23. ICDCS 2003:
Rhode Island,
USA - Workshops
23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCS 2003 Workshops), 19-22 May 2003, Providence, RI, USA.
IEEE Computer Society 2003, ISBN 0-7695-1921-0
title = {23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
Workshops (ICDCS 2003 Workshops), 19-22 May 2003, Providence,
booktitle = {ICDCS Workshops},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
year = {2003},
isbn = {0-7695-1921-0},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
ADSN - 2nd International Workshop on Assurance in Distributed Systems and Networks
Load Balancing
- Misato Tasaka, Hélène Arfaoui, Teruyoshi Zenmyo, Kinji Mori:
Autonomous Process or Go Navigation Technology for Congestion Avoidance in Distributed Information Service System.
- Megumi Hisayuki, Shinji Inoue, Yoshiaki Kakuda, Kenji Toda, Kuniyasu Suzaki:
Adaptable Load Balancing Using Network Transferable Computer Associated with Mobile IP.
- Junichi Funasaka, Nozomi Nakawaki, Kenji Ishida, Kitsutaro Amano:
A Parallel Downloading Method of Coping with Variable Bandwidth.
Systems and Tools
Network Control
- Chisa Takano, Masaki Aida, Shin-ichi Kuribayashi:
On the Stability of Autonomous Decentralized Flow Control in High-Speed Networks with Asymmetric Configurations.
- Stavros A. Koubias:
Simulated Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid MAC-Layer Protocol for Dependable Multi-Channel Distributed Systems with Hard Real-Time Requirements.
Fault Tolerance
- Dan Zhou, Jie Wu:
Survivable Multi-Level Ad-Hoc Group Operations.
- Xianbing Wang, Jiannong Cao:
An Optimal Early Stopping Uniform C onsensus Protocol in Synchronous Distributed Systems with Orderly Crash Failures.
DARES - The International Workshop on Distributed Auto-Adaptive and Reconfigurable Systems
Keynote Speech
Adaptive Systems and QoS
Application to Networking
DDRTS - International Workshop on Data Distribution for Real-Time Systems
Keynote Speech
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4 - Invited Panel on Real-Time Data Distribution in Overlay Network
Session 5
ISAWC - The 3rd International Workshop on Smart Appliances and Wearable Computing
Enabling Technologies and Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Computing
- Daniel Pakkala, P. Välitalo, Juhani Latvakoski:
A User Centric Peer-to-Peer Service Environment for Interaction with Networked Appliance.
- Masaki Ito, Akiko Iwaya, Masato Saito, Kenichi Nakanishi, Kenta Matsumiya, Jin Nakazawa, Nobuhiko Nishio, Kazunori Takashio, Hideyuki Tokuda:
Smart Furniture: Improvising Ubiquitous Hot-Spot Environment.
- Matthew Lease, Guy Eddon:
SmartElevator: Revitalizing A Legacy Device through Inexpensive Augmentation.
- Michael Rohs, Jürgen Bohn:
Entry Points into a Smart Campus Environment - Overview of the ETHOC System.
Wearable Computers and PDAs
Mobile Devices,
Mobile Networking in Home,
Office and Beyond
Location Depended and Context Aware Computing
MCM - The International Workshop on Mobile Computing Middleware
Coordination and Communication
Services and Discovery
Software Architecture
MDC - The International Workshop on Mobile Distributed Computing
Mobile Data Management
Distributed Computing in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Security and Mobile agents
- Gang Xu, Cristian Borcea, Liviu Iftode:
Toward a Security Architecture for Smart Messages: Challenges, Solutions, and Open Issues.
- Wayne Goddard, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, David Pokrass Jacobs, Pradip K. Srimani:
A Robust Distributed Generalized Matching Protocol that Stabilizes in Linear Time.
- Yanxiang He, Yifeng Chen:
A GA-Based Solution to the Migration Problem of Mobile Agents in Distributed Information Retrieval Systems.
- Georgia Kastidou, Evaggelia Pitoura, George Samaras:
A Scalable Hash-Based Mobile Agent Location Mechanism.
Short Papers
- Giuseppe Anastasi, Renata Bandelloni, Marco Conti, Franca Delmastro, Enrico Gregori, Giovanni Mainetto:
Experimenting an Indoor Bluetooth-Based Positioning Service.
- Jingyang Zhou, Zhiyong Jia, Daoxu Chen:
Designing Reliable Communication Protocols for Mobile Agent.
- D. Janaki Ram, M. A. Maluk Mohamed, V. R. Devanathan:
A Framework for Concurrency Control in Real-Time Distributed Collaboration for Mobile Systems.
- Cheng-Zhong Xu, Song Fu:
Privilege Delegation and Agent-Oriented Access Control in Naplet.
- Wanxia Xie, Shamkant B. Navathe, Sushil K. Prasad:
Supporting QoS-Aware Transactions in a System on Mobile Devices (SyD).
