International Conference on Very Large Databases Edinburgh - Scotland - UK 7th - 10th September 1999 |
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Authors for papers in all three tracks should comply with the procedures described in this document. This document also contains advice that may be of help to authors. The information supplied here is an amplification of the original Call for Papers. We intend that the additional information should assist authors. If there are any problems with differences between this document and the original CFP, please contact the programme chair, Malcolm Atkinson (mpa@dcs.gla.ac.uk).
There is a general section that applies to all papers and three separate sections covering Research Papers, Vision Papers and Experience and Application Papers.
All papers will be submitted and processed according to
exactly the same schedule. This schedule is as detailed in the Call for Papers. At least one author
of each accepted paper must register for VLDB'99 by the 1st June
1999. Otherwise the paper will not be included in the conference
Important Dates |
15 February 1999 | Abstract Submission Deadline |
22 February 1999 | Paper Submission Deadline |
10 May 1999 | Notification of Acceptance |
1 June 1999 | Camera Ready Papers Due |
All authors of papers in the Research, Vision and Experience tracks should submit their paper to the region in which the first author of the paper works, at the time of submitting the paper, or where most of the work was carried out. The regions are set out below. Anyone requiring advice on where to submit a paper should contact the programme committee chair, Malcolm Atkinson (mpa@dcs.gla.ac.uk).
Geographic Regions |
For the purposes of VLDB'99 the world is divided into three regions.
Region | Contact |
Asia (excluding the Middle East & Russia), Australasia & Antarctica | Maria E. Orlowska (maria@dstc.edu.au) |
Africa, Europe, Russia, the Middle East including Israel & Turkey | Patrick Valduriez (Patrick.Valduriez@inria.fr) |
North & South America | Stan Zdonik (sbz@cs.brown.edu) |
In the proceedings, all papers, irrespective of the track, will be laid out according to the same formatting instructions. These will be very similar to those established at recent VLDB conferences, e.g. VLDB'98 in New York. Authors wishing to prepare papers in that format can use their formatting instructions for the moment. The specific CRC formats for VLDB'99 will be available very soon. Accepted papers will be required in that format by 1 June 1999.
Submission for refereeing, may either be in a good approximation to the final CRC format (within the final size constraints specified below), or in the format stated in the Call for Papers. In the CFP format, Research Papers, Vision Papers and Experience, and Application papers should be a maximum of twenty US letter or A4 pages, typeset in a minimum of 11-point font double-spaced.
Papers should be prepared to match the size and topic requirements of their intended track (see below) and should clearly indicate that track. It is the author's responsibility to make the papers readable, relevant and interesting before submission for consideration by referees. This includes legibility of diagrams and quality of English.
Papers should not be submitted to more than one event
simultaneously (e.g. conference, journal, etc.). If occurrences
of multiple submission are detected (referees often serve several
events for their speciality) then the paper will be automatically
rejected from VLDB'99.
Once a paper has been prepared the authors must register their intention to submit it by recording the abstract in the relevant database. An interface is provided below for recording the abstract by geographic area. Members of any of the VLDB'99 programme committees will use their own geographic area.
You must register an abstract in order to obtain a reference code that will be used to identify your paper and to enable the allocation of referees. Without a registered abstract your paper may not be processed correctly.
When you register your abstract you will receive a reference number for your paper. This has two parts: an area code, e.g. "Asia" and a sequence number, e.g. 17. When you submit your paper and when there are any communications about this paper, the combination of area code and sequence number (without any intervening spaces) will be used to identify your paper. Please mark your paper with that identifier and use it as requested.
When you register the abstract, the form will also solicit
information about how to contact you. The information will only
be used for VLDB administration purposes, e.g. to notify you of
the outcome of your submission. If you have to make a change,
please e-mail your area programme chair. We expect that in
virtually all cases this information will be stable over the
period of paper processing.
Databases for Regions |
There are two methods for submitting a paper, you may use physical paper submission or electronic submission. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the submitted material is on time (no extensions will be given), complies with the size constraints (long papers will not be refereed) and is legible on arrival.
Every paper should have a cover page (not counted in the page count) that:
This cover page is redundant information if you have used the database for registering your abstract as requested (see Registering an Abstract). However we would like this extra confirmation of the accuracy of the administrative details relating to your paper.
You should submit four copies of your papers to arrive
by 22 February 1999 to the relevant geographic regional
programme committee chair. Their full postal addresses are set
out in the following table.
Postal Addresses for Regions |
Region | Postal Address |
Asia (excluding the Middle East & Russia), Australasia & Antarctica | Maria E. Orlowska, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Q4072 Australia |
Africa, Europe, Russia, the Middle East including Israel & Turkey | Patrick Valduriez, INRIA, Rocquencourt, 78153 Le Chesnay cedex, France |
North & South America | Stan Zdonik, Department of Computing Science, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA (for courier: 115 Thayer Street, 4th Floor, Providence, RI02912) |
Papers that are submitted electronically must be in PDF. It is essential that they print without difficulty on a variety of printers using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Therefore, be sure that you have included any special fonts that you use, etc. It is the absolute responsibility of the authors to ensure that the submitted papers will print easily.
