MedInfo 2007:
Klaus A. Kuhn, James R. Warren, Tze-Yun Leong (Eds.):
MEDINFO 2007 - Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics - Building Sustainable Health Systems, 20-24 August, 2007, Brisbane, Australia.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 129 IOS Press 2007, ISBN 978-1-58603-774-1
Chapter 1. eHealth
- Marius Mikalsen, Ståle Walderhaug, Per Håkon Meland, Ole Martin Winnem:
Linkcare - Enabling Continuity of Care for the Chronically Ill across Levels and Profession.
- Michael Marschollek, Klaus-Hendrik Wolf, Oliver J. Bott, Mirko Geisler, Maik Plischke, Wolfram Ludwig, Andreas Hornberger, Reinhold Haux:
Sustainable Ubiquitous Home Health Care - Architectural Considerations and First Practical Experiences.
- Lynn A. Volk, Maria Staroselsky, Lisa P. Newmark, Hannah Pham, Alexis Tumolo, Deborah H. Williams, Ruslana Tsurikova, Jeffrey L. Schnipper, Jonathan S. Wald, David W. Bates:
Do Physicians Take Action on High Risk Family History Information Provided by Patients Outside of a Clinic Visit?
- Jonathan S. Wald, Karen Burk, Kate Gardner, Raisa Feygin, Elizabeth Nelson, Marianna Epstein, Eric G. Poon, Blackford Middleton:
Sharing Electronic Laboratory Results in a Patient Portal - a Feasibility Pilot.
- Jon Warwick, Gary Bell:
An Evolving Systems-Based Methodology For Healthcare Planning.
- Mika P. Tuomainen, Juha A. Mykkänen, Heli Luostarinen, Assi Pöyhölä, Esa Paakkanen:
Model-Centric Approaches for the Development of Health Information Systems.
- Fabiane Bizinella Nardon, Lincoln de A. Moura Jr.:
Software Engineering Principles Applied to Large Healthcare Information Systems A Case Report.
- Alexander Horsch, Daryoush Khoshsima:
Towards Modeling and Simulation of Integrated Social and Health Care Services for Elderly.
- Philip Joyce, Rosamund Green, Graham Winch:
Healthcare Delivery Systems: Designing Quality into Health Information Systems.
- Jacqueline Moss, Eta S. Berner, Kathy Savell:
A Mobile Data Collection Tool for Workflow Analysis.
- Martin Staemmler:
Towards Sustainable e-Health Networks: Does Modeling Support Efficient Management and Operation?
- Rong Chen, Gunnar O. Klein:
The openEHR Java Reference Implementation Project.
- Lyn A. Hanmer, Sedick Isaacs, J. Dewald Roode:
A Conceptual Model of Computerised Hospital Information System (CHIS) use in South Africa.
- Etienne De Clercq, Viviane Van Casteren, Pascale Jonckheer, Peter Burggraeve, Marie France Lafontaine, Karen Degroote, Francis H. Roger France:
Are Problem-Oriented Medial Records (POMR) Suitable for Use in GPs' Daily Practice?
- Christian Dominik Kohl, Claus Schott, Doris Verveur, Otwin Linderkamp, Petra Knaup-Gregori:
Can an EPR Support the Concept of Family-Centred, Individualized Developmental Care of Premature Infants and Newborns?
- Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen, Amy Ming-Fang Yen, Grace Hui-Min Wu, Li-Sheng Chen, Yueh-Hsia Chiu:
Multiple Detection Modalities and Disease Natural History of Breast Cancer.
- Gunnar Hartvigsen, Monika Alise Johansen, Per Hasvold, Johan Gustav Bellika, Eirik Årsand, Eli Arild, Deede Gammon, Sture Pettersen, Steinar Pedersen:
Challenges in Telemedicine and eHealth: Lessons Learned from 20 Years with Telemedicine in Tromsø.
- Catherine E. Chronaki, A. Berthier, M. M. Lleo, L. Esterle, A. Lenglet, F. Simon, L. Josseran, M. Lafaye, Y. Matsakis, A. Tabasco, L. Braak:
A Satellite Infrastructure for Health Early Warning in Post-Disaster Health Management.
- Toni Giorgino, Paolo Tormene, Barbara Cattani, Caterina Pistarini, Silvana Quaglini:
Remote Support for Stroke Rehabilitation: MyHeart's "Neurological Rehabilitation" Concept.
