114 (2008)
59Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMichael Springmann, Andreas Dander, Heiko Schuldt: Improving efficiency and effectiveness of the image distortion model. Pattern Recognition Letters 29(15): 2018-2024 (2008)
58Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMichael Springmann, Heiko Schuldt: Speeding Up IDM without Degradation of Retrieval Quality. CLEF 2007: 607-614
57Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMichael Springmann, Ludger Bischofs, Peter M. Fischer, Hans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt, Ulrike Steffens, R. Vogl: Management of and Access to Virtual Electronic Health Records. DELOS Conference 2007: 338-347
56Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMaristella Agosti, Stefano Berretti, Gert Brettlecker, Alberto Del Bimbo, Nicola Ferro, Norbert Fuhr, Daniel A. Keim, Claus-Peter Klas, Thomas Lidy, Diego Milano, Moira C. Norrie, Paola Ranaldi, Andreas Rauber, Hans-Jörg Schek, Tobias Schreck, Heiko Schuldt, Beat Signer, Michael Springmann: DelosDLMS - The Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System. DELOS Conference 2007: 36-45
55Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGert Brettlecker, Diego Milano, Paola Ranaldi, Hans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt, Michael Springmann: ISIS and OSIRIS: A Process-Based Digital Library Application on Top of a Distributed Process Support Middleware. DELOS Conference 2007: 46-55
54Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGert Brettlecker, Heiko Schuldt, Peter M. Fischer, Hans-Jörg Schek: Integration of Reliable Sensor Data Stream Management into Digital Libraries. DELOS Conference 2007: 66-76
53no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLMaristella Agosti, Gert Brettlecker, Nicola Ferro, Paola Ranaldi, Heiko Schuldt: Extending the DelosDLMS by the FAST Annotation Service. IRCDL 2007: 7-12
52Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLThorsten Möller, Heiko Schuldt: A platform to support decentralized and dynamically distributed P2P composite OWL-S service execution. MW4SOC 2007: 24-29
51Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGert Brettlecker, Heiko Schuldt: The OSIRIS-SE (stream-enabled) infrastructure for reliable data stream management on mobile devices. SIGMOD Conference 2007: 1097-1099
50Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLLeonardo Candela, Fuat Akal, Henri Avancini, Donatella Castelli, Luigi Fusco, Veronica Guidetti, Christoph Langguth, Andrea Manzi, Pasquale Pagano, Heiko Schuldt, Manuele Simi, Michael Springmann, Laura Cristiana Voicu: DILIGENT: integrating digital library and Grid technologies for a new Earth observation research infrastructure. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 7(1-2): 59-80 (2007)
49Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGert Brettlecker, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Efficient and Coordinated Checkpointing for Reliable Distributed Data Stream Management. ADBIS 2006: 296-312
48no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLFederico Bergenti, César Cáceres, Alberto Fernández, Nadine Fröhlich, Heikki Helin, Oliver Keller, Ari Kinnunen, Matthias Klusch, Heimo Laamanen, António Lopes, Sascha Ossowski, Heiko Schuldt, Michael Schumacher: Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications. ECEH 2006: 119-130
47no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLAntónio Lopes, Paulo Costa, Federico Bergenti, Matthias Klusch, Bastian Blankenburg, Thorsten Möller, Heiko Schuldt: Context-aware Secure Service Composition Planning and Execution on E-Health Environments. ECEH 2006: 179-190
46Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGert Brettlecker, Hans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt: Eine Pervasive-Healthcare-Infrastruktur für die verlässliche Informationsverwaltung und -verarbeitung im Gesundheitswesen. Datenbank-Spektrum 17: 33- (2006)
45Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLThorsten Möller, Heiko Schuldt, Andreas Gerber, Matthias Klusch: Next-generation applications in healthcare digital libraries using semantic service composition and coordination. Health Informatics Journal 12(2): 107-119 (2006)
44no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGert Brettlecker, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Towards Reliable Data Stream Processing with OSIRIS-SE. BTW 2005: 405-414
43Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLKlaus Haller, Heiko Schuldt, Can Türker: Decentralized coordination of transactional processes in peer-to-peer environments. CIKM 2005: 28-35
42Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLManfred Wurz, Heiko Schuldt: Dynamic Parallelization of Grid-Enabled Web Services. EGC 2005: 173-183
41Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeikki Helin, Matthias Klusch, António Lopes, Alberto Fernández, Michael Schumacher, Heiko Schuldt, Federico Bergenti, Ari Kinnunen: CASCOM: Context-Aware Service Co-ordination in Mobile P2P Environments. MATES 2005: 242-243
40Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLChristoph Schuler, Heiko Schuldt, Can Türker, Roger Weber, Hans-Jörg Schek: Peer-to-peer Execution of (transactional) Processes. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 14(4): 377-406 (2005)