You should ftp the PDF of your paper in the relevant
geographic directory by 22 February 1999. The file must be
placed in the correct directory and must be named with the full
reference (in lower case) allocated when the abstract was
submitted (see Registering an
Abstract). These ftp directories are given in the following
FTP Directories for Regions |
Authors will be notified of the outcome of the refereeing process by 10 May 1999. We will use the information given when you registered your abstract (see Registering an Abstract).
This will be required by 1 June 1999. Details of the arrangements for electronic and paper submission will be specified as soon as possible.
A suggestive list of the overall range of topics of interest at the VLDB'99 conference is given in the Call for Papers. Authors may recognise other areas of relevance to the development and application of databases.
Papers in the research track will contain significant and original research results. Papers reporting and evaluating new architectures, structures, methods, systems and models are encouraged, particularly where these are carefully validated against realistic criteria, such as typical test loads and data volumes. Papers will develop and demonstrate the value of new ideas that are relevant to the future development of databases and their applications. They may make their contribution by developing new implementation methods, new design techniques, new theoretical results, new algorithms, or in any other way that makes databases more powerful, more effective, more widely applicable or easier to use. Developments in specialised databases or applications are also of interest to the VLDB community.
The ultimate criteria by which papers are judged are:
This then leads to the development of the following aspects of evaluation:
A paper when presented in the two-column CRC format used in VLDB proceedings (see Format & Layout) should not exceed 12 pages. A paper submitted in the CFP format of 11-point double spaced pages must not exceed 20 pages. In both cases this includes all parts of the paper: title, abstract, body, bibliography and appendices. Any paper exceeding this size will not be refereed, but will be rejected outright.
Similarly any paper that is submitted simultaneously to other conferences, journals, etc. will be rejected outright.
Any author who requires advice or further information should contact either the appropriate regional chair or the programme chair, Malcolm Atkinson (mpa@dcs.gla.ac.uk).
The arrangements for submission are set out in Submission Procedures.
The critical dates for submission are set out in Important Dates. Late submissions will not be accepted.
These provide a medium for discussion of expected technological, economic and social developments and their impact on databases. These papers are inevitably speculative, however they are expected to present clearly a scientifically and technically convincing argument of relevance to the database community.
They will normally be written by authors very experienced in the database industry or in database research, or else with some other deep experience which they bring to bear on database issues. Papers in this category will be helping to formulate directions in which the database industry or database research should develop. Insight and perspective are particularly highly valued.
The fundamental criteria by which these papers are judged are similar to those in the Research Category. Adjusting them to this context, they become:
This then leads to the development of the following aspects of evaluation:
A paper when presented in the two-column CRC format used in VLDB proceedings (see Format & Layout) should not exceed 12 pages. A paper submitted in the CFP format of 11-point double spaced pages must not exceed 20 pages. In both cases this includes all parts of the paper: title, abstract, body, bibliography and appendices. Any paper exceeding this size will not be refereed, but will be rejected outright.
Similarly any paper that is submitted simultaneously to other conferences, journals, etc. will be rejected outright.
Any author who requires advice or further information should contact either the appropriate regional chair or the programme chair, Malcolm Atkinson (mpa@dcs.gla.ac.uk).
The arrangements for submission are set out in Submission Procedures.
The critical dates for submission are set out in Important Dates. Late submissions will not be accepted.
This section provides a forum for discussion of experiences in implementing DBMSs or in applying DBMS technology in challenging situations. Reports of industrial experience of using databases will be particularly welcome.
Papers in this category will be written by authors who have been involved in building major Database Management Systems or in managing the use of databases in demanding applications. It is hoped that such papers will have one or both of the following effects:
The underlying criteria in this category again emphasise the extent to which a paper contributes to our understanding of databases or our ability to build and use them. This includes:
This then leads to the development of the following aspects of evaluation.
A paper when presented in the two-column CRC format used in VLDB proceedings (see Format & Layout) should not exceed 12 pages. A paper submitted in the CFP format of 11-point double spaced pages must not exceed 20 pages. In both cases this includes all parts of the paper: title, abstract, body, bibliography and appendices. Any paper exceeding this size will not be refereed, but will be rejected outright.
Similarly any paper that is submitted simultaneously to other conferences, journals, etc. will be rejected outright.
Any author who requires advice or further information should contact either the appropriate regional chair or the programme chair, Malcolm Atkinson (mpa@dcs.gla.ac.uk).
The arrangements for submission are set out in Submission Procedures.
The critical dates for submission are set out in Important Dates. Late submissions will not be accepted.