33. COMPSAC 2009:
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Elisa Bertino, Carl K. Chang, Vladimir Getov, Lin Liu, Hua Ming, Rajesh Subramanyan (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2009, Seattle, Washington, USA, 20-24 July 2009.
IEEE Computer Society 2009
Volume 1 - (Volume 2)
Location Based Services I (Privacy Protection in Location Based Services)
Location Based Services II (Privacy Protection in Location Based Services)
Software Evolution I (Software Architecture Development and Evaluation)
Testing I (Context-aware Software Analysis)
- Daniel Eichhorn, Agnes Koschmider, Yu Li, Peter Stürzel, Andreas Oberweis, Ralf Trunko:
3D Support for Business Process Simulation.
- Lijun Mei, W. K. Chan, T. H. Tse, Fei-Ching Kuo:
An Empirical Study of the Use of Frankl-Weyuker Data Flow Testing Criteria to Test BPEL Web Services.
- Tsung-Han Tsai, Chin-Yu Huang, Jun-Ru Chang:
A Study of Applying Extended PIE Technique to Software Testability Analysis.
Testing II (Modularization,
Composition and Reuse)
Testing III (Testing Economics,
Models and Analysis)
Testing IV (Testing Theory,
Methodology and Application)
- Hojun Jaygarl, Carl K. Chang, Sunghun Kim:
Practical Extensions of a Randomized Testing Tool.
- Martin Weiglhofer, Franz Wotawa:
Asynchronous Input-Output Conformance Testing.
- Arnaud Gotlieb, Matthieu Petit:
Towards a Theory for Testing Non-terminating Programs.
- Lian Yu, Wei Zhao, Xiaofeng Di, Changzhu Kong, Wenbo Zhao, Qianxiang Wang, Jun Zhu:
Towards Call for Testing: An Application to User Acceptance Testing of Web Applications.
Software Quality I (Software Quality Measurement,
Modelling and Analysis)
Software Quality II (Software and Services Reliability Models)
Software Quality III (Software Quality Improvement Technique)
- Fang Deng, Qianxiang Wang, Jin Shao:
Toward Middleware-Based Online Application Migration.
- Hong Zhu, Ian Bayley, Lijun Shan, Richard Amphlett:
Tool Support for Design Pattern Recognition at Model Level.
- M. K. Abdi, Hakim Lounis, Houari A. Sahraoui:
Predicting Change Impact in Object-Oriented Applications with Bayesian Networks.
- Xiaozhi Du, Yong Qi, Di Hou, Ying Chen, Xiao Zhong:
Modeling and Performance Analysis of Software Rejuvenation Policies for Multiple Degradation Systems.
Social Networks I (Collaborative Networks)
Social Networks II (Trust and Contracting in Social Networks)
Embedded Systems I (Design and Verification of Embedded Systems)
Requirements Engineering I (Requirements Structure,
and Traceability)
Requirements Engineering II (Process Analysis and Service Management)
- Sophie Ramel, Eric Grandry, Eric Dubois:
Towards a Design Method Supporting the Alignment between Business and Software Services.
- Chris Strasburg, Natalia Stakhanova, Samik Basu, Johnny S. Wong:
A Framework for Cost Sensitive Assessment of Intrusion Response Selection.
- Ying Jin, Jing Zhang, Pengfei Ma, Weiping Hao, Shutong Luo, Zepeng Li:
Applying PageRank Algorithm in Requirement Concern Impact Analysis.
- Dongmei Xu, Jun Kurogi, Yoshihide Ohgame, Atsuo Hazeyama:
Distributed Collaborative Modeling Support System Associating UML Diagrams with Chat Messages.
Security I (Security Analysis and Protection Techniques)
Security II (Intelligent Applications)
Software Architecture I (Software Architecture Development and Scheduling)
Software Architecture II (Software Architecture Specification and Analysis)
- J. Marco Mendes, Axel Bepperling, João Pinto, Paulo Leitão, Francisco Restivo, Armando W. Colombo:
Software Methodologies for the Engineering of Service-Oriented Industrial Automation: The Continuum Project.
- Holger Arndt, Markus Bundschus, Andreas Naegele:
Towards a Next-Generation Matrix Library for Java.
- Zan Xiao, Donggang Cao, Chao You, Minghui Zhou, Hong Mei:
Towards Dynamic Component Updating: A Flexible and Lightweight Approach.
Software Architecture III (Analysis of Software Updates)
Mobile and Pervasive Computing I (RFID,
Wireless Network and Services)
Mobile and Pervasive Computing II (Software Testing and Re-engineering)
Formal Methods (Formal Specification and Model Checking)
Best Practice
- Jonas Helming, Jörn David, Maximilian Koegel, Helmut Naughton:
Integrating System Modeling with Project Management - A Case Study.
- Gerhard Wellein, Georg Hager, Thomas Zeiser, Markus Wittmann, Holger Fehske:
Efficient Temporal Blocking for Stencil Computations by Multicore-Aware Wavefront Parallelization.
- Cheng-Zen Yang, Ing-Xiang Chen, Jia-Da Ye:
Extensions for Integrated Queries on Heterogeneous Semantic Web Resources.
- Tad Gonsalves, Kei Yamagishi, Kiyoshi Itoh:
Swarm Intelligence in the Fine-Tuning of Software Development Cost Estimation Models.
Education and Learning (Domain Specific Software Architecture Design)
Fast Abstracts I (Formal Methods,
Software Tools,
- Holger Arndt:
The Java Data Mining Package - A Data Processing Library for Java.
- Chih-Hong Cheng, Markus Rickert, Christian Buckl, Edward A. Lee, Alois Knoll:
Toward the Design of Robotic Software with Verifiable Safety.
- Bingu Shim, Beomho Baek, Sooyong Park:
A Systematic Robot Fault-Tolerance Approach.
- James D. McCaffrey:
Generation of Pairwise Test Sets Using a Genetic Algorithm.
- Han Li, Feng Chen, Hongji Yang, He Guo, William Cheng-Chung Chu, Yuansheng Yang:
An Ontology-Based Approach for GUI Testing.
- David S. Allison, Hany F. El Yamany, Miriam A. M. Capretz:
A Fine-Grained Privacy Structure for Service-Oriented Architecture.
Fast Abstracts II (Software Engineering,
- Clenio F. Salviano:
A Multi-model Process Improvement Methodology Driven by Capability Profiles.
- Xiao He, Zhiyi Ma, Yan Zhang, Weizhong Shao:
On Model Transformation Reuse.
- Xiaohong Li, Qiang Liu:
Requirement Risk Assessment Focused-On Stakeholder Risk Analysis.
- Mira Kajko-Mattsson, Jan Lundholm, Jonas Norrby:
Industrial Opinion on the Effectiveness of Risk Management Methods.
- Nancy R. Mead, Antonio Drommi, Daniel Shoemaker, Jeffrey A. Ingalsbe:
A Study of the Impact on Students Understanding Cross Cultural Differences in Software Engineering Work.
- Richard Millham, Hongji Yang:
Industrial Report: Data Reengineering of COBOL Sequential Legacy Systems.
Doctoral Symposium
Copyright © Fri Mar 12 17:08:21 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)