| 2009 |
50 |  | Jakub Piskorski,
Bruce W. Watson,
Anssi Yli-Jyrä:
Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, 7th International Workshop, FSMNLP 2007, Ispra, Italy, September 11-12, 2008. Post-proceedings
IOS Press 2009 |
49 |  | Fritz Venter,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
FCA-Based Two Dimensional Pattern Matching.
ICFCA 2009: 299-313 |
48 |  | Wikus Coetser,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
On Regular Expression Hashing to Reduce FA Size.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 20(6): 1069-1086 (2009) |
47 |  | Derrick G. Kourie,
Sergei A. Obiedkov,
Bruce W. Watson,
Dean van der Merwe:
An incremental algorithm to construct a lattice of set intersections.
Sci. Comput. Program. 74(3): 128-142 (2009) |
| 2008 |
46 |  | Stefan Gruner,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Markus Roggenbach,
Tinus Strauss,
Bruce W. Watson:
A New CSP Operator for Optional Parallelism.
CSSE (2) 2008: 788-791 |
45 |  | Tinus Strauss,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
A Concurrent Specification of Brzozowski's DFA Construction Algorithm.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(1): 125-135 (2008) |
44 |  | Bruce W. Watson,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Tinus Strauss,
Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Loek G. Cleophas:
Efficient Automata Constructions and Approximate Automata.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(1): 185-193 (2008) |
43 |  | Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
On Implementation and Performance of Table-Driven DFA-Based String Processors.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(1): 53-70 (2008) |
| 2007 |
42 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
Automata Applications in Chip-Design Software.
CIAA 2007: 24-26 |
| 2006 |
41 |  | Martin Drozdz,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson,
Andrew Boake:
Refactoring Tools and Complementary Techniques.
AICCSA 2006: 685-688 |
40 |  | Bruce W. Watson,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Tinus Strauss,
Loek G. Cleophas:
Efficient automata constructions and approximate automata.
Stringology 2006: 100-107 |
39 |  | Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
On implementation and performance of table-driven DFA-based string processors.
Stringology 2006: 108-122 |
38 |  | Corné de Ridder,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
FireµSat: An algorithm to detect microsatellites in DNA.
Stringology 2006: 137-150 |
37 |  | Tinus Strauss,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
A concurrent specification of Brzozowski's DFA construction algorithm.
Stringology 2006: 90-99 |
36 |  | Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Bruce W. Watson,
Derrick G. Kourie:
Dynamic Allocation of Finite Automata States for Fast String Recognition.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 17(6): 1307-1324 (2006) |
35 |  | Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
Performance of hardcoded finite automata.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 36(5): 525-538 (2006) |
34 |  | T. Botha,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
A word game support tool case study.
South African Computer Journal 36: 86-94 (2006) |
| 2005 |
33 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
FIRE Station.
FSMNLP 2005: 310 |
32 |  | Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Derrick G. Kourie,
Bruce W. Watson:
Reordering finite automata states for fast string recognition.
Stringology 2005: 69-80 |
31 |  | Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Bruce W. Watson,
Derrick G. Kourie:
A framework for the dynamic implementation of finite automata for performance enhancement.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 16(6): 1193-1206 (2005) |
30 |  | Loek G. Cleophas,
Gerard Zwaan,
Bruce W. Watson:
Constructing Factor Oracles.
Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 10(5/6): 627-640 (2005) |
| 2004 |
29 |  | Michiel Frishert,
Loek G. Cleophas,
Bruce W. Watson:
FIRE Station: An Environment for Manipulating Finite Automata and Regular Expression Views.
CIAA 2004: 125-133 |
28 |  | Michiel Frishert,
Bruce W. Watson:
Combining Regular Expressions with (Near-)Optimal Brzozowski Automata.
CIAA 2004: 319-320 |
27 |  | Loek G. Cleophas,
Bruce W. Watson,
Gerard Zwaan:
Automaton-Based Sublinear Keyword Pattern Matching.
SPIRE 2004: 18-29 |
26 |  | Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Bruce W. Watson,
Derrick G. Kourie:
A Framework for the Dynamic Implementation of Finite Automata for Performance Enhancement.
