2009 | ||
236 | Stefano Ceri, Marco Brambilla, Piero Fraternali: The History of WebML Lessons Learned from 10 Years of Model-Driven Development of Web Applications. Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications 2009: 273-292 | |
235 | Marco Masseroli, Stefano Ceri, Alessandro Campi: Integration and Mining of Genomic Annotations: Experiences and Perspectives in GFINDer Data Warehousing. DILS 2009: 88-95 | |
234 | Massimo Tisi, Frédéric Jouault, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Ceri, Jean Bézivin: On the Use of Higher-Order Model Transformations. ECMDA-FA 2009: 18-33 | |
233 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri: Engineering search computing applications: vision and challenges. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2009: 365-372 | |
232 | Stefano Ceri: Search Computing. ICDE 2009: 1-3 | |
231 | Daniele Braga, Marco Brambilla, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Emanuele Della Valle, Piero Fraternali, Davide Martinenghi, Marco Tagliasacchi: Search Computing: The European Way to Query the Web. SEBD 2009: 57-64 | |
230 | Davide Francesco Barbieri, Daniele Braga, Stefano Ceri, Emanuele Della Valle, Michael Grossniklaus: C-SPARQL: SPARQL for continuous querying. WWW 2009: 1061-1062 | |
229 | Stefano Ceri: Search Computing. Web Intelligence 2009: 1 | |
228 | Emanuele Della Valle, Stefano Ceri, Frank van Harmelen, Dieter Fensel: It's a Streaming World! Reasoning upon Rapidly Changing Information. IEEE Intelligent Systems 24(6): 83-89 (2009) | |
227 | Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, Alessandro Raffio: Providing Flexible Process Support to Project-Centered Learning. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 21(6): 894-909 (2009) | |
2008 | ||
226 | Stefano Ceri, Wolfgang Nejdl, Jan van Bruggen, Frans Van Assche: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Collaborative Open Environments for Project-Centered Learning, COOPER-2007, Sissi, Lassithi - Crete Greece, 17 September, 2007 CEUR-WS.org 2008 | |
225 | Emanuele Della Valle, Stefano Ceri, Davide Francesco Barbieri, Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi: A First Step Towards Stream Reasoning. FIS 2008: 72-81 | |
224 | Alessandro Raffio, Daniele Braga, Stefano Ceri, Paolo Papotti, Mauricio A. Hernández: Clip: a Visual Language for Explicit Schema Mappings. ICDE 2008: 30-39 | |
223 | Daniele Braga, Diego Calvanese, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Davide Martinenghi, Paolo Merialdo, Riccardo Torlone: NGS: a framework for multi-domain query answering. ICDE Workshops 2008: 254-261 | |
222 | Daniele Braga, Diego Calvanese, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Davide Martinenghi, Paolo Merialdo, Riccardo Torlone: A New Generation Search Engine Supporting Cross Domain Queries. SEBD 2008: 342-349 | |
221 | Alessandro Raffio, Daniele Braga, Stefano Ceri, Paolo Papotti, Mauricio A. Hernández: Clip: a tool for mapping hierarchical schemas. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 1271-1274 | |
220 | Roberto Acerbis, Aldo Bongio, Marco Brambilla, Stefano Butti, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali: Web Applications Design and Development with WebML and WebRatio 5.0. TOOLS (46) 2008: 392-411 | |
219 | Daniele Braga, Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Davide Martinenghi: Mashing Up Search Services. IEEE Internet Computing 12(5): 16-23 (2008) | |
218 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Alessandro Raffio: Joining the results of heterogeneous search engines. Inf. Syst. 33(7-8): 658-680 (2008) | |
217 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico Michele Facca, Andrea Turati, Christina Tziviskou: Experiences in the Design of Semantic Services Using Web Engineering Methods and Tools. J. Data Semantics 11: 1-31 (2008) | |
216 | Daniele Braga, Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Davide Martinenghi: Optimization of multi-domain queries on the web. PVLDB 1(1): 562-573 (2008) | |
2007 | ||
215 | Stefano Ceri: Design Abstractions for Innovative Web Applications. BNCOD 2007: 1-2 | |
214 | Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, Alessandro Raffio, Howard Spoelstra: Enabling Project-Centred Learning through Flexible Processes: the COOPER Experience. COOPER 2007 | |
213 | Nicola Aste, Aldo Bongio, Stefano Ceri, Marco Fais, Maristella Matera, Alessandro Raffio: Model-Driven Design of VoIP Services for E-Learning. COOPER 2007 | |