- Kirsten Carroll Somoza, Kathryn Momtahan, Gitte Lindgaard:
Effects of a Computerized Cardiac Teletriage Decision Support System on Nurse Performance: Results of a Controlled Human Factors Experiment Using a Mid-Fidelity Prototype.
- Farhaan Mirza, Tony Norris:
Opportunities and Barriers for Mobile Health in New Zealand.
- Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, Jakob E. Bardram:
Applying Mobile and Pervasive Computer Technology to Enhance Coordination of Work in a Surgical Ward.
- Jürgen Morak, Alexander Kollmann, Günter Schreier:
Feasibility and Usability of a Home Monitoring Concept based on Mobile Phones and Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology.
- Kathryn L. Momtahan, Catherine M. Burns, Heather Sherrard, Thierry Mesana, Marino Labinaz:
Using Personal Digital Assistants and Patient Care Algorithms to Improve Access to Cardiac Care Best Practices.
- Ståle Walderhaug, Marius Mikalsen, Gunnar Hartvigsen, Erlend Stav, Jan Aagedal:
Improving Systems Interoperability with Model-Driven Software Development for HealthCare.
- Tanja Toroi, Anne Eerola, Juha Mykkänen:
Conformance Testing of Interoperability in Health Information Systems in Finland.
- Diego M. Lopez, Bernd Blobel:
Connecting Public Health and Clinical Information Systems by Using a Standardized Methodology.
- Robert P. DiLaura:
Clinical and Translational Science Sustainability: Overcoming Integration Issues between Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Clinical Research Data Management Systems "Separate but Equal".
- Gunther Eysenbach, Maria Thomson:
The FA4CT Algorithm: A New Model and Tool for Consumers to Assess and Filter Health Information on the Internet.
- Michel Joubert, Arnaud Gaudinat, Célia Boyer, Antoine Geissbühler, Marius Fieschi:
WRAPIN : a Tool for Patient Empowerment within EHR.
- Annie Y. S. Lau, Enrico W. Coiera:
How do Clinicians Search For and Access Biomedical Literature to Answer Clinical Questions?
- Jacob B. Weiss, Thomas R. Campion Jr.:
Blogs, Wikis, and Discussion Forums: Attributes and Implications for Clinical Information Systems.
- Gunther Eysenbach:
From Intermediation to Disintermediation and Apomediation: New Models for Consumers to Access and Assess the Credibility of Health Information in the Age of Web2.0.
- Mathieu Trudel, Joseph A. Cafazzo, Melinda Hamill, Walter Igharas, Kevin Tallevi, Peter Picton, Jack Lam, Peter G. Rossos, Anthony C. Easty, Alexander Logan:
A Mobile Phone Based Remote Patient Monitoring System For Chronic Disease Management.
- Bernd Blobel, Peter Pharow, Thomas Norgall:
How to Enhance Integrated Care towards the Personal Health Paradigm?
- Rod Ward, Katherine Pollard, Margaret Glogowska, Pam Moule:
Developing Information Technology Attitude Scales for Health (ITASH).
- Mohyuddin, W. A. Gray, Hazel Bailey, Wendy Jones, David Morrey:
Development of Patient Centric Virtual Organizations (PCVOs) in Clinical Environment for Patient Information Management.
- William Hsu, L. Rodney Long, Sameer Antani:
SPIRS: A Framework for Content-based Image Retrieval from Large Biomedical Databases.
- Jan L. Talmon, Elske Ammenwerth, Thom Geven:
The Quality of Reporting of Health Informatics Evaluation Studies: A Pilot Study.
- Joan S. Ash, Dean F. Sittig, Richard H. Dykstra, Emily M. Campbell, Ken P. Guappone:
Exploring the Unintended Consequences of Computerized Physician Order Entry.
- Rodolphe Meyer, Patrice Degoulet, Louis Omnes:
Impact of Health Care Information Technology on Hospital Productivity Growth: a Survey in 17 Acute University Hospitals.
- Masanori Akiyama, Tatsuya Kondo:
Risk Management and Measuring Productivity with POAS - Point of Act System.
- Abel N. Kho, Paul R. Dexter, Larry Lemmon, Dauna Carey, Heather Woodward-Hagg, Steve Hare, Brad Doebbeling:
Connecting the Dots: Creation of an Electronic Regional Infection Control Network.
