| 2009 |
96 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Stevens Lecture on Software Development Methods at CSMR 2009.
CSMR 2009: 5-6 |
95 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Wiedergewinnung neuer Web-Services aus vorhandenen Altsystemen.
Wirtschaftsinformatik (1) 2009: 151-160 |
94 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
A pilot project for migrating COBOL code to web services.
STTT 11(6): 441-451 (2009) |
| 2008 |
93 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Stefan Opferkuch:
Training and Certifying Software Maintainers.
CSMR 2008: 113-122 |
92 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Offering software maintenance as an offshore service.
ICSM 2008: 1-5 |
91 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Measuring 75 Million Lines of Code.
IWSM/Metrikon/Mensura 2008: 271-286 |
90 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Industrialisierung der Softwarewartung & -Weiterentwicklung.
Industrialisierung des Software Management 2008: 139-152 |
89 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Bridging the Concept to Implementation Gap in Software System Testing.
QSIC 2008: 67-73 |
88 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
20 Years of Software-Reengineering: A Résumé.
Workshop Software Reengineering 2008: 115-124 |
| 2007 |
87 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Shihong Huang:
Sizing Maintenance Tasks for Web Applications.
CSMR 2007: 171-180 |
86 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Testing against Natural Language Requirements.
QSIC 2007: 380-387 |
85 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Shihong Huang:
The design and use of WSDL-Test: a tool for testing Web services.
Journal of Software Maintenance 19(5): 297-314 (2007) |
| 2006 |
84 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Beratung in der Softwarewartung und -weiterentwicklung.
Beratung in der Softwareentwicklung 2006: 61-73 |
83 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Integrating legacy Software into a Service oriented Architecture.
CSMR 2006: 3-14 |
82 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Selective Regression Testing of a Host to DotNet Migration.
ICSM 2006: 104-112 |
81 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Testing a Datawarehouse - An Industrial Challenge.
TAIC PART 2006: 203-210 |
80 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Stephan H. Sneed:
Reverse Engineering of System Interfaces A Report from the Field.
WCRE 2006: 125-133 |
79 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Shihong Huang:
WSDLTest - A Tool for Testing Web Services.
WSE 2006: 14-21 |
78 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Stefan Jungmayr:
Produkt- und Prozessmetriken für den Softwaretest.
Informatik Spektrum 29(1): 23-38 (2006) |
| 2005 |
77 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
An Incremental Approach to System Replacement and Integration.
CSMR 2005: 196-206 |
76 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Bridging the Gap between Research and Business in Software Maintenance.
ICSM 2005: 3-6 |
75 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Estimating the Costs of a Reengineering Project.
WCRE 2005: 111-119 |
74 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Testing an E-Government Web Site.
WSE 2005: 3-6 |
| 2004 |
73 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Reverse Engineering of Test Cases for Selective Regression Testing.
CSMR 2004: 69-74 |
72 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
A Cost Model for Software Maintenance & Evolution.
ICSM 2004: 264-273 |
71 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Program Comprehension for the Purpose of Testing.
IWPC 2004: 162-171 |
70 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Measuring the Effectiveness of Software Testing.
SOQUA/TECOS 2004: 109 |
69 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Vom Projekt-Outsourcing zum Produkt-Outsourcing.
Software Management 2004: 127-136 |
68 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Software Management 2004: 143-144 |
67 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Reengineering Reports.
WCRE 2004: 17-26 |
66 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Testing a Web Application.
WSE 2004: 3-10 |
65 |  | Cem Kaner,
Scott R. Tilley,
Harry M. Sneed,
Peter Zimmerer:
Research Challenges in Testing Web Applications.
WSE 2004: 84 |
| 2003 |
64 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Peter Brössler:
Critical Success Factors in Software Maintenance-A Case Study.
ICSM 2003: 190-198 |
63 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Stephan H. Sneed:
Creating Web Services from Legacy Host Programs.
WSE 2003: 59-65 |
62 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Wie einfach ist die Einführung neuer IT-Technologien?
HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 233: (2003) |
61 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Aufwandsschätzung von Software-Reengineering-Projekten.
