Ling Liu, M. Tamer Özsu (Eds.):
Encyclopedia of Database Systems.
Springer US 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-35544-3,978-0-387-39940-9
- Naive Bayes, 207
- Naïve document representation, 943-945
- Naive tables, 1407-1410, 1875-1876
- n-Ary relations, 2372
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2776
- Natural human-computer interface (NHCI), 1880-1884
- Natural interaction, 1880-1884
- Natural interface systems, 1881-1883
- Natural join, 1581
- Natural language generation (NLG), 3048, 3049
- Natural language information analysis method (NIAM), 1941-1946
- Natural language processing (NLP), 234, 1564, 3072, 3074, 3075
- Navigating and searching in compressed form, 1681
- Navigation, 941, 1928
- Nearest neighbor classification, 1885-1889
- Nearest neighbor classifiers, 341
- Nearest neighbor (NN) of a query point, 1891
- Nearest neighbor query, 1890
- Nearest neighbor query in spatio-temporal databases, 1891-1894
- Negative Tuple, 3535, 3536
- Negotiation based methods, 1688
- Nested loop join, 1026, 1895
- Nested loop join using index, 1427, 1428
- Nested transaction, 1222, 1896-1898
- Network attached secure device (NASD), 1899-1900
- Network attached storage (NAS), 1900, 2798-2800, 2824, 2826
- Network common data form (NetCDF), 1777
- Network data model, 715
- Network distance, 2442-2446
- Network file system (NFS), 1900
- Network formation and communication, 1539
- Network model, 1901, 1904, 1905
- Network Voronoi, 2443, 2445
- Network with blocked I/O services, 2797
- Neural networks, 1906-1909
- Neurons, 1906-1908
- Newspapers, 978-981
- NEXI, 1545, 1876-1879
- NFS, 2824, 2826, 2827
- NiagaraCQ Project, 1634
- NIST text retrieval conference (TREC), 1692
- Node in the edge of the event processing network, 1058
- Node in the event processing network, 1052
- Noise addition, 1911
- Noise tolerant support, 121-122
- Non-blocking concurrency, 1010
- Non-clustering index, 1434, 2522
- Non-confidential outcome attribute, 1735
- Non-copyrightable data, 1611, 1612
- Non-linear content, 1825
- Non-metric temporal constraints, 2225
- Non-parametric data reduction (NDR), 2044
- Non-perturbative masking, 1474, 1912-1913
- Non-pipelineable operator, 2794
- Non-profit trade association, 2815
- Non-redundant rules, 365-368
- Non-schematic integration, 1497
- Nonsequenced, 1913-1915
- Non-standard database, 1860, 1861
- Nontemporal, 1914, 1915
- Normal form, 1915-1920
- Normalization, 709, 1010, 1917-1920, 2498
- Normalized cut criterion, 2749
- Normalized schema, 2498
- Now relative, 1922-1924
- n-tier architecture, 1862-1864
- Null values, 1405-1408, 1876
- Numerical fact, 1703-1704
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