- Toomas Timpka, Magnus Morin, Johan Jenvald, Elin Gursky, Henrik Eriksson:
Dealing with Ecological Fallacy in Preparations for Influenza Pandemics: Use of a Flexible Environment for Adaptation of Simulations to Household Structures in Local Contexts.
- Damian Borbolla, Diego Giunta, Silvana Figar, Mercedes Soriano, Adriana Dawidowski, Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós:
Effectiveness of a Chronic Disease Surveillance Systems for Blood Pressure Monitoring.
- Carol S. Bond:
Nurses and Computers. An International Perspective on Nurses' Requirements.
- Eike-Henner W. Kluge:
The Need for Global Certification in the Field of Health Informatics: Some Ethical Issues.
- Ellen Balka, Christine Reidl, Ina Wagner:
Using Fieldwork in Analyzing Ethical Issues Related to IT in Health Care.
- Gunnar René Øie, Herbjørn Andresen, Inger Anne Tøndel:
Handling Consent to Patient Data Access in a Hospital Setting.
- Sharib A. Khan, Rita Kukafka, Philip R. O. Payne, J. Thomas Bigger, Stephen B. Johnson:
A Day in the Life of a Clinical Research Coordinator: Observations from Community Practice Settings.
- Dean F. Sittig, Ken P. Guappone, Emily M. Campbell, Richard H. Dykstra, Joan S. Ash:
A Survey of U.S.A. Acute Care Hospitals' Computer-based Provider Order Entry System Infusion Levels.
- Udita Taneja, Sushil:
E-Healthcare in India: Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Health Systems.
- Maryati Mohd. Yusof, Lampros K. Stergioulas, Jasmina Zugic:
Health Information Systems Adoption: Findings from a Systematic Review.
- Ivan V. Emelin, Radik A. Eltchiyan:
Telemedicine Portal and Standardized Clinical Documents.
- I. Mavrikakis, John Mantas, Marianna Diomidous:
The Development of an Information System and Installation of an Internet Web Database for the Purposes of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
- Stergiani Spyrou, Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Vassilis Kilintzis, Irini Lekka, Nicos Maglaveras, Costas Pappas:
Reliability Assessment of Home Health Care Services.
- Pascal Staccini, Michel Joubert, Rémy Collomp, Jean-François Quaranta, Marius Fieschi:
From the Description of Activities to the Identification of Risks for Clinical Management: a Proposal of Building, Merging and Sharing Knowledge Representations of Care Processes.
- Leanne M. Currie, Karen S. Desjardins, Patricia W. Stone, Tsai-ya Lai, Eric Schwartz, Rebecca Schnall, Suzanne Bakken:
Near-Miss and Hazard Reporting: Promoting Mindfulness in Patient Safety Education.
Chapter 2. Data Repositories and Information Retrieval
- Antonio C. H. Sek, N. T. Cheung, K. M. Choy, W. N. Wong, Anna Y. H. Tong, Vicky H. Fung, Michael Fung, Eric Ho:
A Territory-Wide Electronic Health Record - from Concept to Practicality: the Hong Kong Experience.
- Stephen Moo, John Fletcher:
Northern Territory HealthConnect: Shared Electronic Health Record Service Implementation Experiences and Benefits Realised in Indigenous Health.
- Leonidas Orfanidis, Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Barry Eaglestone:
A Simulation-Based Performance Analysis of a National Electronic Health Record System.
- Ngai-Tseung Cheung, Vicky Fung, Wing Nam Wong, Anna Tong, Antonio Sek, Andre Greyling, Nancy Tse, Hong Fung:
Principles-Based Medical Informatics for Success - How Hong Kong Built One of the World's Largest Integrated Longitudinal Electronic Patient Records.
- Martin J. O'Connor, Ravi D. Shankar, David B. Parrish, Amar K. Das:
Knowledge-Level Querying of Temporal Patterns in Clinical Research Systems.
- Xiue Fan, Ping Yu:
A Discussion about the Importance of Laws and Policies for Data Sharing for Public Health in the People's Republic of China.
- Bradley Malin, Edoardo Airoldi:
Confidentiality Preserving Audits of Electronic Medical Record Access.
- Jimison Iavindrasana, Adrien Depeursinge, Patrick Ruch, Stéphane Spahni, Antoine Geissbühler, Henning Müller:
Design of a Decentralized Reusable Research Database Architecture to Support Data Acquisition in Large Research Projects.
