| 2000 |
24 |  | Daniel E. O'Leary,
Peter G. Selfridge:
Knowledge management for best practices.
Commun. ACM 43(11es): 11 (2000) |
| 1999 |
23 |  | Peter G. Selfridge,
Thomas Kirk:
Intelligence 10(1): 24-32 (1999) |
22 |  | Daniel E. O'Leary,
Peter G. Selfridge:
Knowledge management for best practices.
Intelligence 10(4): 12-24 (1999) |
| 1997 |
21 |  | Christopher A. Welty,
Peter G. Selfridge:
Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering: Breaking the Toy Mold.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 4(3): 255-270 (1997) |
20 |  | Peter G. Selfridge:
Expert Opinion: Online Communities and the Next-Generation Internet.
IEEE Expert 12(6): 4-5 (1997) |
| 1996 |
19 |  | Peter G. Selfridge,
Divesh Srivastava,
Lynn O. Wilson:
IDEA: Interactive Data Exploration and Analysis.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 24-34 |
18 |  | Peter G. Selfridge,
Divesh Srivastava:
A Visual Language for Interactive Data Exploration and Analysis.
VL 1996: 84-85 |
17 |  | Peter G. Selfridge:
Oliver Selfridge-in from the start.
IEEE Expert 11(5): 15-17, 84-86 (1996) |
| 1995 |
16 |  | Kostas Kontogiannis,
Peter G. Selfridge:
Workshop Report: The Two-Day Workshop on Research Issues in the Intersection between Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (Held in conjunction with ICSE-16).
Autom. Softw. Eng. 2(1): 87-97 (1995) |
| 1994 |
15 |  | Stephen Fickas,
Peter G. Selfridge:
Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
ICSE 1994: 353-354 |
14 |  | Peter G. Selfridge,
George T. Heineman:
Graphical Support for Code-Level Software Understanding.
KBSE 1994: 117-124 |
13 |  | Loren G. Terveen,
Peter G. Selfridge:
Intelligent Assistance for Software Construction: A Case Study.
KBSE 1994: 14-21 |
12 |  | Peter G. Selfridge:
Guest Editor's Introduction.
IEEE Expert 9(5): 2- (1994) |
| 1993 |
11 |  | Loren G. Terveen,
Peter G. Selfridge,
M. David Long:
From "folklore" to "living design memory".
INTERCHI 1993: 15-22 |
10 |  | Peter G. Selfridge,
Richard C. Waters,
Elliot J. Chikofsky:
Challenges for the Field of Reverse Engineering.
WCRE 1993: 144-150 |
9 |  | Peter G. Selfridge:
CAIA '93: Innovative technologies for applications.
IEEE Expert 8(3): 86-87 (1993) |
8 |  | Ronald J. Brachman,
Peter G. Selfridge,
Loren G. Terveen,
Boris Altman,
Fern Halper,
Thomas Kirk,
Alan Lazar,
Deborah L. McGuinness,
Lori Alperin Resnick:
Integrated Support for Data Archeology.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 2(2): 159-185 (1993) |
| 1992 |
7 |  | Peter G. Selfridge:
The Sixth Annual Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference (Report).
AI Magazine 13(1): 28-30 (1992) |
6 |  | Peter G. Selfridge:
Guest Editor's Introduction.
IEEE Expert 7(6): 11-12 (1992) |
| 1991 |
5 |  | Premkumar T. Devanbu,
Ronald J. Brachman,
Peter G. Selfridge:
LaSSIE: A Knowledge-Based Software Information System.
Commun. ACM 34(5): 34-49 (1991) |
| 1990 |
4 |  | Premkumar T. Devanbu,
Ronald J. Brachman,
Peter G. Selfridge,
Bruce W. Ballard:
LaSSIE: a Knowledge-based Software Information System.
ICSE 1990: 249-261 |
| 1989 |
3 |  | Premkumar T. Devanbu,
Peter G. Selfridge,
Bruce W. Ballard,
Ronald J. Brachman:
A Knowledge-Based Software Information System.
IJCAI 1989: 110-115 |
| 1988 |
2 |  | Peter G. Selfridge:
How to Print a File: An Expert System Approach to Software Knowledge Representation.
AAAI 1988: 380-385 |
| 1981 |
1 |  | Peter G. Selfridge,
Kenneth R. Sloan Jr.:
Reasoning About Images: Application to Aerial Image Understanding.
IJCAI 1981: 755-757 |