| 2010 |
89 |  | Jorge Sá Silva,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Fernando Boavida:
Wireless Sensor Networks, 7th European Conference, EWSN 2010, Coimbra, Portugal, February 17-19, 2010. Proceedings
Springer 2010 |
| 2009 |
88 |  | Qing Zhao,
Ranveer Chandra,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Workshop on Cognitive Radio Networks, CoRoNet 2009, Beijing, China, September 21, 2009
ACM 2009 |
87 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Subhash Suri,
Wendi Rabiner Heinzelman,
Urbashi Mitra:
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 5th IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2009, Marina del Rey, CA, USA, June 8-10, 2009. Proceedings
Springer 2009 |
86 |  | Hua Liu,
Allen B. MacKenzie,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Bargaining to Improve Channel Sharing between Selfish Cognitive Radios.
GLOBECOM 2009: 1-7 |
85 |  | Sungwon Lee,
Sundeep Pattem,
Maheswaran Sathiamoorthy,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Antonio Ortega:
Spatially-Localized Compressed Sensing and Routing in Multi-hop Sensor Networks.
GSN 2009: 11-20 |
84 |  | Marjan A. Baghaie,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Fast Flooding using Cooperative Transmissions in Wireless Networks.
ICC 2009: 1-5 |
83 |  | Yi Wang,
Jialiu Lin,
Murali Annavaram,
Quinn Jacobson,
Jason I. Hong,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Norman M. Sadeh:
A framework of energy efficient mobile sensing for automatic user state recognition.
MobiSys 2009: 179-192 |
82 |  | Ying Chen,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Joint Rate-Routing Control for Fair and Efficient Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks.
SNA 2009: 128-135 |
81 |  | Avinash Sridharan,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Explicit and precise rate control for wireless sensor networks.
SenSys 2009: 29-42 |
80 |  | Pai-Han Huang,
Maulik Desai,
Xiaofan Qiu,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
On the Multihop Performance of Synchronization Mechanisms in High Propagation Delay Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers 58(5): 577-590 (2009) |
79 |  | Sameera Poduri,
Sundeep Pattem,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Using Local Geometry for Tunable Topology Control in Sensor Networks.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 8(2): 218-230 (2009) |
78 |  | Joon Ahn,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Scaling laws for data-centric storage and querying in wireless sensor networks.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 17(4): 1242-1255 (2009) |
77 |  | Shyam Kapadia,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Shahram Ghandeharizadeh:
Static Replication Strategies for Content Availability in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks.
MONET 14(5): 590-610 (2009) |
76 |  | Marco Zuniga,
Chen Avin,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Using Heterogeneity to Enhance Random Walk-based Queries.
Signal Processing Systems 57(3): 401-414 (2009) |
75 |  | Avinash Sridharan,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Maximizing network utilization with max-min fairness in wireless sensor networks.
Wireless Networks 15(5): 585-600 (2009) |
| 2008 |
74 |  | Sotiris E. Nikoletseas,
Bogdan S. Chlebus,
David B. Johnson,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, 4th IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2008, Santorini Island, Greece, June 11-14, 2008, Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
73 |  | Joon Ahn,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Performance of a Propagation Delay Tolerant ALOHA Protocol for Underwater Wireless Networks.
DCOSS 2008: 1-16 |
72 |  | Tara Javidi,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Qing Zhao,
Mingyan Liu:
Optimality of Myopic Sensing in Multi-Channel Opportunistic Access.
ICC 2008: 2107-2112 |
71 |  | Hua Liu,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Murali Annavaram:
Game theoretic approach to location sharing with privacy in a community-based mobile safety application.
MSWiM 2008: 229-238 |
70 |  | Yi Wang,
Shyam Kapadia,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Infection spread in wireless networks with random and adversarial node mobilities.
MobilityModels 2008: 17-24 |
69 |  | Özlem Durmaz Incel,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Enhancing the Data Collection Rate of Tree-Based Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
SECON 2008: 569-577 |
68 |  | Hua Liu,
Longbo Huang,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Qing Zhao:
A negotiation game for multichannel access in cognitive radio networks.