212 | Stefano Ceri, Maristella Matera, Alessandro Raffio, Howard Spoelstra: Flexible Processes in Project-Centred Learning. EC-TEL 2007: 463-468 | |
211 | Stefano Ceri, Marco Brambilla, Emanuele Della Valle: Design Abstractions for Innovative Web Applications: The Case of the SOA Augmented with Semantics. ESWC 2007: 4-15 | |
210 | Maciej Zaremba, Tomas Vitvar, Matthew Moran, Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico Michele Facca, Christina Tziviskou: Towards Semantic Interoperabilty - In-depth Comparison of Two Approaches to Solving Semantic Web Service Challenge Mediation Tasks. ICEIS (4) 2007: 413-421 | |
209 | Tiziana Margaria, Christian Winkler, Christian Kubczak, Bernhard Steffen, Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico Michele Facca, Christina Tziviskou: The SWS Mediator with WEBML/WEBRATIO and JABC/JETI: A Comparison. ICEIS (4) 2007: 422-429 | |
208 | Ulrich Küster, Andrea Turati, Maciej Zaremba, Birgitta König-Ries, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Federico Michele Facca, Christina Tziviskou: Service Discovery with SWE-ET and DIANE - A Comparative Evaluation by Means of Solutions to a Common Scenario. ICEIS (4) 2007: 430-437 | |
207 | Roberto Acerbis, Aldo Bongio, Marco Brambilla, Massimo Tisi, Stefano Ceri, Emanuele Tosetti: Developing eBusiness Solutions with a Model Driven Approach: The Case of Acer EMEA. ICWE 2007: 539-544 | |
206 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Federico Michele Facca, Christina Tziviskou, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Andrea Turati: WebML and Glue: An Integrated Discovery Approach for the SWS Challenge. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2007: 148-151 | |
205 | Stefano Ceri, Francesco Di Giunta, Pier Luca Lanzi: Mining constraint violations. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 32(1): 6 (2007) | |
204 | Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, Federico Michele Facca: Model-driven development of context-aware Web applications. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 7(1): (2007) | |
203 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Federico Michele Facca, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle: Model-driven design and development of semantic Web service applications. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 8(1): (2007) | |
202 | Stefano Ceri, Maristella Matera, Francesca Rizzo, Vera Demaldé: Designing data-intensive web applications for content accessibility using web marts. Commun. ACM 50(4): 55-61 (2007) | |
201 | Peter Dolog, Milos Kravcik, Alexandra I. Cristea, Daniel Burgos, Paul De Bra, Stefano Ceri, Vladan Devedzic, Geert-Jan Houben, Paul Libbrecht, Maristella Matera, Erica Melis, Wolfgang Nejdl, Marcus Specht, Craig Stewart, David Smits, Natalia Stash, Colin Tattersall: Specification, authoring and prototyping of personalised workplace learning solutions. IJLT 3(3): 286-308 (2007) | |
200 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Paola Spoletini: XQuery layers. SIGMOD Record 36(1): 25-30 (2007) | |
199 | Stefano Ceri, Cristiana Bolchini, Daniele Braga, Marco Brambilla, Alessandro Campi, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Pier Luca Lanzi, Marco Masseroli, Maristella Matera, Mauro Negri, Giuseppe Pelagatti, Giuseppe Pozzi, Elisa Quintarelli, Fabio A. Schreiber, Letizia Tanca: Data and web management research at Politecnico di Milano. SIGMOD Record 36(4): 43-48 (2007) | |
198 | Carlo Batini, Davide Bolchini, Stefano Ceri, Maristella Matera, Andrea Maurino, Paolo Paolini: The UM-MAIS Methodology for Multi-channel Adaptive Web Information Systems. World Wide Web 10(4): 349-385 (2007) | |
197 | Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Federico Michele Facca, Maristella Matera: Model-driven Engineering of Active Context-awareness. World Wide Web 10(4): 387-413 (2007) | |
2006 | ||
196 | Aldo Bongio, Jan van Bruggen, Stefano Ceri, Valentin Cristea, Peter Dolog, Andreas Hoffmann, Maristella Matera, Marzia Mura, Antonio Vincenzo Taddeo, Xuan Zhou, Larissa Zoni: COOPER: Towards a Collaborative Open Environment of Project-Centred Learning. EC-TEL 2006: 561-566 | |
195 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Christina Tziviskou: A Visual Data Mapping Tool for Software Components Interactions in Service-Oriented Architectures. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2006: 33-38 | |
