| 2007 |
57 |  | Andrew Turpin,
Yohannes Tsegay,
David Hawking,
Hugh E. Williams:
Fast generation of result snippets in web search.
SIGIR 2007: 127-134 |
56 |  | Mirna Adriani,
Jelita Asian,
Bobby Nazief,
Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi,
Hugh E. Williams:
Stemming Indonesian: A confix-stripping approach.
ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 6(4): (2007) |
55 |  | Michael Cameron,
Hugh E. Williams:
Comparing Compressed Sequences for Faster Nucleotide BLAST Searches.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 4(3): 349-364 (2007) |
54 |  | Michael Cameron,
Yaniv Bernstein,
Hugh E. Williams:
Clustered Sequence Representation for Fast Homology Search.
Journal of Computational Biology 14(5): 594-614 (2007) |
| 2006 |
53 |  | Michael Cameron,
Yaniv Bernstein,
Hugh E. Williams:
Clustering Near-Identical Sequences for Fast Homology Search.
RECOMB 2006: 175-189 |
52 |  | Nicholas Lester,
Justin Zobel,
Hugh E. Williams:
Efficient online index maintenance for contiguous inverted lists.
Inf. Process. Manage. 42(4): 916-933 (2006) |
51 |  | Michael Cameron,
Hugh E. Williams,
Adam Cannane:
A Deterministic Finite Automaton for Faster Protein Hit Detection in BLAST.
Journal of Computational Biology 13(4): 965-978 (2006) |
| 2005 |
50 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Gillian Dobbie:
Database Technologies 2005, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2005, Newcastle, Australia, January 31st - February 3rd 2005
Australian Computer Society 2005 |
49 |  | Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi,
Hugh E. Williams,
James A. Thom,
Timo Volkmer:
Video Cut Detection using Frame Windows.
ACSC 2005: 193-200 |
48 |  | Jelita Asian,
Hugh E. Williams,
Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi:
Stemming Indonesian.
ACSC 2005: 307-314 |
47 |  | Hugh E. Williams:
Introduction to genomic information retrieval.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 23(1): 1-2 (2005) |
46 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Searchable words on the Web.
Int. J. on Digital Libraries 5(2): 99-105 (2005) |
| 2004 |
45 |  | Klaus-Dieter Schewe,
Hugh E. Williams:
Database Technologies 2004, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2004, Dunedin, New Zealand, 18-22 January 2004
Australian Computer Society 2004 |
44 |  | Nicholas Lester,
Justin Zobel,
Hugh E. Williams:
In-Place versus Re-Build versus Re-Merge: Index Maintenance Strategies for Text Retrieval Systems.
ACSC 2004: 15-22 |
43 |  | Steven Garcia,
Hugh E. Williams,
Adam Cannane:
Access-Ordered Indexes.
ACSC 2004: 7-14 |
42 |  | Jelita Asian,
Hugh E. Williams,
Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi:
A Testbed for Indonesian Text Retrieval.
ADCS 2004: 55-58 |
41 |  | Abhijit Chattaraj,
Hugh E. Williams:
Variable-length Intervals in Homology Search.
APBC 2004: 85-91 |
40 |  | Amanda Clare,
Hugh E. Williams,
Nicholas Lester:
Scalable Multi-Relational Association Mining.
ICDM 2004: 355-358 |
39 |  | Timo Volkmer,
Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi,
Hugh E. Williams:
Gradual Transition Detection Using Average Frame Similarity.
MDDE 2004 |
38 |  | Bodo Billerbeck,
Adam Cannane,
Abhijit Chattaraj,
Nicholas Lester,
William Webber,
Hugh E. Williams,
John Yiannis,
Justin Zobel:
RMIT University at TREC 2004.
TREC 2004 |
37 |  | Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi,
James A. Thom,
Hugh E. Williams:
Representing Colour for Computing Image Similarity.
iiWAS 2004 |
36 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel,
Dirk Bahle:
Fast phrase querying with combined indexes.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 22(4): 573-594 (2004) |
35 |  | Michael Cameron,
Hugh E. Williams,
Adam Cannane:
Improved Gapped Alignment in BLAST.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 1(3): 116-129 (2004) |
34 |  | Falk Scholer,
Hugh E. Williams,
Andrew Turpin:
Query association surrogates for Web search.
JASIST 55(7): 637-650 (2004) |
| 2003 |
33 |  | Vaughan R. Shanks,
Hugh E. Williams,
Adam Cannane:
Indexing for Fast Categorisation.
ACSC 2003: 119-127 |
32 |  | Hugh E. Williams:
Genomic Information Retrieval.
ADC 2003: 27-35 |
31 |  | Bodo Billerbeck,
Falk Scholer,
Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Query expansion using associated queries.
