VLDB'99, the Silver Jubilee VLDB conference will be held in Edinburgh, Scotland. It will present and review the latest achievements in database research and applications. The maturity and judgement developed in this discipline over the last 25 years must now advance rapidly to accommodate dramatic increases in the loads imposed on database systems and in the diversity of their uses. As the engineering for databases improves so the use of metrics to validate achievements becomes progressively more important. Moreover, the emergence of new technologies, such as ubiquitous computing, mobile devices and high-bandwidth communications, makes further demands on database technology. Databases also facilitate the incremental construction of ever larger and more sophisticated information systems. Are databases a match for the requirements of the next millennium? You are invited to submit papers reporting recent results in the general
field of databases. The VLDB paper presentations take three forms.
Standard research papers take the traditional form. More speculative papers
explore the future evolution of the database field to develop a vision
of future database research, development and use. Papers, mainly from industry,
describe the construction or operation of new and challenging applications
of databases. Panels, tutorials, and exhibits will communicate issues,
views, new approaches and hard information about the practical leading-edge
of database technology, applications and techniques.
The topics of interest in VLDB '99 include but are not limited to:
Research PapersThese will contain significant and original research results. Papers reporting and evaluating new architectures, structures, methods, systems, and models are encouraged, particularly where these are carefully validated against realistic criteria, such as typical test loads and data volumes. They will be evaluated according to standard criteria including: originality, innovation, relevance, abstraction, technical depth, clarity and potential practical impact.Vision PapersThese provide a medium for discussion of expected technological, economic and social developments and their impact on databases. These papers are inevitably speculative, however they are expected to present clearly a scientifically and technically convincing argument of relevance to the database community.Experience and Application PapersThis section provides a forum for discussion of experiences in implementing DBMSs or in applying DBMS technology in challenging situations. Criteria for papers in this section, will include novelty, technical quality, clarity and the anticipated value of reported results to developers or users. Reports of industrial experience of using databases will be particularly welcome.
Six copies of original papers should be submitted to the appropriate conference programme co-chair depending on the geographic region in which the authors of the paper reside by February 22, 1999. Papers must not be under consideration or published elsewhere. Papers should not exceed 20 pages, double-spaced and should be typeset with minimum 11-point font; over-length papers will be rejected without review. An abstract of the paper must be submitted electronically by February 15, 1999 with an indication as to whether the paper should be judged under the traditional research, the vision or experience criteria. Details of the arrangements for electronic and paper submission are now available. Panel and Demonstration ProposalsPanel proposals should address exciting, new and controversial issues and must be debate-oriented rather than a series of short presentations. They should pose specific questions that the panellists will be called to answer, and they should expose the controversy around those questions. A list of confirmed participants with their affiliations should be included in the panel proposal.Demonstrations should demonstrate new technology, advances in applying databases or new techniques. Often they will complement a presentation. Panels and demonstrations will have up to 4 pages in the proceedings. Panels will use these to set the context, issues and viewpoint of the planned discussions. Just what are the big questions and why are they important for the database community. Demonstrations will explain what is being demonstrated and how the demonstration shows the significance of the contribution to database technology, applications or techniques. Proposals should be submitted to the panel and demonstration programme chair, Ron Morrison (ron@dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk), electronically or in hard-copy by February 22, 1999. Tutorial ProposalsTutorial proposals must clearly identify the intended audience, which should be considerably broader than the database research community or should introduce the database community to a new concept or technology. Alternatively, a tutorial may stimulate synergy between databases and another relevant research field.Enough material should be included in a proposal to provide a sense of both the scope and depth that will be covered. Evidence should be submitted that a high-quality presentation will be achieved in a standard 3-hour tutorial period. We seek novel topics emerging in importance and of wide interest. Proposals should be submitted to the tutorial programme chair, Carole Goble (carole@cs.man.ac.uk), electronically or in hard-copy by February 22, 1999. Exhibits ProposalsVLDB'99 will display exhibits from both industry, commerce, vendors and research groups. To propose your participation in the exhibits programme contact the exhibits programme chair, Lachlan MacKinnon (lachlan@cee.hw.ac.uk) by May 8, 1999. Early dialogue would be very helpful.
Summary of Where to Send Submissions
Postscript and PDFThe Call for Papers are available in the following formats:Postscript:PDF:
Full details of the conference can be found at: http://www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/~vldb99
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