194 | Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera, Francesca Rizzo: Extended memory (xMem) of web interactions. ICWE 2006: 177-184 | |
193 | Marco Brambilla, Irene Celino, Stefano Ceri, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico Michele Facca: A Software Engineering Approach to Design and Development of Semantic Web Service Applications. International Semantic Web Conference 2006: 172-186 | |
192 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Ioana Manolescu: Process modeling in Web applications. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 15(4): 360-409 (2006) | |
191 | Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Federico Michele Facca: Modeling web applications reacting to user behaviors. Computer Networks 50(10): 1533-1546 (2006) | |
190 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali: A CASE tool for modelling and automatically generating web service-enabled applications. Int. J. Web Eng. Technol. 2(4): 354-372 (2006) | |
2005 | ||
189 | Stéphane Bressan, Stefano Ceri, Ela Hunt, Zachary G. Ives, Zohra Bellahsene, Michael Rys, Rainer Unland: Database and XML Technologies, Third International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 28-29, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005 | |
188 | Stefano Ceri, Florian Daniel, Vera Demaldé, Federico Michele Facca: An Approach to User-Behavior-Aware Web Applications. ICWE 2005: 417-428 | |
187 | Stefano Ceri: Process Modeling in Web Applications. OTM Conferences (1) 2005: 20 | |
186 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Christina Tziviskou: Exception Handling in Workflow-Driven Web Applications. SEBD 2005: 16-23 | |
185 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Roberto Acerbis, Aldo Bongio: Model-driven design of service-enabled web applications. SIGMOD Conference 2005: 851-856 | |
184 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Alessandro Raffio: XQBE: a visual environment for learning XML query languages. SIGMOD Conference 2005: 903-905 | |
183 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Christina Tziviskou: Exception handling in workflow-driven Web applications. WWW 2005: 170-179 | |
182 | Federico Michele Facca, Stefano Ceri, Jacopo Armani, Vera Demaldé: Building reactive web applications. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1058-1059 | |
181 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri: XQBE (XQuery By Example): A visual interface to the standard XML query language. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 30(2): 398-443 (2005) | |
180 | Ioana Manolescu, Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali: Model-driven design and deployment of service-enabled web applications. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 5(3): 439-479 (2005) | |
179 | Serge Abiteboul, Rakesh Agrawal, Philip A. Bernstein, Michael J. Carey, Stefano Ceri, W. Bruce Croft, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Hector Garcia-Molina, Dieter Gawlick, Jim Gray, Laura M. Haas, Alon Y. Halevy, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Yannis E. Ioannidis, Martin L. Kersten, Michael J. Pazzani, Michael Lesk, David Maier, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Hans-Jörg Schek, Timos K. Sellis, Avi Silberschatz, Michael Stonebraker, Richard T. Snodgrass, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Gerhard Weikum, Jennifer Widom, Stanley B. Zdonik: The Lowell database research self-assessment. Commun. ACM 48(5): 111-118 (2005) | |
178 | Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi: Event Trace Independence of active behavior. Inf. Process. Lett. 94(2): 71-77 (2005) | |
177 | Stefano Ceri, Peter Dolog, Maristella Matera, Wolfgang Nejdl: Adding Client-Side Adaptation to the Conceptual Design of e-Learning Web Applications. J. Web Eng. 4(1): 21-37 (2005) | |
2004 | ||
176 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri: XQBE: A Graphical Interface for XQuery Engines. EDBT 2004: 848-850 | |
175 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri: XML Challenges for the Database Community: Past, Present, and Future. EDBT Workshops 2004: 197-208 | |
174 | Stefano Ceri, Peter Dolog, Maristella Matera, Wolfgang Nejdl: Model-Driven Design of Web Applications with Client-Side Adaptation. ICWE 2004: 201-214 | |
173 | Roberto Acerbis, Aldo Bongio, Stefano Butti, Stefano Ceri, Fulvio Ciapessoni, Carlo Conserva, Piero Fraternali, Giovanni Toffetti: WebRatio, an Innovative Technology for Web Application Development. ICWE 2004: 613-614 | |
