Ling Liu, M. Tamer Özsu (Eds.):
Encyclopedia of Database Systems.
Springer US 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-35544-3,978-0-387-39940-9
- Icon, 1334
- Iconic displays, 1335-1342
- Identification, 176-180
- Identifier, 1735
- Identity-based relationship, 1936
- Identity disclosure, 848
- IDF weight, 1571
- IDMS, 1901
- Image, 1343-1348
- Image (of temporal granularity), 2970
- Image acquisition, 1344-1345
- Image annotation, 1358-1361
- Image compression, 1375, 1378
- Image content modeling, 1349-1353
- Image database, 1353-1361
- Image database schema, 1354-1355
- Image metadata, 1358-1360, 1362-1368
- Image processing, 229, 230
- Image processing and analysis, 1345, 1347
- Image representation, 1345, 1348, 1374-1379
- Image retrieval, 85-88, 1384-1388
- Image segmentation, 1370, 1373
- Image similarity, 1379-1383
- Immediate coupling, 34
- Immediate view maintenance, 3326, 3327
- Implementation, 2893, 2895
- Implementation abstraction, 6, 7
- Implicit event, 1404-1405
- Improving storage availability, 2798
- IMS, 1294-1299
- Inclusion dependencies, 1156-1158
- Incomplete information, 1405-1410, 1876
- Inconsistent databases, 452, 1410-1414
- Incremental backup, 201
- Incremental computation of transitive closure, 1417
- Incremental maintenance, 2549
- Incremental maintenance of views with aggregates, 1421-1424
- Incremental query computation, 1414, 1415, 1417
- Incremental view maintenance, 1414, 1417, 3326
- Independent parallelism, 1566
- Index, 244-248, 2877, 2879, 2894
- Index, B+-tree, 1433
- Index creation and file structures, 1425-1427
- Indexed sequential access method (ISAM), 197
- Indexing (or Text indexing), 257, 258, 788-789, 1309-1313, 1437, 1448-1450, 1458-1462, 1467-1471, 2643, 2646, 2680-2681
- Indexing
- Index intersection techniques, 517
- Index join, 1427-1428
- Index-only execution plan, 516
- Index sequential access method (ISAM), 2681
- Index structures, 1453
- Index structures for biological sequences, 1428-1432
- Index
- Indices, 1454-1457
- Indices for multi-dimensional points, 2703-2704
- Individualism, 2136
- Individually identifiable data, 1471-1472
- Induction, 1256-1259
- INEX, 1545, 1876-1879
- Inference, 705-706, 1256-1259
- INFO-D, 2210
- Information
- architecture, 1103, 1104, 1109
- browsing, 3376
- extraction, 233, 234, 397-400, 1476-1481, 1595-1600, 3472-3478, 3486, 3487, 3569
- extraction function, 1649
- filtering, 1481-1484
- foraging, 267, 1485-1490
- hiding, 826, 829-830
- integration techniques for scientific data, 1496-1498
- lifecycle, 2364
- lifecycle management, 1499
- loss, 2512, 2513
- losslessness, 1919
- loss measures, 1499-1501
- modeling, 1941, 1942
- navigation, 1501-1502
- network analysis, 595, 596
- theoretic models, 1524, 1525
- Information product (IP) approach, 1502, 1503, 1505-1508, 1515, 1516
- Information product map (IP-MAP), 616, 618-619
- Information quality (IQ), 1502-1511
- Information queries, peer-to-peer, 111-113
- Information retrieval (IR), 233-235, 266, 375-378, 849, 1016-1019, 1022-1024, 1519-1528, 1703, 2127-2129, 2377, 2875, 3072, 3075, 3472, 3506-3508
- Information retrieval systems, 962, 1520, 1521
- Information-seeking behavior, 1485
- Information seeking process, 3410, 3411, 3413
- Information theoretic models, 1524, 1525
- Information visualization, 2506
- Information visualization and visual analytics, 3388, 3390, 3392
- Informedia, 466, 469
- Infrastructure independence, 812, 813
- Initial nodes in the event processing network, 1059
- INitiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval (INEX), 1531-1537, 2191-2194, 2197
- Initiator, 143, 1537-1538
- In-memory
- In-network
- In-Network Query Processing, 1538-1542
- Insertion anomaly, 1918
- Insertion-deletion technique, 1423
- Instance-based learning, 1886-1888
- Instance-driven storage, 3628-3630
- Instances of roles, 1245
- Instantaneous event, 143
- Instant relation, 1045
- Integrated data store (IDS), 1901
- Integrated temporal reasoning approaches, 2227
- Integration across enterprises, 991
- Integration of rules and ontologies, 1546-1550
- Integrity, 730-731
- Intelligent disk, 37-38
- Intelligent storage systems, 38, 1551-1553
- Interaction, 3366, 3368, 3369
- between molecules, 220
- styles, 3529
- Interactive analysis, 3343
- Interactive browsing, 377
- Interactive graphics, 1866, 1869
- Interactive integration, 1498
- Interactive layout, 3382
- Interactive query-driven analysis, 3388
- Interactive retrieval, 1384, 1386, 1388
- Interactivity, 78
- Interface, 955, 957, 1553-1557
- Interface engines in healthcare, 1557-1560
- Interfunctional integration of business processes, 295
- Internal quality measure, 3046
- Internet SCSI (iSCSI), 1574, 1575
- Internet transactions, 3523
- Interoperability, 1560-1564
- Inter-operator
- Interpolation-function, 2995
- Interpolation-granularity, 2994, 2995
- Inter-query parallelism, 702, 1566-1567, 2038-2040
- Interval encoding, 246
- Interval preservation, 2620, 2621
- Intra-operator
- Intra-query parallelism, 1567-1568, 2038-2040, 3340, 3341
- Intrinsic skew, 635
- Intrusion detection, 89-90, 1568-1570
- Invariance, 3362
- Inverse distance weighting, 2737
- Inverse Document Frequency (IDF), 1570-1571, 3937-3942
- Inverse-rule algorithm, 2438, 2440, 2441
- Inverted file, 3058, 3059, 3061
- Inverted index, 1425-1427, 1571, 3051-3055
- Inverted index compression, 3052, 3054
- Inverted list, 1571-1574
- Inverted list compression or inverted file, 3052
- Invisible data mining, 597
- Invisible web, 2519
- I/O computation, 1333
- I/O model of computation, 1333-1334
- IP storage, 1574-1575
- IR effectiveness, 849, 851
- IR evaluation metrics, 849, 853
- IR relevance ranking algorithms, 3497
- ISAM file (a static tree), 3173
- iSCSI, 2824-2826
- iSCSI target, 1575
- ISO/IEC 11179, 1724-1727
- Isolation property, 144
- Isomorphism, 2603-2604
- ISO standard, 2754, 2755, 2759
- Iterator, 1575-1576
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