VLDB 2018 invites submissions for tutorial proposals on all topics of potential interest to the conference attendees.
Tutorials targeted for a broader audience are highly encouraged. VLDB conferences draws audiences from both academia and industry, and this should be taken into consideration while defining the scope and coverage of the tutorial.
Further, proposals that focus on open research problems are highly encouraged and they must not focus neither excessively, nor exclusively, on the authors' own work.
Tutorial proposals should be formatted using the PVLDB style templates, with a maximum length of 5 pages, inclusive of ALL material.
Proposals should include:
Presentation slides will be made available to VLDB 2018 participants and will be published on the VLDB website. Slides must be made available two weeks before the conference starts, for publication at the conference website.
A four-page extended abstract, with an overview including bibliographic references, will appear in PVLDB's VLDB 2018 issue.
The camera-ready version should be an updated version of the original submission that retains only the material directly related to the tutorial's presentation, considering suggestions from the tutorial chairs and possibly other reviewers. That is, it should omit any supporting material provided solely for the evaluation process, such as other venues where the tutorial or related tutorials that have been presented.
Authors must agree to standard PVLDB copyright releases for the tutorial abstract overview as well as for their slides. Authors will retain the rights to reuse all their material in any form.
If the proposal is accepted, at list one of the authors listed in the proposal is expected to attend VLDB 2018 and present the tutorial.
Proposal submission deadline: March 12th, 2018
Decision Notification: April 9th, 2018
Abstract overview camera ready: June 4th, 2018
Slides availability: August 13th, 2018
Nick Koudas (U. Toronto, Canada)
Sérgio Lifschitz (PUC-Rio, Brazil)