| 2008 |
10 | | Michael Sedlmair,
Wolfgang Hintermaier,
Konrad Stocker,
Thorsten Bring,
Andreas Butz:
A Dual-View Visualization of In-Car Communication Processes.
IV 2008: 157-162 |
| 2003 |
9 | | Markus Keidl,
Alfons Kemper,
Stefan Seltzsam,
Konrad Stocker:
Web Services.
Web & Datenbanken 2003: 293-331 |
| 2002 |
8 | | Markus Keidl,
Stefan Seltzsam,
Konrad Stocker,
Alfons Kemper:
ServiceGlobe: Distributing E-Services Across the Internet.
VLDB 2002: 1047-1050 |
| 2001 |
7 | | Stephan Börzsönyi,
Donald Kossmann,
Konrad Stocker:
The Skyline Operator.
ICDE 2001: 421-430 |
6 | | Konrad Stocker,
Donald Kossmann,
Reinhard Braumandl,
Alfons Kemper:
Integrating Semi-Join-Reducers into State of the Art Query Processors.
ICDE 2001: 575-584 |
5 | | Reinhard Braumandl,
Markus Keidl,
Alfons Kemper,
Donald Kossmann,
Stefan Seltzsam,
Konrad Stocker:
ObjectGlobe: Open Distributed Query Processing Services on the Internet.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 24(1): 64-70 (2001) |
4 | | Reinhard Braumandl,
Markus Keidl,
Alfons Kemper,
Donald Kossmann,
Alexander Kreutz,
Stefan Seltzsam,
Konrad Stocker:
ObjectGlobe: Ubiquitous query processing on the Internet.
VLDB J. 10(1): 48-71 (2001) |
| 2000 |
3 | | Reinhard Braumandl,
Markus Keidl,
Alfons Kemper,
Donald Kossmann,
Alexander Kreutz,
Stefan Pröls,
Stefan Seltzsam,
Konrad Stocker:
ObjectGlobe: Ubiquitous Query Processing on the Internet.
TES 2000: 247-268 |
2 | | Donald Kossmann,
Konrad Stocker:
Iterative dynamic programming: a new class of query optimization algorithms.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 25(1): 43-82 (2000) |
| 1999 |
1 | | Reinhard Braumandl,
Alfons Kemper,
Donald Kossmann,
Alexander Kreutz,
Stefan Pröls,
Konrad Stocker:
ObjectGlobe: Integrating Data Processing Services on the Internet.
Datenbank Rundbrief 24: 37-42 (1999) |