XSym 2004
Second International XML Database
Symposium (1,5 day - 29-30 August 2004)
The theme of
the XML Database Symposium (XSym) is everything in the intersection
of Database and XML Technologies. Today, we see growing interest
in using these technologies together for many web-based and database-centric
applications. XML is being used to publish data from database systems
to the Web by providing input to content generators for Web pages,
and database systems are increasingly used to store and query XML
data, often by handling queries issued over the Internet. As database
systems increasingly start talking to each other over the Web, there
is a fast growing interest in using XML as the standard exchange
format for distributed query processing. As a result, many relational
database systems export data as XML documents and import data from
XML documents and provide query and update capabilities for XML
data. In addition, so-called native XML database and integration
systems are appearing on the database market, whose claim is to
be especially tailored to store, maintain and easily access XML-documents.
The goal of this symposium is to bring together academics, practitioners,
users and vendors to discuss the use and synergy between the above-mentioned
technologies. Many commercial systems built today are increasingly
using these technologies together and it is important to understand
the various research and practical issues. The wide range of participants
will help the various communities understand both specific and common
problems. This symposium will provide the opportunity for all involved
to debate new issues and directions for research and development
work in the future.

Workshop on Information Integration
on the Web (1 day - 30 August 2004)
The explosive growth and popularity of the world-wide web has resulted
in a huge number of information sources on the Internet and the
promise of unprecedented information-gathering capabilities to lay
users. Unfortunately, the promise has not yet been transformed into
reality. While there are sources relevant to virtually any user's
query, the morass of sources presents a formidable hurdle to effectively
accessing the information. One way of alleviating this problem is
to develop web-based information integration systems or agents,
which take a user's query or request (e.g., monitor a site), and
access the relevant sources or services to efficiently support the
request. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers
that are working in a variety of areas that are all related to the
larger problem of integrating information on the Web. This includes
research in the areas of machine learning, data mining, automatic
planning, constraint reasoning, databases, view integration, information
extraction, semantic web, web services, and other related areas.
STDBM'04 |
Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management (1 day - 30 August
The one-day Second Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management
will bring together leading researchers and developers in the area
of spatio-temporal databases in order to discuss state-of-the-art
as well as novel research in spatio-temporal databases. In the spirit
of a workshop, submission of novel ideas and positions that can
spark discussion among the attendees are strongly encouraged. The
workshop is intended to serve as a forum for disseminating research
and experience in this rapidly growing area.

Secure Data
Management in a Connected World (1 day - 30 August 2004)
Concepts like ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence that
exploit increasingly interconnected networks and mobility put new
requirements on data management. An important element in the connected
world is that data will be accessible anytime anywhere. This also
has its downside in that it becomes easier to get unauthorized data
access. Furthermore, it will become easier to collect, store, and
search personal information and endanger peoples' privacy. As a
result security and privacy of data becomes more and more of an
issue. Therefore, secure data management, which is also privacy-enhanced,
turns out to be a challenging goal that will also seriously influence
the acceptance of ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence
concepts by society. Aim of the workshop is to bring together people
from the security research community and data management research
community in order to exchange ideas on the secure management of
data in the context of emerging networked services and applications.
The workshop will provide forum for discussing practical experiences
and theoretical research efforts that can help in solving these
critical problems in secure data management. Authors from both academia
and industry are invited to submit papers presenting novel research
on the topics of interest.

Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (1 day - 30 August
The workshop will focus on the challenges of data processing and
management in networks of remote, wireless, battery-powered sensing
devices (sensor networks). The power-constrained, lossy, noisy,
distributed, and remote nature of such networks means that traditional
data management techniques often cannot be applied without significant
re-tooling. Furthermore, new challenges associated with acquisition
and processing of live sensor data mean that completely new database
techniques must also be developed.

