Ling Liu, M. Tamer Özsu (Eds.):
Encyclopedia of Database Systems.
Springer US 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-35544-3,978-0-387-39940-9
- Validity region, 3439
- Valid time, 3252
- Valid-time database, 3254-3256
- Valid-time index, 3254, 3255
- Valid-time indexing, 240, 3254-3258
- Value equivalence, 3258-3259
- Value-List index, 244-247
- Value reduct, 761-762, 764
- Variable database, 1922, 1923
- Variable group-size microaggregation, 1736
- Variable time span
- Vector graphics, 1374, 1376
- Vector space model, 1571, 3059
- Vendor neutral technology center, 2816
- Venn, 3370-3372
- Verbosity hypothesis, 940
- Verification, 3551
- Vertical fragmentation, 891, 892
- Vertical partitioned data, 3263-3265
- Vertical partitioning, 599-600
- Vertical replication, 2409, 2412, 2413
- Vertical search, 592
- Vertical web search, 1154
- Video application, 3265, 3266, 3268
- Video clips, 3320, 3321, 3323
- Video compression, 3298, 3301, 3302
- Video content analysis, 468-472, 3271-3276, 3321
- Video content analysis algorithms, 3271
- Video data, 3292-3295
- Video data model, 3277, 3278
- Video format, 3296, 3297
- Video history, 3265
- Video indexing, 3360
- Video metadata, 3286-3292
- Video querying, 3292-3296
- Video representation, 3265, 3266, 3270
- Video retrieval, 3365
- Video scene, 3303
- Video scene and event detection, 3303-3308
- Video search engine(s), 468-470
- Video segment, 3292-3294, 3296
- Video (temporal) segmentation, 3308
- Video shot detection, 3316-3320
- Video summarization, 3320-3324
- View(s), 92-97, 1674-1679, 2639-2642, 3244-3247, 3326-3328, 3339-3340
- adaptation, 3324-3325
- definition, 3325
- dependencies, 1396, 1399-1400
- maintenance, 1670, 1672, 2549, 3326-3331
- recomputation, 3326
- self-maintenance, 2548-2550
- update, 3326-3328
- update translations, 3245, 3246
- View-based data integration, 3332-3339
- Virtual data integration, 2481
- Virtual medical record (VMR), 970
- Virtual memory (VM), 278-279
- Virtual relations, 3325, 3339
- Vision, 3396-3398
- Visual analytics, 3341-3346
- Visual association rules, 3346-3351
- Visual clustering, 3355-3360
- Visual data exploration, 1623
- Visual data mining, 3355, 3360
- Visual distances and visual sangles of a document, 3413
- Visual exploration, 405
- Visual features, 1379, 1380
- Visual information retrieval system, 1379
- Visual interfaces, 267-268, 3379-3382
- metaphor, 3387-3388
- perception, 3395-3399
- query, 3399-3404
- representation, 3405-3410
- summaries, 3384
- system, 3395, 3396, 3398
- wrapping, 1649, 1651
- Visual on-line analytical processing (OLAP), 3388-3395
- Visualization, 3352-3354, 3366-3368
- of association rules, 3348, 3351
- of data, 749
- for information retrieval, 3410-3414
- methods, 655, 656, 3411
- pipeline, 3414-3416
- process, 3414
- of spatial data, 3382
- task, 3414, 3415
- Visualization models for multiple reference points, 3412
- Visualizing, 2019, 2020, 2022, 3416-3417, 3437-3438
- Visual metaphor, 3387-3388
- Visual on-line analytical processing (OLAP), 3388-3395
- Visual perception, 3395-3399
- Visual query, 3399-3404
- Visual query systems (VQSs), 3375, 3376, 3399
- Visual representation, 3405-3410
- Visual summaries, 3384
- Visual system, 3395, 3396, 3398
- Visual wrapping, 1649, 1651
- Voronoi cell, 3439
- VP-trees, 1439-1441
- Vulnerable edge, 2662
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