International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
6. DOOD 2000: London, UK
part of CL 2000
5. DOOD 1997: Montreux, Switzerland
François Bry, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao (Eds.):
Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, 5th International Conference, DOOD'97, Montreux, Switzerland, December 8-12, 1997, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1341 Springer 1997, ISBN 3-540-63792-3
4. DOOD 1995: Singapore
Tok Wang Ling, Alberto O. Mendelzon, Laurent Vieille (Eds.):
Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, Fourth International Conference, DOOD'95, Singapore, December 4-7, 1995, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1013 Springer 1995, ISBN 3-540-60608-4

KayLiang Ong,
Stefan Conrad,
Tok Wang Ling (Eds.):
Knowledge Discovery and Temporal Reasoning in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases,
Proceedings of the DOOD'95 Post-Conference Workshops on Integration of Knowledge Discovery in Databases with Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (KDOOD) and Temporal Reasoning in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (TDOOD),
December 8, 1995, Singapore. National University of Singapore(NUS), Singapore,
1995, ISBN 9971-62-418-4
3. DOOD 1993: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Stefano Ceri, Katsumi Tanaka, Shalom Tsur (Eds.):
Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, Third International Conference, DOOD'93, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, December 6-8, 1993, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 760 Springer 1993, ISBN 3-540-57530-8
2. DOOD 1991: Munich, Germany
Claude Delobel, Michael Kifer, Yoshifumi Masunaga (Eds.):
Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, Second International Conference, DOOD'91, Munich, Germany, December 16-18, 1991, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 566 Springer 1991, ISBN 3-540-55015-1
1. DOOD 1989: Kyoto, Japan
Won Kim,
Jean-Marie Nicolas,
Shojiro Nishio (Eds.):
Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases
(DOOD'89), Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan, 4-6 December, 1989.
North-Holland/Elsevier Science Publishers 1990,
ISBN 0-444-88433-5
Copyright © Fri Mar 12 17:09:53 2010
by Michael Ley (