| 2003 |
13 |  | Cornelia Heinisch,
Martin Simons:
Adaptierbare Software-Architektur für den Software-Download in Kfz-Steuergerate.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2003: 320-324 |
| 2002 |
12 |  | Xuejun Chen,
Martin Simons:
A Component Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed Systems.
Component Deployment 2002: 82-96 |
| 1999 |
11 |  | Jan Prins,
Jan Hermans,
Geoffrey Mann,
Lars S. Nyland,
Martin Simons:
A virtual environment for steered molecular dynamics.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(4): 485-495 (1999) |
10 |  | Jan Prins,
Siddhartha Chatterjee,
Martin Simons:
Irregular computations in Fortran - expression and implementation strategies.
Scientific Programming 7(3-4): 313-326 (1999) |
| 1998 |
9 |  | Jan Prins,
Siddhartha Chatterjee,
Martin Simons:
Expressing Irregular Computations in Modern Fortran Dialects.
LCR 1998: 1-16 |
| 1997 |
8 |  | Martin Simons,
Michel Sintzoff:
Algebraic Composition and Refinement of Proofs.
AMAST 1997: 494-508 |
7 |  | K. T. P. Au,
Manuel M. T. Chakravarty,
John Darlington,
Yike Guo,
Stefan Jähnichen,
Martin Köhler,
Gabriele Keller,
W. Pfannenstiel,
Martin Simons:
Enlarging the Scope of Vector-Based Computations: Extending Fortran 90 by Nested Data Parallelism.
APDC 1997: 66-73 |
6 |  | Martin Simons:
Proof Presentation for Isabelle.
TPHOLs 1997: 259-274 |
| 1996 |
5 |  | Gabriele Keller,
Martin Simons:
A Calculational Approach to Flattening Nested Data Parallelism in Functional Languages.
ASIAN 1996: 234-243 |
4 |  | Martin Simons,
Matthias Weber:
An Approach to Literate and Structured Formal Developments.
Formal Asp. Comput. 8(1): 86-107 (1996) |
| 1994 |
3 |  | Matthias Anlauff,
Stefan Jähnichen,
Martin Simons:
An experimental support system for formal mathematical reasoning.
FME 1994: 421-440 |
2 |  | Martin Simons,
Maya Biersack,
Robert Raschke:
Literate and Structured Presentation of Formal Proofs.
PROCOMET 1994: 61-81 |
| 1993 |
1 |  | Matthias Weber,
Martin Simons,
Christine Lafontaine:
The Generic Development Language Deva: Presentation and Case Studies
Springer 1993 |