WICON 2008: 70 |
67 |  | Jae-Joon Lee,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
C. C. Jay Kuo:
Aging analysis in large-scale wireless sensor networks.
Ad Hoc Networks 6(7): 1117-1133 (2008) |
66 |  | Andrea Gasparri,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
A framework for multi-robot node coverage in sensor networks.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 52(2-4): 281-305 (2008) |
65 |  | Qing Zhao,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Structure and Optimality of Myopic Policy in Opportunistic Access with Noisy Observations
CoRR abs/0802.1379: (2008) |
64 |  | Sahand Haji Ali Ahmad,
Mingyan Liu,
Tara Javidi,
Qing Zhao,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Optimality of Myopic Sensing in Multi-Channel Opportunistic Access
CoRR abs/0811.0637: (2008) |
63 |  | Joon Ahn,
Shyam Kapadia,
Sundeep Pattem,
Avinash Sridharan,
Marco Zuniga,
Jung-Hyun Jun,
Chen Avin,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Empirical evaluation of querying mechanisms for unstructured wireless sensor networks.
Computer Communication Review 38(3): 17-26 (2008) |
62 |  | Chen Avin,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
The power of choice in random walks: An empirical study.
Computer Networks 52(1): 44-60 (2008) |
61 |  | Kiran Yedavalli,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Sequence-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 7(1): 81-94 (2008) |
60 |  | Yang Yu,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Viktor K. Prasanna:
Data Gathering with Tunable Compression in Sensor Networks.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(2): 276-287 (2008) |
59 |  | Qing Zhao,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Keqin Liu:
On myopic sensing for multi-channel opportunistic access: structure, optimality, and performance.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(12-2): 5431-5440 (2008) |
58 |  | Sundeep Pattem,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Ramesh Govindan:
The impact of spatial correlation on routing with compression in wireless sensor networks.
TOSN 4(4): (2008) |
| 2007 |
57 |  | Lorenzo A. Rossi,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
C. C. Jay Kuo:
Optimal Sink Deployment for Distributed Sensing of Spatially Nonstationary Phenomena.
GLOBECOM 2007: 1124-1128 |
56 |  | Qing Zhao,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Structure and Optimality of Myopic Sensing for Opportunistic Spectrum Access.
ICC 2007: 6476-6481 |
55 |  | Amitabha Ghosh,
Yi Wang,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Efficient Distributed Topology Control in 3-Dimensional Wireless Networks.
SECON 2007: 91-100 |
54 |  | Affan A. Syed,
Wei Ye,
John S. Heidemann,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Understanding spatio-temporal uncertainty in medium access with ALOHA protocols.
Underwater Networks 2007: 41-48 |
53 |  | Gang Lu,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Minimum latency joint scheduling and routing in wireless sensor networks.
Ad Hoc Networks 5(6): 832-843 (2007) |
52 |  | Qing Zhao,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Keqin Liu:
On Myopic Sensing for Multi-Channel Opportunistic Access
CoRR abs/0712.0035: (2007) |
51 |  | Kiran Yedavalli,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Lakshmi Venkatraman:
Fast/fair mobile localization in infrastructure wireless sensor networks.
Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(1): 29-40 (2007) |
50 |  | Marco Zuniga,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
An analysis of unreliability and asymmetry in low-power wireless links.
TOSN 3(2): 7 (2007) |
49 |  | Gang Lu,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
An adaptive energy-efficient and low-latency MAC for tree-based data gathering in sensor networks.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7(7): 863-875 (2007) |
| 2006 |
48 |  | Shyam Kapadia,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Comparative Analysis of Push-Pull Query Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks.
DCOSS 2006: 185-201 |
47 |  | Alexandre G. Ciancio,
Sundeep Pattem,
Antonio Ortega,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Energy-efficient data representation and routing for wireless sensor networks based on a distributed wavelet compression algorithm.
IPSN 2006: 309-316 |
46 |  | Chen Avin,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
The power of choice in random walks: an empirical study.