39no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLManfred Wurz, Gert Brettlecker, Heiko Schuldt: Data Stream Management and Digital Library Processes on Top of a Hyperdatabase and Grid Infrastructure. DELOS Workshop: Digital Library Architectures 2004: 37-48
38Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLManfred Wurz, Gert Brettlecker, Heiko Schuldt: A Combined Hyperdatabase and Grid Infrastructure for Data Stream Management and Digital Library Processes. DELOS Workshop: Digital Library Architectures - LNCS Volume 2004: 63-79
37Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLChristoph Schuler, Roger Weber, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Scalable Peer-to-Peer Process Management - The OSIRIS Approach. ICWS 2004: 26-34
36Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGert Brettlecker, Heiko Schuldt, Raimund Schatz: Hyperdatabases for Peer-to-Peer Data Stream Processing. ICWS 2004: 358-
35Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt, Christoph Schuler, Can Türker, Roger Weber: Hyperdatenbanken zur Verwaltung von Informationsräumen. it - Information Technology 46(2): 67-75 (2004)
34Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLKlaus Haller, Heiko Schuldt: Consistent Process Execution in Peer-to-Peer Information Systems. CAiSE 2003: 289-307
33no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLKlaus Haller, Heiko Schuldt, Can Türker: Flexible Fehlerbehandlung für mobile Ad-hoc-Prozesse. Database Mechanisms for Mobile Applications 2003: 55-68
32no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLKlaus Haller, Heiko Schuldt: Towards a Decentralized Implementation of Transaction Management. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2003: 57-61
31Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLChristoph Schuler, Roger Weber, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Peer-to-Peer Process Execution with Osiris. ICSOC 2003: 483-498
30Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLKlaus Haller, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Transactional Peer-to-Peer Information Processing: The AMOR Approach. Mobile Data Management 2003: 356-362
29no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Gert Brettlecker: Sensor Data Stream Processing in Health Monitoring. Mobilität und Informationssysteme 2003
28Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLRoger Weber, Christoph Schuler, Patrick Neukomm, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: WebService Composition with O'GRAPE and OSIRIS. VLDB 2003: 1081-1084
27no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLCan Türker, Klaus Haller, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Mobilität in Informationsräumen. Datenbank-Spektrum 5: 16-23 (2003)
26Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt, Christoph Schuler, Roger Weber: Infrastructure for Information Spaces. ADBIS 2002: 23-36
25no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt, Roger Weber: Hyperdatabases: Infrastructure for the Information Space. VDB 2002: 1-15
24Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLUwe Röhm, Klemens Böhm, Hans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt: FAS - A Freshness-Sensitive Coordination Middleware for a Cluster of OLAP Components. VLDB 2002: 754-765
23Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Gustavo Alonso, Catriel Beeri, Hans-Jörg Schek: Atomicity and isolation for transactional processes. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 27(1): 63-116 (2002)
22no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLAndré Naef, Christoph Schuler, Heiko Schuldt: Monitoring komplexer Dienste in unternehmensübergreifenden Prozessen am Beispiel von SAP R/3 Business Workflows. BTW 2001: 85-94
21Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLKlaus Haller, Heiko Schuldt: Using Predicates for Specifying Targets of Migration and Messages in a Peer-to-Peer Mobile Agent Environment. Mobile Agents 2001: 152-168
20Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt: Process Locking: A Protocol based on Ordered Shared Locks for the Execution of Transactional Processes. PODS 2001
19Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLChristoph Schuler, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Supporting Reliable Transactional Business Processes by Publish/Subscribe Techniques. TES 2001: 118-131
18Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLAmaia Lazcano, Heiko Schuldt, Gustavo Alonso, Hans-Jörg Schek: WISE: Process based E-Commerce. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 24(1): 46-51 (2001)
17no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLAndrei Popovici, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Generation and verification of heterogeneous purchase processes. TES 2000: 5-22
16Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHans-Jörg Schek, Klemens Böhm, Torsten Grabs, Uwe Röhm, Heiko Schuldt, Roger Weber: Hyperdatabases. WISE 2000: 14-25
15no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Andrei Popovici, Hans-Jörg Schek: Automatic Genration of Reliable E-Commerce Payment Processes. WISE 2000: 434-441
14Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Andrei Popovici, Hans-Jörg Schek: Give me all I pay for - The Need for Execution Guarantees in Electronic Commerce Payments. Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 10-17
13Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGustavo Alonso, Ulrich Fiedler, Amaia Lazcano, Heiko Schuldt, Christoph Schuler, N. Weiler: WISE: An Infrastructure for E-Commerce. Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 2-9
12Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Christoph Schuler, Gustavo Alonso, Hans-Jörg Schek: Workflows over Workflows: Practical Experiences with the Integration of SAP R/3 Business Workflow in WISE. Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 65-71
11no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Andrei Popovici, Hans-Jörg Schek: Execution Guarantees in Electronic Commerce Payments. FMLDO 1999: 189-198
10no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt: Transactions and Electronic Commerce. FMLDO 1999: 209-210
9Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Andrei Popovici, Hans-Jörg Schek: Execution Guarantees in Electronic Commerce Payments. FMLDO - Selected Papers 1999: 193-202
8Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Andrei Popovici: Transactions and Electronic Commerce. FMLDO - Selected Papers 1999: 225-230
7Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek, Gustavo Alonso: Transactional Coordination Agents for Composite Systems. IDEAS 1999: 321-331
6Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Gustavo Alonso, Hans-Jörg Schek: Concurrency Control and Recovery in Transactional Process Management. PODS 1999: 316-326
5Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLGustavo Alonso, Ulrich Fiedler, Claus Hagen, Amaia Lazcano, Heiko Schuldt, N. Weiler: WISE: Business to Business E-Commerce. RIDE 1999: 132-139
4no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Transaktionelle Koordination von Subsystemen: Sphären zur Entkopplung von Transaktionseigenschaften. Datenbank Rundbrief 21: 23-25 (1998)
3no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLPetra Heinl, Udo Reffke, Guntram Flach, Karsten Wendt, Torsten Ripke, Heiko Schuldt, Angelo Brayner, Jürgen Zimmermann, Andreas Heuer, Uta Störl, Klaudia Hergula, Kerstin Schneider, Aiko Frank, Stephan Zimmermann: 9. Workshop Transaktionen und ihre Anwendung: Protokolle der Diskussionen. Datenbank Rundbrief 21: 35-42 (1998)
2Electronic Edition pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLLukas Relly, Heiko Schuldt, Hans-Jörg Schek: Exporting Database Functionality - The CONCERT Way. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 21(3): 43-51 (1998)
1no EE pubzone.org CiteSeerX Google scholar BibTeX bibliographical record in XMLHeiko Schuldt, Markus Tresch: Flexible Kopplung von CIM-Systemen mit Hilfe von Datenbank-Agenten. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 1997: 82-86

Coauthor Index

1Maristella Agosti [53] [56]
2Fuat Akal [50] [61]
3Gustavo Alonso [5] [6] [7] [12] [13] [18] [23]
4Henri Avancini [50]
5Catriel Beeri [23]
6Federico Bergenti [41] [47] [48]
7Stefano Berretti [56]
8Alberto Del Bimbo [56]
9Ludger Bischofs [57]
10Bastian Blankenburg [47]
11Klemens Böhm [16] [24]
12Angelo Brayner (Ângelo Roncalli Alencar Brayner) [3]
13Gert Brettlecker [29] [36] [38] [39] [44] [46] [49] [51] [53] [54] [55] [56]
14César Cáceres [48]
15Leonardo Candela [50]
16Donatella Castelli [50]
17Paulo Costa [47]
18Andreas Dander [59]
19Alberto Fernández [41] [48]
20Nicola Ferro [53] [56]
21Ulrich Fiedler [5] [13]
22Peter M. Fischer [54] [57]
23Guntram Flach [3]
24Aiko Frank [3]
25Nadine Fröhlich [48]
26Norbert Fuhr [56]
27Luigi Fusco [50]
28Andreas Gerber [45]
29Torsten Grabs [16]
30Veronica Guidetti [50]
31Claus Hagen [5]
32Klaus Haller [21] [27] [30] [32] [33] [34] [43]
33Petra Heinl [3]
34Heikki Helin [41] [48]
35Klaudia Hergula [3]
36Andreas Heuer [3]
37Yannis E. Ioannidis [60]
38Daniel A. Keim [56]
39Oliver Keller [48]
40Ari Kinnunen [41] [48]
41Claus-Peter Klas [56]
42Matthias Klusch [41] [45] [47] [48]
43Heimo Laamanen [48]
44Christoph Langguth [50] [69]
45Amaia Lazcano [5] [13] [18]
46Thomas Lidy [56]
47António Lopes [41] [47] [48]
48Andrea Manzi [50]
49Diego Milano [55] [56] [60]
50Thorsten Möller [45] [47] [52] [62]
51André Naef [22]
52Patrick Neukomm [28]
53Moira C. Norrie [56]
54Sascha Ossowski [48]
55Pasquale Pagano [50]
56Andrei Popovici [8] [9] [11] [14] [15] [17]
57Paola Ranaldi [53] [55] [56] [69]
58Andreas Rauber [56]
59Udo Reffke [3]
60Lukas Relly [2]
61Torsten Ripke [3]
62Uwe Röhm [16] [24]
63Raimund Schatz [36]
64Hans-Jörg Schek [2] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30] [31] [35] [37] [40] [44] [46] [49] [54] [55] [56] [57] [60] [61] [64]
65Kerstin Schneider [3]
66Tobias Schreck [56]
67Christoph Schuler [12] [13] [19] [22] [26] [28] [31] [35] [37] [40]
68Michael Schumacher [41] [48]
69Beat Signer [56]
70Manuele Simi [50]
71Michael Springmann [50] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59]
72Ulrike Steffens [57]
73Uta Störl [3]
74Markus Tresch [1]
75Can Türker [27] [33] [35] [40] [43]
76R. Vogl [57]
77Laura Cristiana Voicu [50] [70] [71]
78Roger Weber [16] [25] [26] [28] [31] [35] [37] [40]
79N. Weiler [5] [13]
80Karsten Wendt [3]
81Manfred Wurz [38] [39] [42]
82Stephan Zimmermann [3]
83Jürgen Zimmermann [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Fri Mar 12 12:56:28 2010 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)