| 2008 |
31 | | Quan Phan,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Gerda Janssens:
Runtime support for region-based memory management in Mercury.
ISMM 2008: 61-70 |
30 | | Ralph Becket,
Zoltan Somogyi:
DCGs + Memoing = Packrat Parsing but Is It Worth It?
PADL 2008: 182-196 |
| 2006 |
29 | | Ralph Becket,
Maria J. García de la Banda,
Kim Marriott,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Peter J. Stuckey,
Mark Wallace:
Adding Constraint Solving to Mercury.
PADL 2006: 118-133 |
28 | | Zoltan Somogyi,
Konstantinos F. Sagonas:
Tabling in Mercury: Design and Implementation.
PADL 2006: 150-167 |
27 | | Ian MacLarty,
Zoltan Somogyi:
Controlling Search Space Materialization in a Practical Declarative Debugger.
PADL 2006: 31-44 |
| 2005 |
26 | | Ian MacLarty,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Mark Brown:
Divide-and-query and subterm dependency tracking in the mercury declarative debugger.
AADEBUG 2005: 59-68 |
25 | | Peter J. Stuckey,
Maria J. García de la Banda,
Michael J. Maher,
Kim Marriott,
John K. Slaney,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Mark Wallace,
Toby Walsh:
The G12 Project: Mapping Solver Independent Models to Efficient Solutions.
CP 2005: 13-16 |
24 | | Peter J. Stuckey,
Maria J. García de la Banda,
Michael J. Maher,
Kim Marriott,
John K. Slaney,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Mark Wallace,
Toby Walsh:
The G12 Project: Mapping Solver Independent Models to Efficient Solutions.
ICLP 2005: 9-13 |
| 2003 |
23 | | Zoltan Somogyi:
Idempotent I/O for safe time travel
CoRR cs.LO/0311040: (2003) |
| 2002 |
22 | | Fergus Henderson,
Zoltan Somogyi:
Compiling Mercury to High-Level C Code.
CC 2002: 197-212 |
21 | | David Overton,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Peter J. Stuckey:
Constraint-based mode analysis of mercury.
PPDP 2002: 109-120 |
20 | | Zoltan Somogyi,
Peter J. Stuckey:
Using the heap to eliminate stack accesses.
PPDP 2002: 121-132 |
| 2000 |
19 | | David Jeffery,
Fergus Henderson,
Zoltan Somogyi:
Type Classes in Mercury.
ACSC 2000: 128-135 |
| 1999 |
18 | | Peter Ross,
David Overton,
Zoltan Somogyi:
Making Mercury Programs Tail Recursive.
LOPSTR 1999: 196-215 |
17 | | David Jeffery,
Tyson Dowd,
Zoltan Somogyi:
MCORBA: A CORBA Binding for Mercury.
PADL 1999: 211-227 |
16 | | Tyson Dowd,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Fergus Henderson,
Thomas Conway,
David Jeffery:
Run Time Type Information in Mercury.
PPDP 1999: 224-243 |
15 | | Zoltan Somogyi,
Fergus Henderson:
The Implementation Technology of the Mercury Debugger.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 30(4): (1999) |
| 1997 |
14 | | David B. Kemp,
Thomas Conway,
Evan P. Harris,
Fergus Henderson,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
Zoltan Somogyi:
Database Transactions in a Purely Declarative Logic Programming Language.
DASFAA 1997: 283-292 |
13 | | Chris Speirs,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Harald Søndergaard:
Termination Analysis for Mercury.
SAS 1997: 160-171 |
| 1996 |
12 | | Zoltan Somogyi,
Fergus Henderson,
Thomas Conway:
The Execution Algorithm of Mercury, an Efficient Purely Declarative Logic Programming Language.
J. Log. Program. 29(1-3): 17-64 (1996) |
| 1995 |
11 | | Thomas Conway,
Fergus Henderson,
Zoltan Somogyi:
Code Generation for Mercury.
ILPS 1995: 242-256 |
| 1994 |
10 | | Zoltan Somogyi,
David B. Kemp,
James Harland,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao:
Subsumption-Free Bottom-up Evaluation of Logic Programs with Partially Instantiated Data Structures.
EDBT 1994: 59-72 |
9 | | Zoltan Somogyi,
Fergus Henderson,
Thomas Conway:
The Implementation of Mercury, an Efficient Purely Declarative Logic Programming Language.
ILPS Workshop: Implementation Techniques for Logic Programming Languages 1994: 0- |
8 | | Jayen Vaghani,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
David B. Kemp,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Peter J. Stuckey,
Tim S. Leask,
James Harland:
The Aditi Deductive Database System
VLDB J. 3(2): 245-288 (1994) |
| 1993 |
7 | | Jayen Vaghani,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
David B. Kemp,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Peter J. Stuckey,
Tim S. Leask,
James Harland:
Status of the Aditi Deductive Database System.
ICLP 1993: 851 |
6 | | Jayen Vaghani,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
David B. Kemp,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Peter J. Stuckey,
Tim S. Leask,
James Harland:
The Aditi Deductive Datebase System.
Workshop on Programming with Logic Databases (Informal Proceedings), ILPS 1993: 161 |
| 1991 |
5 | | Jayen Vaghani,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
David B. Kemp,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Peter J. Stuckey:
Design Overview of the Aditi Deductive Database System.
ICDE 1991: 240-247 |
| 1990 |
4 | | David B. Kemp,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
Zoltan Somogyi:
Right-, left- and multi-linear rule transformations that maintain context information.
VLDB 1990: 380-391 |
3 | | Jayen Vaghani,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
David B. Kemp,
Zoltan Somogyi,
Peter J. Stuckey:
Design Overview of the Aditi Deductive Database System.
Workshop on Deductive Databases 1990: 0- |
| 1988 |
2 | | Zoltan Somogyi,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
Jayen Vaghani:
A Stream AND-Parallel Execution Algorithm with Backtracking.
ICLP/SLP 1988: 1142-1159 |
| 1987 |
1 | | Zoltan Somogyi:
A System of Precise Models for Logic Programs.
ICLP 1987: 769-787 |