| 2009 |
28 |  | Himanshu Khurana,
Jim Basney,
Mehedi Bakht,
D. Michael Freemon,
Von Welch,
Randy Butler:
Palantir: a framework for collaborative incident response and investigation.
IDtrust 2009: 38-51 |
27 |  | Morris Riedel,
Erwin Laure,
Th. Soddemann,
Laurence Field,
John-Paul Navarro,
James Casey,
Maarten Litmaath,
Jean-Philippe Baud,
Birger Koblitz,
Charlie Catlett,
D. Skow,
Cindy Zheng,
Philip M. Papadopoulos,
Mason J. Katz,
Neha Sharma,
Oxana Smirnova,
Balázs Kónya,
Peter W. Arzberger,
F. Würthwein,
A. S. Rana,
T. Martin,
M. Wan,
Von Welch,
T. Rimovsky,
S. Newhouse,
A. Vanni,
Yoshio Tanaka,
Yusuke Tanimura,
Tsutomu Ikegami,
David Abramson,
Colin Enticott,
G. Jenkins,
R. Pordes,
N. Sharma,
S. Timm,
N. Sharma,
G. Moont,
M. Aggarwal,
D. Colling,
O. van der Aa,
Alex Sim,
Vijaya Natarajan,
Arie Shoshani,
Junmin Gu,
S. Chen,
G. Galang,
Riccardo Zappi,
Luca Magnoni,
Vincenzo Ciaschini,
M. Pace,
Valerio Venturi,
Moreno Marzolla,
Paolo Andreetto,
B. Cowles,
Shaowen Wang,
Y. Saeki,
H. Sato,
Satoshi Matsuoka,
Putchong Uthayopas,
Somsak Sriprayoonsakul,
Oscar Koeroo,
Matthew Viljoen,
Laura Pearlman,
S. Pickles,
David Wallom,
G. Moloney,
J. Lauret,
J. Marsteller,
P. Sheldon,
S. Pathak,
Shaun De Witt,
J. Mencák,
Jens Jensen,
Matt Hodges,
Derek Ross,
Sugree Phatanapherom,
Gilbert Netzer,
A. R. Gregersen,
Mike Jones,
S. Chen,
Péter Kacsuk,
Achim Streit,
Daniel Mallmann,
Felix Wolf,
Thomas Lippert,
Thierry Delaitre,
E. Huedo,
Neil Geddes:
Interoperation of world-wide production e-Science infrastructures.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 21(8): 961-990 (2009) |
| 2008 |
26 |  | Adam J. Lee,
Marianne Winslett,
Jim Basney,
Von Welch:
The Traust Authorization Service.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 11(1): (2008) |
| 2007 |
25 |  | Himanshu Khurana,
Mohammad Maifi Hasan Khan,
Von Welch:
Leveraging Computational Grid Technologies for Building a Secure and Manageable Power Grid.
HICSS 2007: 115 |
24 |  | Randy Butler,
Mark Servilla,
Stuart Gage,
Jim Basney,
Von Welch,
Bill Baker,
Terry Fleury,
Patrick Duda,
David Gehrig,
Michael Bletzinger,
Jing Tao,
D. Michael Freemon:
Cyberinfrastructure for the analysis of ecological acoustic sensor data: a use case study in grid deployment.
Cluster Computing 10(3): 301-310 (2007) |
23 |  | Von Welch,
Jim Barlow,
Jim Basney,
Doru Marcusiu,
Nancy Wilkins-Diehr:
A AAAA model to support science gateways with community accounts.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(6): 893-904 (2007) |
| 2006 |
22 |  | Adam J. Lee,
Marianne Winslett,
Jim Basney,
Von Welch:
Traust: a trust negotiation-based authorization service for open systems.
SACMAT 2006: 39-48 |
21 |  | Terry Fleury,
Jim Basney,
Von Welch:
Single sign-on for java web start applications using myproxy.
SWS 2006: 95-102 |
20 |  | Adam J. Lee,
Marianne Winslett,
Jim Basney,
Von Welch:
Traust: A Trust Negotiation Based Authorization Service.
iTrust 2006: 458-462 |
| 2005 |
19 |  | Jim Basney,
Wolfgang Nejdl,
Daniel Olmedilla,
Von Welch,
Marianne Winslett:
Negotiating Trust on the Grid.
