| 2009 |
20 |  | Mike Sips:
Visual Clustering.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 3355-3360 |
19 |  | Mike Sips,
Boris Neubert,
John P. Lewis,
Pat Hanrahan:
Selecting good views of high-dimensional data using class consistency.
Comput. Graph. Forum 28(3): 831-838 (2009) |
| 2007 |
18 |  | Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips,
Daniel A. Keim:
An automated approach for the optimization of pixel-based visualizations.
Information Visualization 6(1): 75-88 (2007) |
17 |  | Mike Sips,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Daniel A. Keim:
Highlighting space-time patterns: Effective visual encodings for interactive decision-making.
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21(8): 879-893 (2007) |
| 2006 |
16 |  | Carmen Sanz Merino,
Mike Sips,
Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Robert Spence:
Task-at-hand interface for change detection in stock market data.
AVI 2006: 420-427 |
15 |  | Mike Sips,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Daniel A. Keim,
Heidrun Schumann:
Scalable Pixel-based Visual Interfaces: Challenges and Solutions.
IV 2006: 32-38 |
14 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips:
Scalable Pixel Based Visual Data Exploration.
VIEW 2006: 12-24 |
13 |  | Christian Panse,
Mike Sips,
Daniel A. Keim,
Stephen C. North:
Visualization of Geo-spatial Point Sets via Global Shape Transformation and Local Pixel Placement.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(5): 749-756 (2006) |
| 2005 |
12 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Florian Mansmann,
Christian Panse,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips:
Mail Explorer - Spatial and Temporal Exploration of Electronic Mail.
EuroVis 2005: 247-254 |
| 2004 |
11 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips:
CircleView: a new approach for visualizing time-related multidimensional data sets.
AVI 2004: 179-182 |
10 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips:
Analyzing Large Collections of Email.
IKE 2004: 275-281 |
9 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Helmut Barro,
Christian Panse,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips:
Exploring and Visualizing the History of InfoVis.
INFOVIS 2004 |
8 |  | Roland Heilmann,
Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Mike Sips:
RecMap: Rectangular Map Approximations.
INFOVIS 2004: 33-40 |
7 |  | Roland Heilmann,
Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips:
Finding Spatial Patterns in Network Data.
PaRMa 2004 |
6 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips:
Geo-Spatial Data Viewer: From Familiar Land-covering to Arbitrary Distorted Geo-Spatial Quadtree Maps.
WSCG 2004: 213-220 |
5 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Mike Sips,
Stephen C. North:
Pixel based visual data mining of geo-spatial data.
Computers & Graphics 28(3): 327-344 (2004) |
4 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Mike Sips,
Stephen C. North:
Visual Data Mining in Large Geospatial Point Sets.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(5): 36-44 (2004) |
| 2003 |
3 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Mike Sips:
Visual Data Mining of Large Spatial Data Sets.
DNIS 2003: 201-215 |
2 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Mike Sips,
Stephen C. North:
PixelMaps: A New Visual Data Mining Approach for Analyzing Large Spatial Data Sets.
ICDM 2003: 565-568 |
1 |  | Daniel A. Keim,
Christian Panse,
Jörn Schneidewind,
Mike Sips,
Ming C. Hao,
Umeshwar Dayal:
Pushing the Limit in Visual Data Exploration: Techniques and Applications.
KI 2003: 37-51 |