Translation of SQL/DS Data Access/Update into Entity-Relationship Data Access/Update.
Alfonso F. Cardenas, George R. Wang:
Translation of SQL/DS Data Access/Update into Entity-Relationship Data Access/Update.
ER 1985: 256-267@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/er/CardenasW85,
author = {Alfonso F. Cardenas and
George R. Wang},
editor = {Peter P. Chen},
title = {Translation of SQL/DS Data Access/Update into Entity-Relationship
Data Access/Update},
booktitle = {Entity-Relationship Approach: The Use of ER Concept in Knowledge
Representation, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference
on Entity-Relationship Approach, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 29-30
October 1985},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society and North-Holland},
year = {1985},
isbn = {0-444-87951-X},
pages = {256-267},
ee = {db/conf/er/CardenasW85.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/er/85},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
CDROM Version: Load the CDROM "Volume 2 Issue 1, ER 1979-1998" and ...
DVD Version: Load ACM SIGMOD Anthology DVD 1" and ...
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Using the Entity-Relationship Model for Implementing Multi-Model Database Systems.
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by Michael Ley (