MSWiM 2006: 219-228 |
45 |  | Shahram Ghandeharizadeh,
Shyam Kapadia,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
An evaluation of availability latency in carrier-based wehicular ad-hoc networks.
MobiDE 2006: 75-82 |
44 |  | Joon Ahn,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Fundamental scaling laws for energy-efficient storage and querying in wireless sensor networks.
MobiHoc 2006: 334-343 |
43 |  | Dongjin Son,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
John S. Heidemann:
Experimental study of concurrent transmission in wireless sensor networks.
SenSys 2006: 237-250 |
42 |  | Joon Ahn,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Is data-centric storage and querying scalable?
SenSys 2006: 417-418 |
41 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Joon Ahn:
Optimizing data replication for expanding ring-based queries in wireless sensor networks.
WiOpt 2006: 361-370 |
40 |  | Shahram Ghandeharizadeh,
Ahmed Helmy,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
François Bar,
Todd Richmond:
Data Management Techniques for Continuous Media in Ad-Hoc Networks of Wireless Devices.
Encyclopedia of Multimedia 2006 |
39 |  | Yang Yu,
Viktor K. Prasanna,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Energy Minimization for Real-Time Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(11): 3087-3096 (2006) |
38 |  | Narayanan Sadagopan,
Mitali Singh,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Decentralized Utility-based Sensor Network Design.
MONET 11(3): 341-350 (2006) |
| 2005 |
37 |  | Krishna Chintalapudi,
John Caffrey,
Ramesh Govindan,
Erik Johnson,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Sami Masri,
Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Networked Active Sensing of Structures.
DCOSS 2005: 387-388 |
36 |  | Gang Lu,
Narayanan Sadagopan,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Ashish Goel:
Delay efficient sleep scheduling in wireless sensor networks.
INFOCOM 2005: 2470-2481 |
35 |  | Kiran Yedavalli,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Sharmila Ravula,
Bhaskar Srinivasan:
Ecolocation: a sequence based technique for RF localization in wireless sensor networks.
IPSN 2005: 285-292 |
34 |  | Shahram Ghandeharizadeh,
Shyam Kapadia,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Comparison of replication strategies for content availability in C2P2 networks.
Mobile Data Management 2005: 107-115 |
33 |  | Narayanan Sadagopan,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Ahmed Helmy:
Active query forwarding in sensor networks.
Ad Hoc Networks 3(1): 91-113 (2005) |
32 |  | Ramón Béjar,
Carmel Domshlak,
Cèsar Fernández,
Carla P. Gomes,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Bart Selman,
Magda Valls:
Sensor networks and distributed CSP: communication, computation and complexity.
Artif. Intell. 161(1-2): 117-147 (2005) |
31 |  | Marco Zuniga,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Optimal Transmission Radius for Flooding in Large Scale Sensor Networks.
Cluster Computing 8(2-3): 167-178 (2005) |
30 |  | Narayanan Sadagopan,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Maximizing Data Extraction in Energy-Limited Sensor Networks.
IJDSN 1(1): 123-147 (2005) |
| 2004 |
29 |  | Shahram Ghandeharizadeh,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
C2P2: A Peer-to-Peer Network for On-Demand Automobile Information Services.
DEXA Workshops 2004: 538-542 |
28 |  | Yang Yu,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Viktor K. Prasanna:
Energy-Latency Tradeoffs for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks.
INFOCOM 2004 |
27 |  | Narayanan Sadagopan,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Maximizing Data Extraction in Energy-Limited Sensor Networks.
INFOCOM 2004 |
26 |  | Gang Lu,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Cauligi S. Raghavendra:
An Adaptive Energy-Efficient and Low-Latency MAC for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IPDPS 2004 |
25 |  | Sundeep Pattem,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Ramesh Govindan:
The impact of spatial correlation on routing with compression in wireless sensor networks.
IPSN 2004: 28-35 |
24 |  | Aram Galstyan,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Kristina Lerman,
Sundeep Pattem:
Distributed online localization in sensor networks using a moving target.
IPSN 2004: 61-70 |
23 |  | Pritam Baruah,
Rahul Urgaonkar,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Learning-Enforced Time Domain Routing to Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Fields.