Wirtschaftsinformatik 45(6): 611-620 (2003) |
| 2002 |
60 |  | Thorsten Spitta,
Jens Borchers,
Harry M. Sneed:
Software Management 2002: Fortschritt durch Beständigkeit, Fachtagung des GI-Fachausschusses Management der Anwendungsemtwicklung und -wartung im Fachbereich Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI-MAW), 6. bis 8. November 2002, Hamburg
GI 2002 |
59 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Using XML to Integrate Existing Software Systems into the Web.
COMPSAC 2002: 167-172 |
58 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Transforming Procedural Program Structures to Object-Oriented Class Structures for the Purpose of Populating a Common Software Repository.
ICSM 2002: 286 |
57 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Ein universelles Software-Repository.
Software Management 2002: 155-165 |
56 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Software Management 2002: 173-174 |
55 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Human Cognition of Complex Thought Patterns.
Acta Cybern. 15(4): 481-487 (2002) |
54 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Einwurf: Integration statt Migration - Warum es besser ist, alte IT-Systeme so zu lassen, wie sie sind.
HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 225: (2002) |
53 |  | Alex Sellink,
Harry M. Sneed,
Chris Verhoef:
Restructuring of COBOL/CICS legacy systems.
Sci. Comput. Program. 45(2): 193-243 (2002) |
52 |  | Siegfried Göschl,
Harry M. Sneed:
Case study of testing a distributed internet-system.
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 12(2): 77-92 (2002) |
51 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Aufwandsschätzung für Web-basierte Informationssysteme und die Struktur der Softwareindustrie.
Wirtschaftsinformatik 44(3): 202-205 (2002) |
| 2001 |
50 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Impact Analysis of Maintenance Tasks for a Distributed Object-Oriented System.
ICSM 2001: 180-189 |
49 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Object-Oriented Repository Services.
ICSM 2001: 198 |
48 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Software Evolution: A Road Map.
ICSM 2001: 7 |
47 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Extracting Business Logic from Existing COBOL Programs as a Basis for Redevelopment.
IWPC 2001: 167-175 |
46 |  | Carola Lange,
Andreas Winter,
Harry M. Sneed:
Comparing Graph-Based Program Comprehension Tools to Relational Database-Based Tools.
IWPC 2001: 209-220 |
45 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Wrapping Legacy COBOL Programs behind an XML-Interface.
WCRE 2001: 189- |
44 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Migration prozeduraler Anwendungssysteme in eine objektorientierte Architektur.
Softwaretechnik- Trends 21(2): (2001) |
| 2000 |
43 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Generation of Stateless Components from Procedural Programs for Reuse in a Distributed System.
CSMR 2000: 183-188 |
42 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Source Animation as a Means of Program Comprehension.
IWPC 2000: 179- |
41 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Extraction of Function-Points from Source-Code.
IWSM 2000: 135-146 |
40 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Encapsulation of legacy software: A technique for reusing legacy software components.
Ann. Software Eng. 9: 293-313 (2000) |
39 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Siegfried Göschl:
Testing software for internet applications.
Software Focus 1(1): 15-22 (2000) |
38 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Zum Berufsbild des Softwareingenieurs in Deutschland und den USA.
Wirtschaftsinformatik 42(Sonderheft): S86-S87 (2000) |
| 1999 |
37 |  | Alex Sellink,
Chris Verhoef,
Harry M. Sneed:
Restructuring of COBOL/CICS Legacy Systems.
CSMR 1999: 72-82 |
36 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Tomas Dombovari:
Comprehending a Complex, Distributed, Object-Oriented Software System a Report from the Field.
IWPC 1999: 218- |
35 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Risks Involved in Reengineering Projects.
WCRE 1999: 204-211 |
| 1998 |
34 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Architecture and Functions of a Commercial Software Reengineering Workbench.
CSMR 1998: 2-10 |
33 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
R. Majnar:
A Case Study in Software Wrapping.
ICSM 1998: 86-93 |
32 |  | Katalin Erdös,
Harry M. Sneed:
Partial Comprehension of Complex Programs (enough to perform maintenance).
IWPC 1998: 98- |
31 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Measuring reusability of legacy software systems.
Software Process: Improvement and Practice 4(1): 43-48 (1998) |
| 1997 |
30 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Measuring the performance of a software maintenance department.
