| 2009 |
33 |  | Zhiyong Yan,
Congfu Xu:
Studies on classification models using decision boundaries.
IEEE ICCI 2009: 287-294 |
32 |  | Jinlong Wang,
Congfu Xu,
Gang Li:
Mining Frequent Itemsets in Distorted Databases with Granular Computing.
IJPRAI 23(4): 825-846 (2009) |
| 2008 |
31 |  | Shutong Cheng,
Congfu Xu,
Hongwei Dan:
Website Structure Optimization Technology Based on Customer Interest Clustering Algorithm.
ISCSCT (1) 2008: 802-804 |
30 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Qiong Zhang,
Yunhe Pan:
Rough Rule Extracting From Various Conditions: Incremental and Approximate Approaches for Inconsistent Data.
Fundam. Inform. 84(3-4): 403-427 (2008) |
29 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Qiong Zhang,
Yunhe Pan:
The Smart Architect: Scalable Ontology-Based Modeling of Ancient Chinese Architectures.
IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(1): 49-56 (2008) |
| 2007 |
28 |  | Jinlong Wang,
Congfu Xu,
Dou Shen,
Guojing Luo,
Xueyu Geng:
Understanding Topic Influence Based on Module Network.
ICADL 2007: 391-399 |
27 |  | Jinlong Wang,
Congfu Xu,
Gang Li,
Zhenwen Dai,
Guojing Luo:
Understanding Research Field Evolving and Trend with Dynamic Bayesian Networks.
PAKDD 2007: 320-331 |
| 2006 |
26 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Qiong Zhang,
Yunhe Pan:
Ontology Based Semantic Modeling for Chinese Ancient Architectures.
AAAI 2006 |
25 |  | Jinlong Wang,
Congfu Xu,
Hongwei Dan,
Yunhe Pan:
SA-IFIM: Incrementally Mining Frequent Itemsets in Update Distorted Databases.
ADMA 2006: 92-99 |
24 |  | Jinlong Wang,
Congfu Xu:
Efficient Mining of Frequent Itemsets in Distorted Databases.
Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2006: 352-361 |
23 |  | Congfu Xu,
Jinlong Wang:
An Efficient Incremental Algorithm for Frequent Itemsets Mining in Distorted Databases with Granular Computing.
Web Intelligence 2006: 913-918 |
22 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Zhigeng Pan,
Yunhe Pan:
Semantic modeling for ancient architecture of digital heritage.
Computers & Graphics 30(5): 800-814 (2006) |
| 2005 |
21 |  | Congfu Xu,
Jinlong Wang,
Hongwei Dan,
Yunhe Pan:
An Improved EMASK Algorithm for Privacy-Preserving Frequent Pattern Mining.
CIS (1) 2005: 752-757 |
20 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Zhiyong Yan,
Yunhe Pan:
Incremental Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Improved Discernibility Matrix.
FSKD (1) 2005: 1246-1255 |
19 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Zhiyong Yan,
Yunhe Pan:
Improved rule based rough set approach for target recognition.
GrC 2005: 550-555 |
18 |  | Jinlong Wang,
Congfu Xu,
Huifeng Shen,
Zhaohui Wu,
Yunhe Pan:
DHAI: Dynamic Hierarchical Agent-Based Infrastructure for Supporting Large-Scale Distributed Information Processing.
ICCNMC 2005: 873-882 |
17 |  | Jinlong Wang,
Congfu Xu,
Huifeng Shen,
Yunhe Pan:
Hierarchical Infrastructure for Large-Scale Distributed Privacy-Preserving Data Mining.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2005: 1020-1023 |
16 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Yanyu Chen,
Yunhe Pan:
Simulating a Finite State Mobile Agent System.
WAIM 2005: 651-656 |
| 2004 |
15 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Zhaohui Wu,
Weidong Chen,
Yunhe Pan:
A Finite State Mobile Agent Computation Model.
APWeb 2004: 152-157 |
14 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Zhaohui Wu,
Yunhe Pan:
A Predictable Mobile Agent Computation Model and Its Fabric Architecture.
AWCC 2004: 18-26 |
13 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Zhaohui Wu,
Yunhe Pan:
A Scalable and Reliable Mobile Agent Computation Model.
CIS 2004: 346-352 |
12 |  | Shijian Li,
Congfu Xu,
Zhaohui Wu,
Yunhe Pan,
Xuelan Li:
ABSDM: Agent Based Service Discovery Mechanism in Internet.
International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 441-444 |
11 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Yunhe Pan:
A Parallel Approximate Rule Extracting Algorithm Based on the Improved Discernibility Matrix.
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2004: 498-503 |
10 |  | Shijian Li,
Congfu Xu,
Zhaohui Wu,
Yunhe Pan:
A new agent based service discovery mechanism.
SMC (4) 2004: 3296-3300 |
9 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Yunhe Pan:
A new approach for data fusion: implement rough set theory in dynamic objects distinguishing and tracing.
SMC (4) 2004: 3318-3322 |
8 |  | Yunliang Jiang,
Congfu Xu,
Yuan Yao,
Shijian Li,
Qiang Miao:
A flexible and dynamic videoconferencing system (FDVCS): design and implementation.
SMC (4) 2004: 3822-3826 |
7 |  | Yunliang Jiang,
Congfu Xu,
Jin Gou,
Zuxin Li:
Research on rough set theory extension and rough reasoning.
SMC (6) 2004: 5888-5893 |
6 |  | Jinlong Wang,
Congfu Xu,
Weidong Chen,
Yunhe Pan:
Survey of the study on frequent pattern mining in data streams.
SMC (6) 2004: 5917-5922 |
5 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Yunhe Pan:
An incremental rule extracting algorithm based on Pawlak reduction.
SMC (6) 2004: 5964-5968 |
4 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Zhigeng Pan,
Yunhe Pan:
Semantic modeling project: building vernacular house of southeast China.
VRCAI 2004: 412-418 |
| 2003 |
3 |  | Yong Liu,
Congfu Xu,
Zhaohui Wu,
Weidong Chen,
Yunhe Pan:
A Virtual Organization Based Mobile Agent Computation Model.
GCC (2) 2003: 677-682 |
2 |  | Yunliang Jiang,
Congfu Xu,
Yong Liu,
Keqin Zhao:
A new approach for representing and processing uncertainty knowledge.
IRI 2003: 466-470 |
1 |  | Yong Liu,
Xuelan Li,
Congfu Xu,
Yunhe Pan:
A Dynamic Incremental Rule Extracting Algorithm Based on the Improved Discernibility Matrix.
IRI 2003: 93-97 |