Second International
Workshop On Databases, Information Systems and Peer-to-Peer Computing
(1,5 day - 29-30 August 2004)
The aim of this second workshop is to continue exploring the promise
of P2P to offer exciting new possibilities in distributed information
processing and database technologies. The realization of this promise
lies fundamentally in the availability of enhanced services such
as structured ways for classifying and registering shared information,
verification and certification of information, content distributed
schemes and quality of content, security features, information discovery
and accessibility, interoperation and composition of active information
services, and finally market-based mechanisms to allow cooperative
and non cooperative information exchanges. The P2P paradigm lends
itself to constructing large scale complex, adaptive, autonomous
and heterogeneous database and information systems, endowed with
clearly specified and differential capabilities to negotiate, bargain,
coordinate and self-organize the information exchanges in large
scale networks. This vision will have a radical impact on the structure
of complex organizations (business, scientific or otherwise) and
on the emergence and the formation of social communities, and on
how the information is organized and processed. The P2P information
paradigm naturally encompasses static and wireless connectivity,
and static and mobile architectures. Wireless connectivity combined
with the increasingly small and powerful mobile devices and sensors
pose new challenges as well as opportunities to the database community.
Information becomes ubiquitous, highly distributed and accessible
anywhere and at any time over highly dynamic, unstable networks
with very severe constraints on the information management and processing
capabilities. What techniques and data models may be appropriate
for this environment, and yet guarantee or approach the performance,
versatility and capability that users and developers come to enjoy
in traditional static, centralized and distributed database environment?
Is there a need to define new notions of consistency and durability,
and completeness, for example? The proposed workshop will build
on the success of the first one. It will concentrate on exploring
the synergies between current database research and P2P computing.
It is our belief that database research has much to contribute to
the P2P grand challenge through its wealth of techniques for sophisticated
semantics-based data models, new indexing algorithms and efficient
data placement, query processing techniques and transaction processing.
Database technologies in the new information age will form the crucial
components of the first generation of complex adaptive P2P information
systems, which will be characterized by their ability to continuously
self-organize, adapt to new circumstances, promote emergence as
an inherent property, optimize locally but not necessarily globally,
deal with approximation and incompleteness. This workshop will also
concentrate on the impact of complex adaptive information systems
on current database technologies and their relation to emerging
industrial technologies such as IBM's autonomic computing initiative.

2nd International
Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (1,5 day - 29-30 August 2004)
The Semantic Web is a key initiative being promoted by the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as the next generation of the current
web. The objective of this workshop is to discuss database and information
system applications that use semantics and to gain insight into
the evolution of semantic web technology. Early commercial applications
that make use of machine-understandable metadata range from information
retrieval to Web-enabling of old-tech IBM 3270 sessions. Current
developments include metadata-based Enterprise Application Integration
(EAI) systems, data modeling solutions, and wireless applications.
Machine-understandable metadata is emerging as a new foundation
for component-based approaches to application development. Within
the context of reusable distributed components, Web services represent
the latest architectural advancement. These two concepts can be
synthesized providing powerful new mechanisms for quickly modeling,
creating and deploying complex applications that readily adapt to
real world need. We welcome submissions that describe applications
which are trying to achieve the above goal through the use of specifications
such as WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, ebXML, XML/RDF, possibly in conjunction
with transformation languages such as XSLT, RuleML, etc. We invite
submissions that discuss real applications (piloted, deployed, robust
prototypes) attacking real world problems in the Semantic Web arena
today instead of the future. This potentially means very pragmatic
decisions (e.g., executable agents that run in the context of graph-based
application models) caused by the limitations of today's technology
(e.g., are there robust/scalable XML/RDF parsers, stores, and inference
engines?). Submissions that also address issues related to the business
aspects, e.g., is there a market?, is there a sustainable value
proposition?, what is the business model?, etc., will also be considered.
5th VLDB
Workshop on Technologies for E-Services (1,5 day - 29-30 August
VLDB-TES'2004 is the fifth workshop in a successful series of annual
workshops on technologies for E-Services, which have been held in
conjunction with the International Conference on Very Large Data
Bases. E-Services and Web Services have emerged as an effective
technology for the automation of application integration across
networks and organizations. They are supported by a large number
of EAI and B2B automation platforms and are being heavily used in
many corporations. Despite the early success, there are still many
issues that need to be addressed to make integration easier, faster,
cheaper, and more manageable. For examples, many standards are still
immature or lack the necessary consensus to be widely adopted, development
and runtime support is still far away from the level we are used
to in traditional middleware, security standard is still evolving,
and the service management angle is an area yet to be explored and
exploited. The objective of VLDB-TES'04 is to bring together researchers,
practitioners, and users to exchange new ideas, developments and
experiences on issues related to E-Services. Unlike previous editions
of TES, this year's edition is specifically focused on (a) innovative
research work that may still be early in results, and (b) practical
experiences in applying E-Service or Web Service technologies. Although
we do encourage submissions that report on research results, we
would also like to stimulate submissions that describe work in progress
or ideas that have not yet been fully developed, but that the author
feel have potential to make an impact. To this end, we would also
like to solicit submissions of short papers (about 1500 words, or
about 5 pages) that succinctly portray the issues, approaches, or
practical experiences.
