Volume 29,
CTCS '99 Conference on Category Theory and Computer Science
Edinburgh (UK),
10-12 September 1999
Guest Editors:
Martin Hofmann,
Giuseppe Rosolini and Dusko Pavlovic
- Martin Hofmann, Giuseppe Rosolini, Dusko Pavlovic:
- Marek A. Bednarczyk, Andrzej M. Borzyszkowski:
Concurrent Realizations of Reactive Systems.
- Roberto Bruni, José Meseguer, Ugo Montanari, Vladimiro Sassone:
Functorial semantics for Petri nets under the individual token philosophy.
- Anna Bucalo, Carsten Führmann, Alex K. Simpson:
Equational Lifting Monads.
- Francisco Durán, José Meseguer:
Structured Theories and Institutions.
- Adam Eppendahl:
Coalgebra-to-Algebra Morphisms.
- Lindsay Errington:
On the Semantics of Message Passing Processes.
- Marcelo P. Fiore:
Fibred models of processes.
- Peter J. Freyd:
Path Integrals, Bayesian Vision, and Is Gaussian Quadrature Really Good?
- Fabio Gadducci, Reiko Heckel, Mercè Llabrés:
A Bi-Categorical Axiomatisation of Concurrent Graph Rewriting.
- Ryu Hasegawa:
Several Applications of Analytic Functors to Theoretical Computer Science.
- Thomas T. Hildebrandt:
A Fully abstract presheaf semantics for SCCS with finite delay.
- Martin Hyland, Andrea Schalk:
Abstract Games for Linear Logic.
- Thong wei Koh, C.-H. Luke Ong:
Internal Languages for Autonomous and *-Autonomous Categories.
- Zhaohui Luo, Sergei Soloviev:
Dependent Coercions.
- Paulo Mateus, Amílcar Sernadas, Cristina Sernadas:
Precategories for combining probabilistic automata.
- Eugenio Moggi, Gianna Bellè, C. Barry Jay:
Monads, shapely functors, and traversals.
- Andrzej S. Murawski, C.-H. Luke Ong:
Exhausting Strategies, Joker Games and IMLL with Units.
- Jan Paseka:
Hilbert Q-Modules and Nuclear Ideals in the Category of v-Semilattices with a Duality.
- John Power, Daniele Turi:
A Coalgebraic Foundation for Linear Time Semantics.
- Doug Smith:
Designware: Software Development by Refinement.
- Thomas Streicher:
Denotational Completeness Revisited.
- Hideki Tsuiki:
A domain-theoretic semantics of lax generic functions.
- Martin Wehr:
Higher-dimensional syntax.
Copyright © Mon Mar 15 04:07:06 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)