CSMR 1997: 119-127 |
29 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
The rationale for software wrapping.
ICSM 1997: 303 |
28 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Program Interface Reengineering for Wrapping.
WCRE 1997: 206-214 |
27 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
COBWRAP Ein Tool für die Kapselung vorhandener COBOL-74- und COBOL-85.
HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 194: (1997) |
| 1996 |
26 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Modelling the maintenance process at Zurich Life Insurance.
ICSM 1996: 217- |
25 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Encapsulating Legacy Software for Use in Client/Server Systems.
WCRE 1996: 104- |
24 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Object-Oriented Cobol Recycling.
WCRE 1996: 169-178 |
23 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Katalin Erdös:
Extracting Business Rules from Source Code .
WPC 1996: 240- |
22 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Schätzung der Entwicklungskosten von objektorientierter Software.
Informatik Spektrum 19(3): 133-140 (1996) |
21 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Günter Rothhardt:
Wirtschaftsinformatik 38(2): 172-180 (1996) |
| 1995 |
20 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Estimating the costs of software maintenance tasks.
ICSM 1995: 168-181 |
19 |  | Erika Nyáry,
Harry M. Sneed:
Software maintenance offloading at the Union Bank of Switzerland.
ICSM 1995: 98-108 |
18 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Erika Nyáry:
Extracting Object-Oriented Specification from Procedurally Oriented Programs.
WCRE 1995: 0- |
17 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Planning the Reengineering of Legacy Systems.
IEEE Software 12(1): 24-34 (1995) |
16 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Objektorientiertes Testen
Informatik Spektrum 18(1): 6-12 (1995) |
| 1994 |
15 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Validating Functional Equivalence of Re-engineered Programs via Control Path, Result, and Data Flow Comparison.
Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 4(1): 33-44 (1994) |
| 1993 |
14 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Erika Nyáry:
Downsizing Large Application Programs.
ICSM 1993: 110-119 |
13 |  | H. Ritsch,
Harry M. Sneed:
Reverse Engineering Programs via Dynamic Analysis.
WCRE 1993: 192-201 |
| 1992 |
12 |  | Peter Liggesmeyer,
Harry M. Sneed,
Andreas Spillner:
Testen, Analysieren und Verifizieren von Software, Arbeitskreis Testen, Analysieren und Verifizieren von Software der Fachgruppe Software-Engineering der GI, Proceedings der Treffen in Benthe und Bochum Juni 1991 und Februar 1992
Springer 1992 |
11 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
The MicroTest Integrated Test Environment.
Testen, Analysieren und Verifizieren von Software 1992: 45-56 |
| 1988 |
10 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Software-Testen, Stand der Technik.
Informatik Spektrum 11(6): 303-311 (1988) |
| 1985 |
9 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
András Mérey:
Automated Software Quality Assurance.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 11(9): 909-916 (1985) |
| 1984 |
8 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Experience in the Maintenance and Renovation of a Large Application System.
Entwurf großer Software-Systeme 1984: 282-302 |
| 1983 |
7 |  | Erika Nyari,
Harry M. Sneed:
SOFSPEC: A Pragmatic Approach to Automated Specification Verification.
ER 1983: 651-660 |
6 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Wolf-Rüdiger Gawron:
The Use of the Entity-Relationship Model as a Schema for Organizing the Data Processing Activities.
ER 1983: 717-730 |
5 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Sinn, Zweck und Mittel der dynamischen Programmanalyse.
Angewandte Informatik 25(8): 321-327 (1983) |
4 |  | Harry M. Sneed:
Softing software engineering system.
Journal of Systems and Software 3(1): 63-76 (1983) |
3 |  | Erika Nyari,
Harry M. Sneed:
SOFSPEC: A pragmatic approach to automated specification verification.
Journal of Systems and Software 3(3): 193-200 (1983) |
| 1982 |
2 |  | Harry M. Sneed,
Hans-Rüdiger Wiehle:
Software-Qualitätssicherung, Tagung I/1982 des German Chapter of the ACM am 25. und 26.3.1982 in Neubiberg bei München
Teubner 1982 |
| 1981 |
1 |  | Maria Majoros,
Harry M. Sneed:
The softest program test system.
Journal of Systems and Software 2(4): 289-296 (1981) |