| 2009 |
27 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Aidas Smaizys:
Business Rule Model Integration into the Model of Transformation Driven Software Development.
ADBIS (Workshops) 2009: 153-160 |
26 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Evaldas Lebedys:
Implementation of Restriction and Validation Rules.
HEALTHINF 2009: 230-236 |
| 2008 |
25 |  | Aidas Smaizys,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Agile Software System Development and Customisation Using Business Rules.
DB&IS 2008: 243-254 |
24 |  | Vladimir Avdejenkov,
Olegas Vasilecas,
Aidas Smaizys:
Business Rule Management in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.
DB&IS 2008: 255-266 |
23 |  | Algirdas Laukaitis,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Multi-Alignment Templates Induction.
Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 19(4): 535-554 (2008) |
| 2007 |
22 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Aidas Smaizys:
Business Rule Based Software System Configuration Management and Implementation Using Decision Tables.
ADBIS Research Communications 2007 |
21 |  | Sergejus Sosunovas,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Tool-Supported Method for the Extraction of OCL from ORM Models.
BIS 2007: 449-463 |
20 |  | Algirdas Laukaitis,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Asymmetric Hybrid Machine Translation for Languages with Scarce Resources.
CICLing 2007: 397-408 |
19 |  | Justas Trinkunas,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Building ontologies from relational databases using reverse engineering methods.
CompSysTech 2007: 13 |
18 |  | Algirdas Laukaitis,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Formal concept analysis and information systems modeling.
CompSysTech 2007: 17 |
17 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Diana Bugaite:
An algorithm for the automatic transformation of ontology axioms into a rule model.
CompSysTech 2007: 9 |
16 |  | Algirdas Laukaitis,
Olegas Vasilecas,
Vilnius Gediminas:
Natural Language Based Heavy Personal Assistant Architecture for Information Retrieval and Presentation.
HCI (9) 2007: 54-63 |
15 |  | Algirdas Laukaitis,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Integrating All Stages of Information Systems Development by Means of Natural Language Processing.
REFSQ 2007: 218-231 |
14 |  | Sergejus Sosunovas,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Four security certification levels for IT Managers and Staff in the Public Sector.
SECURWARE 2007: 7-11 |
| 2006 |
13 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Johann Eder,
Albertas Caplinskas:
Databases and Information Systems IV - Selected Papers from the Seventh International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2006, July 3-6, 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania
IOS Press 2006 |
12 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Diana Bugaite:
Ontology-Based Information Systems Development: The Problem of Automation of Information Processing Rules.
ADVIS 2006: 187-196 |
11 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Aidas Smaizys:
The Framework for Business Rule Based Software Modeling: an Approach for Data Analysis Models Integration.
DB&IS 2006: 175-186 |
10 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Algirdas Laukaitis:
The Use of the Natural Language Understanding Agents with Conceptual Models.
ICEIS (2) 2006: 308-311 |
9 |  | Olegas Vasilecas,
Diana Bugaite:
Business Rules Elicitation in the Process of Enterprise Information System Development.
ICEIS (3) 2006: 218-223 |
| 2005 |
8 |  | Irma Valatkaite,
Olegas Vasilecas:
On Business Rules Automation: The BR-Centric IS Development Framework.
ADBIS 2005: 349-364 |
7 |  | Algirdas Laukaitis,
Olegas Vasilecas,
Raimondas Berniunas,
Eimontas Augilius:
An Architecture for Natural Language Dialog Applications in Data Exploration and Presentation Domain.
ADBIS Research Communications 2005 |
| 2003 |
6 |  | Irma Valatkaite,
Olegas Vasilecas:
A Conceptual Graphs Approach for Business Rules Modeling.
ADBIS 2003: 178-189 |
5 |  | Albertas Caplinskas,
Audrone Lupeikiene,
Olegas Vasilecas:
The Role of Ontologies in Reusing Domain and Enterprise Engineering Assets.
Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 14(4): 455-470 (2003) |
| 2002 |
4 |  | Albertas Caplinskas,
Audrone Lupeikiene,
Olegas Vasilecas:
A Framework to Analyse and Evaluate Information Systems Specification Languages.
ADBIS 2002: 248-262 |
3 |  | Albertas Caplinskas,
Audrone Lupeikiene,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Unified enterprise engineering environment: ontological point of view.
BalticDB&IS 2002: 30-50 |
2 |  | Albertas Caplinskas,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Mocuris - Modern Curriculum In Information Systems At Master Level.
ECIS 2002 |
1 |  | Albertas Caplinskas,
Johann Eder,
Olegas Vasilecas:
Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS).
SIGMOD Record 31(1): 113-117 (2002) |