| 2010 |
13 |  | Jürgen Mueller,
Jan Oberst,
Stefan Wehrmeyer,
Jonas Witt,
Alexander Zeier,
Hasso Plattner:
An Aggregating Discovery Service for the EPCglobal Network.
HICSS 2010: 1-9 |
| 2009 |
12 |  | Matthias Uflacker,
Alexander Zeier:
A platform for the temporal evaluation of team communication in distributed design environments.
CSCWD 2009: 338-343 |
11 |  | Jürgen Müller,
Jens Krüger,
Sebastian Enderlein,
Marco Helmich,
Alexander Zeier:
Customizing Enterprise Software as a Service Applications: Back-End Extension in a Multi-tenancy Environment.
ICEIS 2009: 66-77 |
10 |  | Kai Spichale,
Oleksandr Panchenko,
Anja Bog,
Alexander Zeier:
Preserving Cohesive Structures for Tool-Based Modularity Reengineering.
ICSEA 2009: 235-240 |
9 |  | Vadym Borovskiy,
Jürgen Mueller,
Oleksandr Panchenko,
Alexander Zeier:
Generic Web Services - Extending Service Scope While Preserving Backwards Compatibility.
ICSOFT (1) 2009: 127-132 |
8 |  | Vadym Borovskiy,
Sebastian Enderlein,
Alexander Zeier:
Generic Web Services Extensible Functionality with Stable Interface.
ICWS 2009: 1032-1034 |
7 |  | Matthieu-P. Schapranow,
Jens Krüger,
Vadym Borovskiy,
Alexander Zeier,
Hasso Plattner:
Data Loading and Caching Strategies in Service-Oriented Enterprise Applications.
SERVICES I 2009: 368-375 |
6 |  | Thomas Willhalm,
Nicolae Popovici,
Yazan Boshmaf,
Hasso Plattner,
Alexander Zeier,
Jan Schaffner:
SIMD-Scan: Ultra Fast in-Memory Table Scan using on-Chip Vector Processing Units.
PVLDB 2(1): 385-394 (2009) |
| 2008 |
5 |  | Jan Schaffner,
Anja Bog,
Jens Krüger,
Alexander Zeier:
A Hybrid Row-Column OLTP Database Architecture for Operational Reporting.
BIRTE (Informal Proceedings) 2008 |
4 |  | Adam Melski,
Jürgen Müller,
Alexander Zeier,
Matthias Schumann:
Improving supply chain visibility through RFID data.
ICDE Workshops 2008: 102-103 |
3 |  | Vadym Borovskiy,
Alexander Zeier,
Jan Karstens,
Heinz Ulrich Roggenkemper:
Resolving Incompatibility During the Evolution of Web Services With Message Conversion.
ICSOFT (SE/MUSE/GSDCA) 2008: 152-158 |
2 |  | Martin Grund,
Jens Krüger,
Alexander Zeier:
Declarative Web Service Entities with Virtual Endpoints.
IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 291-298 |
| 1999 |
1 |  | Peter Mertens,
Alexander Zeier:
ATP - Available-to-Promise.
Wirtschaftsinformatik 41(4): 378-379 (1999) |