- The Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIGTM): Infrastructure and Applications for a Worldwide Research Community.
- Yassene Mohammed, Sabine Rey, Fabian Rakebrandt, Ulrich Sax:
The Integration of Grid Resources into a Portal for Research Collaboratories.
- Marcel Müller, Kornél G. Markó, Philipp Daumke, Jan Paetzold, Arnold Roesner, Rüdiger Klar:
Biomedical Data Mining in Clinical Routine: Expanding the Impact of Hospital Information Systems.
- Bengt Astrand, Bo Hovstadius, Karolina Antonov, Göran Petersson:
The Swedish National Pharmacy Register.
- S. Bart, T. Hannan:
The Use of Existing Low-Cost Technologies to Enhance the Medical Record Documentation Using a Summary Patient Record [SPR].
- Uros Rajkovic, Olga Sustersic, Vladislav Rajkovic, Vesna Prijatelj:
A New Approach in Nursing Documentation: Community Nursing Case.
- Yukio Kurihara, Naho Asai, Eri Ishimoto, Shigeyuki Kawamata, Satsuki Nakamura:
A Survey of the Effects of the full Computerized Nursing Records System on Sharing Nursing Records among Health Professionals.
- Young ah Kim, Mijung An, Jungyoen Park, Hyensun Jung, Yongoock Kim, Byungchul Chang:
New Method of Realization of Nursing Diagnosis Based on 3N in an Electronic Medical Record System.
- Arthur C. Curtis, Joseph Gillon, Dale C. Malmrose:
Integration of Longitudinal Electronic Records in a Large Healthcare Enterprise: The U.S. Veterans Health Administration Experience.
- William M. Tierney, Joseph K. Rotich, Terry J. Hannan, Abraham M. Siika, Paul G. Biondich, Burke W. Mamlin, Winstone M. Nyandiko, Sylvester N. Kimaiyo, Kara Wools-Kaloustian, John E. Sidle, Chrispinus J. Simiyu, Erika M. Kigotho, Beverly Musick, Joseph J. Mamlin, Robert M. Einterz:
The AMPATH Medical Record System: Creating, Implementing, and Sustaining an Electronic Medical Record System to Support Hiv/AIDS Care in Western Kenya.
- Cláudio G. A. Costa, Beatriz F. Leão, Lincoln A. Moura Jr.:
São Paulo City Health Information System - A Case Report.
- Christian Allen, Darius Jazayeri, Justin Miranda, Paul G. Biondich, Burke W. Mamlin, Ben A. Wolfe, Chris Seebregts, Neal Lesh, William M. Tierney, Hamish S. F. Fraser:
Experience in Implementing the OpenMRS Medical Record System to Support HIV Treatment in Rwanda.
- André Coutinho Castilla, Sérgio Shiguemi Furuie, Eneida A. Mendonça:
Multilingual Information Retrieval in Thoracic Radiology: Feasibility Study.
- Kornél G. Markó, Philipp Daumke, Stefan Schulz, Rüdiger Klar, Udo Hahn:
Large-Scale Evaluation of a Medical Cross-Language Information Retrieval System.
- Chunlan Ma, Heath K. Frankel, Thomas Beale, Sam Heard:
EHR Query Language (EQL) - A Query Language for Archetype-Based Health Records.
- Ole Edsberg, Stein Jakob Nordbø, Erik Vinnes, Øystein Nytrø:
Design and Evaluation of a Temporal, Graph-Based Language for Querying Collections of Patient Histories.
- Aurélie Névéol, Suzanne Pereira, Gaétan Kerdelhué, Badisse Dahamna, Michel Joubert, Stéfan Jacques Darmoni:
Evaluation of a Simple Method for the Automatic Assignment of MeSH Descriptors to Health Resources in a French Online Catalogue.
- Yasushi Matsumura, Shigeki Kuwata, Yuichiro Yamamoto, Kazunori Izumi, Yasushi Okada, Michihiro Hazumi, Sachiko Yoshimoto, Takahiro Mineno, Munetoshi Nagahama, Ayumi Fujii, Hiroshi Takeda:
Template-based Data Entry for General Description in Medical Records and Data Transfer to Data Warehouse for Analysis.
- Frédéric Ehrler, Patrick Ruch, Antoine Geissbühler, Christian Lovis:
Challenges and Methodology for Indexing the Computerized Patient Record.
