| 2009 |
25 |  | Kwanwoo Lee,
Goetz Botterweck,
Steffen Thiel:
Aspectual Separation of Feature Dependencies for Flexible Feature Composition.
COMPSAC (1) 2009: 45-52 |
24 |  | Padraig O'Leary,
Ita Richardson,
Fergal McCaffery,
Steffen Thiel:
Preparing for Product Derivation - Activities and Issues.
ICSOFT (1) 2009: 121-126 |
23 |  | Ciarán Cawley,
Goetz Botterweck,
Patrick Healy,
Saad bin Abid,
Steffen Thiel:
A 3D Visualisation to Enhance Cognition in Software Product Line Engineering.
ISVC (2) 2009: 857-868 |
22 |  | Goetz Botterweck,
Kwanwoo Lee,
Steffen Thiel:
Automating Product Derivation in Software Product Line Engineering.
Software Engineering 2009: 177-182 |
21 |  | Ciarán Cawley,
Steffen Thiel,
Goetz Botterweck,
Daren Nestor:
Visualising Inter-Model Relationships in Software Product Lines.
VaMoS 2009: 37-44 |
| 2008 |
20 |  | Steffen Thiel,
Klaus Pohl:
Software Product Lines, 12th International Conference, SPLC 2008, Limerick, Ireland, September 8-12, 2008, Proceedings. Second Volume (Workshops)
Lero Int. Science Centre, University of Limerick, Ireland 2008 |
19 |  | Goetz Botterweck,
Steffen Thiel,
Ciarán Cawley,
Daren Nestor,
André Preußner:
Visual Configuration in Automotive Software Product Lines.
COMPSAC 2008: 1070-1075 |
18 |  | Daren Nestor,
Steffen Thiel,
Goetz Botterweck,
Ciarán Cawley,
Patrick Healy:
Applying visualisation techniques in software product lines.
SOFTVIS 2008: 175-184 |
17 |  | Goetz Botterweck,
Steffen Thiel,
Daren Nestor,
Saad bin Abid,
Ciarán Cawley:
Visual Tool Support for Configuring and Understanding Software Product Lines.
SPLC 2008: 77-86 |
16 |  | Ciarán Cawley,
Steffen Thiel,
Patrick Healy:
Visualising Variability Relationships in Software Product Lines.
SPLC (2) 2008: 329-333 |
15 |  | Ciarán Cawley,
Daren Nestor,
André Preußner,
Goetz Botterweck,
Steffen Thiel:
Interactive Visualisation to Support Product Configuration in Software Product Lines.
VaMoS 2008: 7-16 |
| 2007 |
14 |  | Goetz Botterweck,
Liam O'Brien,
Steffen Thiel:
Model-driven derivation of product architectures.
ASE 2007: 469-472 |
13 |  | Daren Nestor,
Luke O'Malley,
Patrick Healy,
Aaron J. Quigley,
Steffen Thiel:
Visulasation techniques to support derivation tasks in sofware product line development.
CASCON 2007: 315-325 |
12 |  | Goetz Botterweck,
Daren Nestor,
André Preußner,
Ciarán Cawley,
Steffen Thiel:
Towards Supporting Feature Configuration by Interactive Visualisation.
SPLC (2) 2007: 125-131 |
11 |  | Steffen Thiel,
Patrick Healy,
Aaron J. Quigley,
Daren Nestor,
Luke O'Malley:
1st International Workshop on Visualisation in Software Product Line Engineering (ViSPLE 2007).
SPLC (2) 2007: 91-93 |
10 |  | Daren Nestor,
Luke O'Malley,
Aaron J. Quigley,
Ernst Sikora,
Steffen Thiel:
Visualisation of Variability in Software Product Line Engineering.
VaMoS 2007: 71-78 |
| 2003 |
9 |  | Oliver Wieland,
Andreas Hein,
Stefan Kowalewski,
John MacGregor,
Steffen Thiel:
Anwendungserfahrungen und methodische Anpassungen bei der Einführung von Software-Produktlinien.
GI Jahrestagung (1) 2003: 345-351 |
8 |  | Stan Bühne,
Gary J. Chastek,
Timo Käkölä,
Peter Knauber,
Linda M. Northrop,
Steffen Thiel:
Exploring the Context of Product Line Adoption.
PFE 2003: 19-31 |
7 |  | Steffen Thiel,
Andreas Hein,
Heiner Engelhardt:
Tool Support for Scenario-Based Architecture Evaluation.
STRAW 2003: 41-45 |
| 2002 |
6 |  | Steffen Thiel,
Andreas Hein:
Systematic Integration of Variability into Product Line Architecture Design.
SPLC 2002: 130-153 |
5 |  | Steffen Thiel,
Andreas Hein:
Modeling and Using Product Line Variability in Automotive Systems.
IEEE Software 19(4): 66-72 (2002) |
| 2001 |
4 |  | Andreas Hein,
John MacGregor,
Steffen Thiel:
Configuring Software Product Line Features.
FICS 2001: 67-69 |
3 |  | Steffen Thiel:
On the Definition of a Framework for an Architecting Process Supporting Product Family Development.
PFE 2001: 125-142 |
2 |  | Peter Knauber,
Steffen Thiel:
Session Report on Product Issues in Product Family Engineering.
PFE 2001: 3-12 |
| 2000 |
1 |  | Steffen Thiel,
Fabio Peruzzi:
Starting a product line approach for an envisioned market.
SPLC 2000: 495-512 |