172 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Mario Passamani, Alberto Riccio: Managing Asynchronous Web Services Interactions. ICWS 2004: 80-87 | |
171 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Marco Dario, Piero Fraternali, Ioana Manolescu: Declarative Specification of Web Applications exploiting Web Services and Workflows. SIGMOD Conference 2004: 909-910 | |
2003 | ||
170 | Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Aldo Bongio, Stefano Butti, Roberto Acerbis, Marco Tagliasacchi, Giovanni Toffetti, Carlo Conserva, Roberto Elli, Fulvio Ciapessoni, Claudio Greppi: Architectural Issues and Solutions in the Development of Data-Intensive Web Applications. CIDR 2003 | |
169 | Enrico Augurusa, Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri: Design and Implementation of a Graphical Interface to Xquery. SAC 2003: 1163-1167 | |
168 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Mika Klemettinen, Pier Luca Lanzi: Discovering Interesting Information in XML Data with Association Rules. SAC 2003: 450-454 | |
167 | Stefano Ceri, Ioana Manolescu: Constructing and integrating data-centric Web Applications: Methods, Tools, and Techniques. VLDB 2003: 1151 | |
166 | Ioana Manolescu, Stefano Ceri, Marco Brambilla, Piero Fraternali, Sara Comai: Exploiting the Combined Potential of Web Applications and Web Services. WWW (Posters) 2003 | |
165 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Ioana Manolescu: Specification and Design of Workflow-driven Hypertexts. WWW (Posters) 2003 | |
164 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Enrico Augurusa: XQuery By Example. WWW (Posters) 2003 | |
163 | Serge Abiteboul, Rakesh Agrawal, Philip A. Bernstein, Michael J. Carey, Stefano Ceri, W. Bruce Croft, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Hector Garcia-Molina, Dieter Gawlick, Jim Gray, Laura M. Haas, Alon Y. Halevy, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Yannis E. Ioannidis, Martin L. Kersten, Michael J. Pazzani, Michael Lesk, David Maier, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Hans-Jörg Schek, Timos K. Sellis, Avi Silberschatz, Michael Stonebraker, Richard T. Snodgrass, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Gerhard Weikum, Jennifer Widom, Stanley B. Zdonik: The Lowell Database Research Self Assessment CoRR cs.DB/0310006: (2003) | |
162 | Stefano Ceri, Claudio Gennaro, Stefano Paraboschi, Giuseppe Serazzi: Effective Scheduling of Detached Rules in Active Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 15(1): 2-13 (2003) | |
161 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Ioana Manolescu: Specification and Design of Workflow-Driven Hypertexts. J. Web Eng. 1(2): 163-182 (2003) | |
160 | Maristella Matera, Andrea Maurino, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali: Model-driven design of collaborative Web applications. Softw., Pract. Exper. 33(8): 701-732 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
159 | Angela Bonifati, Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri: Active XQuery. ICDE 2002: 403- | |
158 | Daniele Braga, Alessandro Campi, Stefano Ceri, Mika Klemettinen, Pier Luca Lanzi: A Tool for Extracting XML Association Rules. ICTAI 2002: 57- | |
157 | Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi: Pushing reactive services to XML repositories using active rules. Computer Networks 39(5): 645-660 (2002) | |
156 | Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Ioana Manolescu: Model-driven Specification of Web Services Composition and Integration with Data-intensive Web Applications. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 25(4): 53-59 (2002) | |
155 | Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Maristella Matera: Conceptual Modeling of Data-Intensive Web Applications. IEEE Internet Computing 6(4): 20-30 (2002) | |
154 | Peter M. G. Apers, Stefano Ceri, Richard T. Snodgrass: Editorial. VLDB J. 11(3): 177-178 (2002) | |
2001 | ||
153 | Peter M. G. Apers, Paolo Atzeni, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Richard T. Snodgrass: VLDB 2001, Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 11-14, 2001, Roma, Italy Morgan Kaufmann 2001 | |
152 | Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi: Pushing reactive services to XML repositories using active rules. WWW 2001: 633-641 | |
151 | Angela Bonifati, Fabiano Cattaneo, Stefano Ceri, Alfonso Fuggetta, Stefano Paraboschi: Designing data marts for data warehouses. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 10(4): 452-483 (2001) | |