- Robert Moskovitch, Roee Sa'adon, Eytan Behiri, Susana B. Martins, Aviram Weiss, Yuval Shahar:
Experiments with Hierarchical Concept-Based Search.
Chapter 3. Sharing Data
- Craig A. Morioka, John David N. Dionisio, Alex A. T. Bui, Suzie El-Saden, Hooshang Kangarloo:
StructConsult: Structured Real-Time Wet Read Consultation Infrastructure to Support Patient Care.
- Christel Le Bozec, Dominique Henin, Bettina Fabiani, Thomas Schrader, Marcial Garcia-Rojo, Bruce Beckwith:
Refining DICOM for Pathology - Progress from the IHE and DICOM Pathology working groups.
- Thilo Schuler, Martin Boeker, Rüdiger Klar, Marcel Müller:
A Generic, Web-based Clinical Information System Architecture Using HL7 CDA: Successful Implementation in Dermatological Routine Care.
- Alejandro E. Flores, Khin Than Win:
Analyzing the Key Variables in the Adoption Process of HL7.
- Stephany N. Duda, Clint Cushman, Daniel R. Masys:
An XML Model of an Enhanced Data Dictionary to Facilitate the Exchange of Pre-Existing Clinical Research Data in International Studies.
- José Alberto Maldonado, David Moner, Diego Tomás, Carlos Angulo, Montserrat Robles, Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis:
Framework for Clinical Data Standardization Based on Archetypes.
- Helen Christensen, Kathleen Griffiths:
Reaching Standards for Dissemination: A Case Study.
- Einar Holm, Toomas Timpka:
A Discrete Time-Space Geography for Epidemiology: From Mixing Groups to Pockets of Local Order in Pandemic Simulations.
- Juha Mykkänen, Maritta Korhonen, Jari Porrasmaa, Tuula Tuomainen, Antero Ensio:
A National Study of eHealth Standardization in Finland - Goals and Recommendations.
- Vicky Fung, N. T. Cheung, Eric Ho, Clara Cheung, Hudson Chan, Kitty Tsang, Joycelyne Cheung, William Ho, Maggie Lau, Veronica Hung, Austen Wong, Anna Tong, W. N. Wong, Antonio Sek:
Building a Womb-to-Tomb Health Record in Hong Kong - an Application of Information Architecture.
- Gunnar O. Klein, Pier Angelo Sottile, Frederik Endsleff:
Another HISA - The New Standard: Health Informatics - Service Architecture.
- Tyrone Grandison, Srivatsava Ranjit Ganta, Uri Braun, James Kaufman:
Protecting Privacy while Sharing Medical Data Between Regional Healthcare Entities.
- Atif Zafar, Brian E. Dixon:
Pulling Back the Covers: Technical Lessons of a Real-World Health Information Exchange.
- Sameer Antani, Thomas Martin Deserno, L. Rodney Long, George R. Thoma:
Geographically Distributed Complementary Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems for Biomedical Image Informatics.
- Peter R. Croll, Matthew Henricksen, William J. Caelli, Vicky Liu:
Utilizing SELinux to Mandate Ultra-secure Access Control of Medical Records.
- Catherine Quantin, François-André Allaert, Paul Avillach, Benoît Riandey, Marius Fieschi, Maniane Fassa, Olivier Cohen:
Proposal of a French Health Identification Number Interoperable at the European Level.
- Michael Spitzer, Lars Brinkmann, Frank Ückert:
Clearinghouse: A Teleradiology Platform Emphasizing Security of Data and Communication.
- Minh H. Doan, Paul-Ludwig Lott, Marek Václavík, Frank Ückert:
K-Box: Automatic Structuring and Exchange of Medical Documents Based on the Clinical Documentation Architecture (CDA).
Chapter 4. Medical Knowledge,
Ontologies and Terminologies
- Jung-Wei Fan, Hua Xu, Carol Friedman:
Using Distributional Analysis to Semantically Classify UMLS Concepts.
- Katrin Tomanek, Joachim Wermter, Udo Hahn:
A Reappraisal of Sentence and Token Splitting for Life Sciences Documents.
- Roosewelt L. Andrade, Edson José Pacheco, Píndaro S. Cancian, Percy Nohama, Stefan Schulz:
Corpus-based Error Detection in a Multilingual Medical Thesaurus.
- Louise Deléger, Fiammetta Namer, Pierre Zweigenbaum:
Defining Medical Words: Transposing Morphosemantic Analysis from French to English.