Stringology 2004: 155-167 |
25 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
Reducing memory requirements in reachability-based finite automata operations.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 34(3): 239-248 (2004) |
24 |  | Bruce W. Watson,
Loek G. Cleophas:
SPARE Parts: a C++ toolkit for string pattern recognition.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 34(7): 697-710 (2004) |
23 |  | Bruce W. Watson,
Derick Wood:
Theor. Comput. Sci. 313(1): 1 (2004) |
| 2003 |
22 |  | Ernest Ketcha Ngassam,
Bruce W. Watson,
Derrick G. Kourie:
Preliminary Experiments in Hardcoding Finite Automata.
CIAA 2003: 299-300 |
21 |  | Michiel Frishert,
Loek G. Cleophas,
Bruce W. Watson:
The Effect of Rewriting Regular Expressions on Their Accepting Automata.
CIAA 2003: 304-305 |
20 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A New Recursive Incremental Algorithm for Building Minimal Acyclic Deterministic Finite Automata.
Grammars and Automata for String Processing 2003: 189-202 |
19 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A new algorithm for the construction of minimal acyclic DFAs.
Sci. Comput. Program. 48(2-3): 81-97 (2003) |
18 |  | Bruce W. Watson,
Richard E. Watson:
A Boyer-Moore-style algorithm for regular expression pattern matching.
Sci. Comput. Program. 48(2-3): 99-117 (2003) |
17 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A new family and structure for Commentz-Walter-style multiple-keyword pattern matching algorithms : research article.
South African Computer Journal 30: 29-33 (2003) |
16 |  | Bruce W. Watson,
Richard E. Watson:
A new family of string pattern matching algorithms.
South African Computer Journal 30: 34-41 (2003) |
15 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A new regular grammar pattern matching algorithm.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 1-3(299): 509-521 (2003) |
| 2002 |
14 |  | Bruce W. Watson,
Derick Wood:
Implementation and Application of Automata, 6th International Conference, CIAA 2001, Pretoria, South Africa, July 23-25, 2001, Revised Papers
Springer 2002 |
13 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A Fast and Simple Algorithm for Constructing Minimal Acyclic Deterministic Finite Automata.
J. UCS 8(2): 363-367 (2002) |
12 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
Directly constructing minimal DFAs : combining two algorithms by Brzozowski.
South African Computer Journal 29: 17-23 (2002) |
| 2001 |
11 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A taxonomy of algorithms for constructing minimal acyclic deterministic finite automata.
South African Computer Journal 27: 12-17 (2001) |
| 2000 |
10 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
Directly Constructing Minimal DFAs: Combining Two Algorithms by Brzozowski.
CIAA 2000: 311-317 |
9 |  | Jan Daciuk,
Stoyan Mihov,
Bruce W. Watson,
Richard Watson:
Incremental construction of minimal acyclic finite-state automata
CoRR cs.CL/0007009: (2000) |
8 |  | Jan Daciuk,
Stoyan Mihov,
Bruce W. Watson,
Richard Watson:
Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic Finite State Automata.
Computational Linguistics 26(1): 3-16 (2000) |
| 1999 |
7 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A Taxonomy of Algorithms for Constructing Minimal Acyclic Deterministic Finite Automata.
WIA 1999: 174-182 |
| 1998 |
6 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A Fast New Semi-incremental Algorithm for the Construction of Minimal Acyclic DFAs.
Workshop on Implementing Automata 1998: 121-132 |
| 1997 |
5 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
Practical Optimizations for Automata.
Workshop on Implementing Automata 1997: 232-240 |
| 1996 |
4 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A New Regular Grammar Pattern Matching Algorithm.
ESA 1996: 364-377 |
3 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
A Collection of New Regular Grammar Pattern Matching Algorithms.
Stringology 1996: 64-83 |
2 |  | Bruce W. Watson:
FIRE Lite: FAs and REs in C++.
Workshop on Implementing Automata 1996: 167-188 |
1 |  | Bruce W. Watson,
Gerard Zwaan:
A Taxonomy of Sublinear Multiple Keyword Pattern Matching Algorithms.
Sci. Comput. Program. 27(2): 85-118 (1996) |