Semantic Grid 2005 |
18 |  | Bruce Beckles,
Von Welch,
Jim Basney:
Mechanisms for increasing the usability of grid security.
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 63(1-2): 74-101 (2005) |
17 |  | Jim Basney,
Marty Humphrey,
Von Welch:
The MyProxy online credential repository.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(9): 801-816 (2005) |
| 2004 |
16 |  | Katarzyna Keahey,
Von Welch,
Sam Lang,
B. Liu,
Sam Meder:
Fine-grained authorization for job execution in the Grid: design and implementation.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(5): 477-488 (2004) |
| 2003 |
15 |  | Von Welch,
Frank Siebenlist,
Ian T. Foster,
John Bresnahan,
Karl Czajkowski,
Jarek Gawor,
Carl Kesselman,
Sam Meder,
Laura Pearlman,
Steven Tuecke:
Security for Grid Services.
HPDC 2003: 48-57 |
14 |  | Katarzyna Keahey,
Von Welch,
Sam Lang,
B. Liu,
Sam Meder:
Fine-Grain Authorization Policies in the GRID: Design and Implementation.
Middleware Workshops 2003: 170-177 |
13 |  | Katarzyna Keahey,
Von Welch:
Fine-Grain Authorization for Resource Management in the Grid Environment
CoRR cs.CR/0301031: (2003) |
12 |  | Craig E. Tull,
Shane Canon,
Steve Chan,
Doug Olson,
Laura Pearlman,
Von Welch:
Using CAS to Manage Role-Based VO Sub-Groups
CoRR cs.CR/0306088: (2003) |
11 |  | Von Welch,
Frank Siebenlist,
Ian T. Foster,
John Bresnahan,
Karl Czajkowski,
Jarek Gawor,
Carl Kesselman,
Sam Meder,
Laura Pearlman,
Steven Tuecke:
Security for Grid Services
CoRR cs.CR/0306129: (2003) |
10 |  | Katarzyna Keahey,
Von Welch,
Sam Lang,
B. Liu,
Sam Meder:
Fine-Grained Authorization for Job Execution in the Grid: Design and Implementation
CoRR cs.CR/0311025: (2003) |
9 |  | Laura Pearlman,
Von Welch,
Ian T. Foster,
Carl Kesselman,
Steven Tuecke:
A Community Authorization Service for Group Collaboration
CoRR cs.DC/0306053: (2003) |
8 |  | Mary R. Thompson,
Abdelilah Essiari,
Katarzyna Keahey,
Von Welch,
Sam Lang,
B. Liu:
Fine-Grained Authorization for Job and Resource Management Using Akenti and the Globus Toolkit
CoRR cs.DC/0306070: (2003) |
7 |  | Laura Pearlman,
Von Welch,
Ian T. Foster,
Carl Kesselman,
Steven Tuecke:
The Community Authorization Service: Status and Future
CoRR cs.SE/0306082: (2003) |
| 2002 |
6 |  | Ian T. Foster,
Frank Siebenlist,
Steven Tuecke,
Von Welch:
Security and Certification Issues in Grid Computing.
Certification and Security in E-Services 2002: 47-55 |
5 |  | Lavanya Ramakrishnan,
Helen Rehn,
Jay Alameda,
Rachana Ananthakrishnan,
Madhusudhan Govindaraju,
Aleksander Slominski,
Kay Connelly,
Von Welch,
Dennis Gannon,
Randall Bramley,
Shawn Hampton:
An Authorization Framework for a Grid Based Component Architecture.
GRID 2002: 169-180 |
4 |  | Katarzyna Keahey,
Von Welch:
Fine-Grain Authorization for Resource Management in the Grid Environment.
GRID 2002: 199-206 |
3 |  | Laura Pearlman,
Von Welch,
Ian T. Foster,
Carl Kesselman,
Steven Tuecke:
A Community Authorization Service for Group Collaboration.
POLICY 2002: 50-59 |
| 2001 |
2 |  | Jason Novotny,
Steven Tuecke,
Von Welch:
An Online Credential Repository for the Grid: MyProxy.
HPDC 2001: 104- |
| 2000 |
1 |  | Randy Butler,
Von Welch,
Douglas Engert,
Ian T. Foster,
Steven Tuecke,
John Volmer,
Carl Kesselman:
A National-Scale Authentication Infrastructur.
IEEE Computer 33(12): 60-66 (2000) |