150 | Kenneth A. Ross, Stefano Ceri, Luis Gravano, Per-Åke Larson, Leonid Libkin, Tova Milo: Reminiscences on Influential Papers. SIGMOD Record 30(1): 55-57 (2001) | |
149 | Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi: Active rules for XML: A new paradigm for E-services. VLDB J. 10(1): 39-47 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
148 | Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi: XML: Current Developments and Future Challenges for the Database Community. EDBT 2000: 3-17 | |
147 | Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Andrea Maurino: Building Multi-device, Content-Centric Applications Using WebML and the W3I3 Tool Suite. ER (Workshops) 2000: 64-75 | |
146 | Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Ernesto Damiani, Piero Fraternali, Letizia Tanca: Complex Queries in XML-GL. SAC (2) 2000: 888-893 | |
145 | Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi: Active Rules for XML: A New Paradigm for E-Services. TES 2000: 77-94 | |
144 | Stefano Ceri, Roberta Cochrane, Jennifer Widom: Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Success and Lingering Issues (10-Year Award). VLDB 2000: 254-262 | |
143 | Aldo Bongio, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Andrea Maurino: Modeling Data Entry and Operations in WebML. WebDB (Informal Proceedings) 2000: 87-92 | |
142 | Aldo Bongio, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Andrea Maurino: Modeling Data Entry and Operations in WebML. WebDB (Selected Papers) 2000: 201-214 | |
141 | Fabio Casati, Stefano Ceri, Barbara Pernici, Giuseppe Pozzi: Conceptual Modeling of Workflows. Advances in Object-Oriented Data Modeling 2000: 281-306 | |
140 | Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Aldo Bongio: Web Modeling Language (WebML): a modeling language for designing Web sites. Computer Networks 33(1-6): 137-157 (2000) | |
139 | Stefano Ceri, Leonid A. Kalinichenko, Masaru Kitsuregawa, Hongjun Lu, Z. Meral Özsoyoglu, Richard T. Snodgrass, Victor Vianu: SIGMOD Sister Societies. SIGMOD Record 29(1): 4-15 (2000) | |
138 | Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri: Comparative Analysis of Five XML Query Languages. SIGMOD Record 29(1): 68-79 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
137 | Paolo Atzeni, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi, Riccardo Torlone: Database Systems - Concepts, Languages and Architectures McGraw-Hill Book Company 1999 | |
136 | Stefano Ceri: Models and Tools for Designing Data-Intensive WEB Applications (Abstract). CoopIS 1999: 3 | |
135 | Stefano Ceri: Model and Tools for Design of Data-Intensive Web Applications. Proc. 15èmes Journées Bases de Données Avancées, BDA 1999: 1 | |
134 | Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi, Letizia Tanca, Ernesto Damiani: XML-GL: A Graphical Language for Querying and Restructuring XML Documents. SEBD 1999: 151-165 | |
133 | Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi: Data-Driven, One-To-One Web Site Generation for Data-Intensive Applications. VLDB 1999: 615-626 | |
132 | Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Andrea Maurino, Stefano Paraboschi: One-to-One Personalization of Data-Intensive Web Sites. WebDB (Informal Proceedings) 1999: 1-6 | |
131 | Fabio Casati, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Paraboschi, Giuseppe Pozzi: Specification and Implementation of Exceptions in Workflow Management Systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 24(3): 405-451 (1999) | |
130 | Angela Bonifati, Stefano Ceri: Comparative Analysis of Five XML Query Languages CoRR cs.DB/9912015: (1999) | |
129 | Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Ernesto Damiani, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi, Letizia Tanca: XML-GL: A Graphical Language for Querying and Restructuring XML Documents. Computer Networks 31(11-16): 1171-1187 (1999) | |
128 | Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi: Design Principles for Data-Intensive Web Sites. SIGMOD Record 28(1): 84-89 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
127 | Rosa Meo, Giuseppe Psaila, Stefano Ceri: A Tightly-Coupled Architecture for Data Mining. ICDE 1998: 316-323 | |
126 | George Pavolv, Antonio Liotta, Paola Abbi, Stefano Ceri: CMIS/P++: Extensions to CMIS/P for Increased Expressiveness and Efficiency in the Manipulation of Management Information. INFOCOM 1998: 430-438 | |
125 |