- Jingqiang Li, Weijia Jia:
Traffic Analysis in Ad Hoc Networks Based on Location-Aware Clusterin.
MNSA - The Fifth International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications
Multimedia Network (1)
Multimedia Network (2)
- Chu-Sing Yang, Yih-Ching Su, Chen-Wei Lee:
The Analysis of Packet Loss Prediction for Gilbert-Model with Loss Rate Uplin.
- Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Cao Man Letan, Akihito Hiromori, Takeshi Yamashita, Keiichi Yasumoto, Teruo Higashino, Kenichi Taniguchi:
A Receiver Coordination Protocol for the Efficient Use of Bandwidth in Distributed Multimedia Applications.
- Shu-Ching Chen, Mei-Ling Shyu, Irina Gray, Hongli Luo:
An Adaptive Multimedia Transmission Protocol for Distributed Multimedia Applications.
- Yuko Onoe, Hiroaki Hagino, Yukio Atsumi, Yuuichirou Miyazaki, Hirotaka Komaki, Takayuki Kushida, Nagatsugu Yamanouchi:
Network Information Based Rate Controls on Multimedia Streaming Servers.
Multimedia Processing (1)
Multimedia Network (3)
Virtual Reality and Distance Learning
- Christos Bouras, Dimitrios Psaltoulis, Christos Psaroudis, Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos:
Multi-User Layer in the EVE Distributed Virtual Reality Platform.
- Ying-Hong Wang, Chih-Hao Lin:
Two Intelligent Applications Supports English Distance Learning.
- Hidetoshi Kawai, Fumio Takayama, Takayuki Anzai, Takanobu Manome, Hiroki Yoshida:
Objectives and Features of e-Learning Oriented Programming Courseware for Freshmen.
- Te Yi Chan, Yu Lung Wu, Bin Shyan Jong, Tsong Wuu Lin:
Interactive and Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment: Virtual Wildlife Park.
Multimedia Applications
Multimedia Processing (2)
MWN - The International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networks
Topology of Ad-Hoc Networks
- Qing Dai, Jie Wu:
Computation of Minimal Uniform Transmission Power in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks.
- Keqin Li:
Topological Characteristics of Random Multihop Wireless Networks.
- Xiang-Yang Li, Yu Wang:
Efficient Localized Routing for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.
- Marco Zuniga, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Optimal Transmission Radius for Flooding in Large Scale Sensor Networks.
Congestion and QoS Issues
Service Discovery and Security
- Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Luci Pirmez, Luiz F. Rust da Costa Carmo:
A Flexible Web Service Based Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks.
- Paal Engelstad, Yan Zheng, Tore E. Jønvik, Do Van Thanh:
Service Discovery and Name Resolution Architectures for On-Demand MANETs.
- Phillip G. Bradford, Olga V. Gavrylyako:
Foundations of Security for Hash Chains in Ad Hoc Networks.
- Sencun Zhu, Shouhuai Xu, Sanjeev Setia, Sushil Jajodia:
LHAP: A Lightweight Hop-by-Hop Authentication Protocol for Ad-Hoc Networks.
Medium and Internet Access
Data Management and Delivery
- Ing-Ray Chen, Ngoc Anh Phan:
Update Propagation Algorithms for Supporting Disconnected Operations in Mobile Wireless Systems with Data Broadcasting.
- Weigang Ni, Qiu Fang, Susan V. Vrbsky:
A Lazy Data Request Approach for On-Demand Data Broadcasting.
- Zhijun Wang, Sajal K. Das, Hao Che, Mohan Kumar:
SACCS: Scalable Asynchronous Cache Consistency Scheme for Mobile Environments.
- Sushil K. Prasad, Anu G. Bourgeois, Erdogan Dogdu, Raj Sunderraman, Yi Pan, Shamkant B. Navathe, Vijay K. Madisetti:
Enforcing Interdependencies and Executing Transactions Atomically over Autonomous Mobile Data Stores Using SyD Link Technology.
WLAN and Location Management
Resource Management
Performance Enhancement and Evaluation
NAWSPT - The International Workshop on New Advances of Web Server and Proxy Technologies
Web Proxy Placement
Web Server Technologies
Web Caching and Internet Applications
- Markus J. Kaiser, Kwok Ching Tsui, Jiming Liu:
A Study of the Performance and Parameter Sensitivity of Adaptive Distributed Caching.
- K. Y. Leung, Eric W. M. Wong, K. H. Yeung:
Design of Distributed Video Cache System on the Internet.
- Zhong Liu, Wen Dou, Wei Ming Zhang, Peng Zou:
Paradropper: A General-Purpose Global Computing Environment Built on Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network.
- Helen S. Du, Xiaohua Jia:
A Framework for Web-Based Intelligent Decision Support Enterprise.
- Chi-Chung Cheung, Man-Ching Yuen, Angus C. H. Yip:
Dynamic DNS for Load Balancin.
Copyright © Sun Mar 14 23:06:40 2010
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)