LCN 2004: 525-532 |
22 |  | Ashish Goel,
Sanatan Rai,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Sharp thresholds For monotone properties in random geometric graphs.
STOC 2004: 580-586 |
21 |  | Karim Seada,
Marco Zuniga,
Ahmed Helmy,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Energy-efficient forwarding strategies for geographic routing in lossy wireless sensor networks.
SenSys 2004: 108-121 |
20 |  | Marco Zuniga,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Exploring the predictability of network metrics in the presence of unreliable wireless links.
SenSys 2004: 275-276 |
19 |  | Shahram Ghandeharizadeh,
Shyam Kapadia,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
PAVAN: a policy framework for content availabilty in vehicular ad-hoc networks.
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 2004: 57-65 |
18 |  | Fan Bai,
Narayanan Sadagopan,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Ahmed Helmy:
Modeling path duration distributions in MANETs and their impact on reactive routing protocols.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(7): 1357-1373 (2004) |
17 |  | Yang Yu,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Viktor K. Prasanna:
Issues in Designing Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Network 18(1): 15-21 (2004) |
16 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
S. Sitharama Iyengar:
Distributed Bayesian Algorithms for Fault-Tolerant Event Region Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE Trans. Computers 53(3): 241-250 (2004) |
15 |  | Dongjin Son,
Ahmed Helmy,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
The Effect of Mobility-Induced Location Errors on Geographic Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Analysis and Improvement Using Mobility Prediction.
IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 3(3): 233-245 (2004) |
14 |  | Shahram Ghandeharizadeh,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Shanshan Song:
Placement of continuous media in wireless peer-to-peer networks.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(2): 335-342 (2004) |
13 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Rung-Hung Gau,
Stephen B. Wicker,
Zygmunt J. Haas:
Optimal Sequential Paging in Cellular Wireless Networks.
Wireless Networks 10(2): 121-131 (2004) |
| 2003 |
12 |  | Marco Zuniga,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Optimal Transmission Radius for Flooding in Large Scale Sensor Networks.
ICDCS Workshops 2003: 697- |
11 |  | Sundeep Pattem,
Sameera Poduri,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Energy-Quality Tradeoffs for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IPSN 2003: 32-46 |
10 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
S. Sitharama Iyengar:
Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Feature Extraction in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IPSN 2003: 488-501 |
9 |  | Narayanan Sadagopan,
Fan Bai,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Ahmed Helmy:
PATHS: analysis of PATH duration statistics and their impact on reactive MANET routing protocols.
MobiHoc 2003: 245-256 |
8 |  | Ashish Goel,
Sanatan Rai,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Sharp thresholds for monotone properties in random geometric graphs
CoRR math.PR/0310232: (2003) |
7 |  | Marco Antonio Zúñiga Zamalloa,
Karim Seada,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Ahmed Helmy:
Efficient geographic routing over lossy links in wireless sensor networks.
TOSN 4(3): (2003) |
6 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Stephen B. Wicker,
Ramón Béjar,
Cèsar Fernández:
On the Complexity of Distributed Self-Configuration in Wireless Networks.
Telecommunication Systems 22(1-4): 33-59 (2003) |
| 2002 |
5 |  | Cèsar Fernández,
Ramón Béjar,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Carla P. Gomes:
Communication and Computation in Distributed CSP Algorithms.
CP 2002: 664-679 |
4 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Ramón Béjar,
Stephen B. Wicker:
Distributed Problem Solving and the Boundaries of Self-Configuration in Multi-hop Wireless Networks.
HICSS 2002: 297 |
3 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Deborah Estrin,
Stephen B. Wicker:
The Impact of Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
ICDCS Workshops 2002: 575-578 |
2 |  | Rung-Hung Gau,
Zygmunt J. Haas,
Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
On multicast flow control for heterogeneous receivers.
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(1): 86-101 (2002) |
| 2000 |
1 |  | Bhaskar Krishnamachari,
Xi Xie,
Bart Selman,
Stephen B. Wicker:
Analysis of Random Noise and Random Walk Algorithms.
CP 2000: 278-290 |