| 2008 |
10 |  | Shujiang Xu,
Yinglong Wang,
Jizhi Wang,
Min Tian:
Cryptanalysis of Two Chaotic Image Encryption Schemes Based on Permutation and XOR Operations.
CIS (2) 2008: 433-437 |
| 2007 |
9 |  | Min Tian,
Weiwei Zhang,
Fuqiang Liu:
On-Line Ensemble SVM for Robust Object Tracking.
ACCV (1) 2007: 355-364 |
8 |  | Min Tian,
Andreas Gramm,
Hartmut Ritter,
Jochen H. Schiller,
Thiemo Voigt:
Adaptive QoS for Mobile Web Services through Cross-Layer Communication.
IEEE Computer 40(2): 59-63 (2007) |
| 2004 |
7 |  | Min Tian,
Andreas Gramm,
Hartmut Ritter,
Jochen H. Schiller,
Thiemo Voigt:
QoS-aware cross-layer communication for Mobile Web services with the WS-QoS framework.
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 286 |
6 |  | Min Tian,
Andreas Gramm,
Hartmut Ritter,
Jochen H. Schiller:
Efficient Selection and Monitoring of QoS-Aware Web Services with the WS-QoS Framework.
Web Intelligence 2004: 152-158 |
5 |  | Min Tian,
Thiemo Voigt,
Tomasz Naumowicz,
Hartmut Ritter,
Jochen H. Schiller:
Performance considerations for mobile web services.
Computer Communications 27(11): 1097-1105 (2004) |
| 2003 |
4 |  | C. Gärtner,
Hartmut Ritter,
Jochen H. Schiller,
Min Tian,
Thiemo Voigt:
Abrechnung von mobil genutzten Web Services.
Berliner XML Tage 2003: 278-285 |
3 |  | Min Tian,
Andreas Gramm,
M. Nabulsi,
Hartmut Ritter,
Jochen H. Schiller,
Thiemo Voigt:
QoS Integration in Web Services.
Berliner XML Tage 2003: 460-466 |
2 |  | Hartmut Ritter,
Min Tian,
Thiemo Voigt,
Jochen H. Schiller:
A Highly Flexible Testbed for Studies of ad-hoc Network Behaviour.
LCN 2003: 746-752 |
1 |  | Hartmut Ritter,
Thiemo Voigt,
Min Tian,
Jochen H. Schiller:
Experiences using a dual wireless technology infrastructure to support ad-hoc multiplayer games.
NETGAMES 2003: 101-105 |