CIKM 2003: 2-9 |
30 |  | Vaughan R. Shanks,
Hugh E. Williams:
Index construction for linear categorisation.
CIKM 2003: 334-341 |
29 |  | Andrew G. Fry,
Hugh E. Williams:
Comparing the Overhead Requirements of Database Transaction Models.
DEXA 2003: 318-329 |
28 |  | Halil Ali,
Hugh E. Williams:
What's Changed? Measuring Document Change in Web Crawling for Search Engines.
SPIRE 2003: 28-42 |
| 2002 |
27 |  | Wahyu Wibowo,
Hugh E. Williams:
Simple and accurate feature selection for hierarchical categorisation.
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2002: 111-118 |
26 |  | Falk Scholer,
Hugh E. Williams:
Query association for effective retrieval.
CIKM 2002: 324-331 |
25 |  | Wahyu Wibowo,
Hugh E. Williams:
Strategies for minimising errors in hierarchical web categorisation.
CIKM 2002: 525-531 |
24 |  | Dirk Bahle,
Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Efficient phrase querying with an auxiliary index.
SIGIR 2002: 215-221 |
23 |  | Falk Scholer,
Hugh E. Williams,
John Yiannis,
Justin Zobel:
Compression of inverted indexes for fast query evaluation.
SIGIR 2002: 222-229 |
22 |  | Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi,
James A. Thom,
Hugh E. Williams:
Multiple Example Queries in Content-Based Image Retrieval.
SPIRE 2002: 227-240 |
21 |  | Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi,
James A. Thom,
Hugh E. Williams:
Shot Boundary Detection Using the Moving Query Window.
TREC 2002 |
20 |  | Steffen Heinz,
Justin Zobel,
Hugh E. Williams:
Burst tries: a fast, efficient data structure for string keys.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 20(2): 192-223 (2002) |
19 |  | Adam Cannane,
Hugh E. Williams:
A general-purpose compression scheme for large collections.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 20(3): 329-355 (2002) |
18 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Indexing and Retrieval for Genomic Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 14(1): 63-78 (2002) |
| 2001 |
17 |  | Dirk Bahle,
Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Optimised Phrase Querying and Browsing of Large Text Databases.
ACSC 2001: 11-19 |
16 |  | Seyed M. M. Tahaghoghi,
James A. Thom,
Hugh E. Williams:
Are two pictures better than one?
ADC 2001: 138-144 |
15 |  | Vaughan R. Shanks,
Hugh E. Williams:
Fast Categorisation of Large Document Collections.
SPIRE 2001: 194-204 |
14 |  | Dirk Bahle,
Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Compaction Techniques for Nextword Indexes.
SPIRE 2001: 33-45 |
13 |  | Adam Cannane,
Hugh E. Williams:
General-purpose compression for efficient retrieval.
JASIST 52(5): 430-437 (2001) |
12 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel,
Steffen Heinz:
Self-adjusting trees in practice for large text collections.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 31(10): 925-939 (2001) |
| 2000 |
11 |  | Justin Zobel,
Hugh E. Williams,
Sam Kimberley:
Trends in Retrieval System Performance.
ACSC 2000: 241-248 |
10 |  | Adam Cannane,
Hugh E. Williams:
A Compression Scheme for Large Databases.
Australasian Database Conference 2000: 6-11 |
9 |  | Hugh E. Williams:
Book review: Information retrieval: Algorithms and heuristics, by David A. Grossman and Ophir Frieder.
JASIS 51(11): 1063-1064 (2000) |
| 1999 |
8 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel,
Phil Anderson:
What's Next? Index Structures for Efficient Phrase Querying.
Australasian Database Conference 1999: 141-152 |
7 |  | Adam Cannane,
Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
A General-Purpose Compression Scheme for Databases.
Data Compression Conference 1999: 519 |
6 |  | Hugh E. Williams:
Effective Query Filtering for Fast Homology Searching.
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 1999: 214-225 |
5 |  | Justin Zobel,
Hugh E. Williams:
Compact In-Memory Models for Compression of Large Text Databases.
SPIRE/CRIWG 1999: 224-231 |
4 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Compressing Integers for Fast File Access.
Comput. J. 42(3): 193-201 (1999) |
| 1998 |
3 |  | Hugh E. Williams:
Cafe: An Indexed Approach to Searching Genomic Databases.
SIGIR 1998: 389 |
| 1997 |
2 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Compression of nucleotide databases for fast searching.
Computer Applications in the Biosciences 13(5): 549-554 (1997) |
| 1996 |
1 |  | Hugh E. Williams,
Justin Zobel:
Indexing Nucleotide Databases for Fast Query Evaluation.
EDBT 1996: 275-288 |