| 2009 |
15 |  | Monika Sester,
Lars Bernard,
Volker Paelke:
Advances in GIScience, Proceedings of the 12th AGILE Conference, Hannover, Germany, 2-5 June 2009
Springer 2009 |
14 |  | Birgit Kieler,
Jan-Henrik Haunert,
Monika Sester:
Deriving scale-transition matrices from map samples for simulated annealing-based aggregation.
Annals of GIS 15(2): 107-116 (2009) |
| 2008 |
13 |  | Monika Sester:
Abstraction of GeoDatabases.
Encyclopedia of GIS 2008: 7-10 |
12 |  | Jan-Henrik Haunert,
Monika Sester:
Area Collapse and Road Centerlines based on Straight Skeletons.
GeoInformatica 12(2): 169-191 (2008) |
| 2006 |
11 |  | Jörg-Rüdiger Sack,
Monika Sester,
Peter van Oosterom,
Michael F. Worboys:
Spatial Data: mining, processing and communicating, 05.03. - 10.03.2006
Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006 |
10 |  | Frauke Heinzle,
Karl-Heinrich Anders,
Monika Sester:
Pattern Recognition in Road Networks on the Example of Circular Road Detection.
GIScience 2006: 153-167 |
9 |  | Birgit Elias,
Monika Sester:
Incorporating Landmarks with Quality Measures in Routing Procedures.
GIScience 2006: 65-80 |
8 |  | Jörg-Rüdiger Sack,
Monika Sester,
Michael F. Worboys,
Peter van Oosterom:
06101 Abstracts Collection -- Spatial Data: mining, processing and communicating.
Spatial Data: mining, processing and communicating 2006 |
7 |  | Jörg-Rüdiger Sack,
Monika Sester,
Michael F. Worboys,
Peter van Oosterom:
06101 Report -- Spatial Data: mining, processing and communicating.
Spatial Data: mining, processing and communicating 2006 |
| 2005 |
6 |  | Monika Sester:
Optimization approaches for generalization and data abstraction.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19(8-9): 871-897 (2005) |
| 2004 |
5 |  | Monika Sester,
Peter van Oosterom:
Dagstuhl Seminar "Computational Cartography and Spatial Modelling" (Rechnergestützte Kartographie und Raumbezogene Datenmodellierung).
it - Information Technology 46(5): 277-281 (2004) |
| 2002 |
4 |  | Christopher B. Jones,
Ross Purves,
Anne Ruas,
Mark Sanderson,
Monika Sester,
Marc J. van Kreveld,
Robert Weibel:
Spatial information retrieval and geographical ontologies an overview of the SPIRIT project.
SIGIR 2002: 387-388 |
| 2000 |
3 |  | Monika Sester:
Knowledge acquisition for the automatic interpretation of spatial data.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 14(1): 1-24 (2000) |
| 1998 |
2 |  | Monika Sester,
Karl-Heinrich Anders,
Volker Walter:
Linking Objects of Different Spatial Data Sets by Integration and Aggregation.
GeoInformatica 2(4): 335-358 (1998) |
| 1989 |
1 |  | Monika Sester,
Wolfgang Förstner:
Object Location Based on Uncertain Models.
DAGM-Symposium 1989: 457-464 |