- Takeshi Imai, Eiji Aramaki, Masayuki Kajino, Kengo Miyo, Yuzo Onogi, Kazuhiko Ohe:
Finding Malignant Findings from Radiological Reports using Medical Attributes and Syntactic Information.
- Vijayaraghavan Bashyam, Guy Divita, David B. Bennett, Allen C. Browne, Ricky K. Taira:
A Normalized Lexical Lookup Approach to Identifying UMLS Concepts in Free Text.
- Rong Xu, Yael Garten, Kaustubh S. Supekar, Amar K. Das, Russ B. Altman, Alan M. Garber:
Extracting Subject Demographic Information From Abstracts of Randomized Clinical Trial Reports.
- Anne-Marie Rassinoux, Robert H. Baud, Jean Marie Rodrigues, Christian Lovis, Antoine Geissbühler:
Coupling Ontology Driven Semantic Representation with Multilingual Natural Language Generation for Tuning International Terminologies.
- Guoliang Li, Tze-Yun Leong:
Biomedical Knowledge Discovery with Topological Constraints Modeling in Bayesian Networks: A Preliminary Report.
- Ove Granberg, Johan Gustav Bellika, Eirik Årsand, Gunnar Hartvigsen:
Automatic Infection Detection System.
- Seung Hee Ho, Hyun Young Park, Yang Soo Jang, Sun Ha Jee:
Risk Stratification for LDL Cholesterol using Induction Technique.
- Martin Lang, Nanda Kirpekar, Thomas Bürkle, Susanne Laumann, Hans-Ulrich Prokosch:
Results from Data Mining in a Radiology Department: The Relevance of Data Quality.
- Hidenao Abe, Hideto Yokoi, Shusaku Tsumoto, Miho Ohsaki, Takahira Yamaguchi:
Evaluating Learning Models with Transitions of Human Interests Based on Objective Rule Evaluation Indices.
- Anna Shillabeer:
An Automated Data Pattern Translation Process for Medical Data Mining.
- Amir R. Razavi, Hans Gill, Hans Åhlfeldt, Nosrat Shahsavar:
A Data Mining Approach to Analyze Non-compliance with a Guideline for the Treatment of Breast Cancer.
- Niels Peek, Marion Verduijn, Peter M. J. Rosseel, Evert de Jonge, Bas A. de Mol:
Bayesian Networks for Multivariate Data Analysis and Prognostic Modelling in Cardiac Surgery.
- Aijaz Qadir Patoli:
Role of Syndromic Management using Dynamic Machine Learning in Future of e-Health in Pakistan.
- Kin Wah Fung, Olivier Bodenreider, Alan R. Aronson, William T. Hole, Suresh Srinivasan:
Combining Lexical and Semantic Methods of Inter-terminology Mapping Using the UMLS.
- Josef Ingenerf, Siegfried J. Pöppl:
Biomedical Vocabularies - the Demand for Differentiation.
- Brian E. Dixon, Atif Zafar, Julie J. McGowan:
Development of a Taxonomy for Health Information Technology.
- Maria Laura Gambarte, Alejandro Lopez Osornio, Marcela Martinez, Guillermo Reynoso, Daniel Luna, Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós:
A Practical Approach to Advanced Terminology Services in Health Information Systems.
- Amanda Ryan, Peter W. Eklund, Brett Esler:
Toward the Interoperability of HL7 v3 and SNOMED CT: A Case Study Modeling Mobile Clinical Treatment.
- Rachel L. Richesson, Asif Syed, Heather Guillette, Mark S. Tuttle, Jeffrey P. Krischer:
A Web-based SNOMED CT Browser: Distributed and Real-time Use of SNOMED CT During the Clinical Research Process.
- Steven H. Brown, Casey S. Husser, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, Sandra Bailey, Linda Nugent, Karla Porter, Brent A. Bauer, Peter L. Elkin:
- Senthil K. Nachimuthu, Lee Min Lau:
Practical Issues in Using SNOMED CT as a Reference Terminology.
- Eiji Aramaki, Takeshi Imai, Masayuki Kajino, Kengo Miyo, Kazuhiko Ohe:
Statistical Selector of the Best Multiple ICD-coding Method.
- Hernán Navas, Alejandro Lopez Osornio, Analía Baum, Adrian Gomez, Daniel Luna, Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós:
Creation and Evaluation of a Terminology Server for the Interactive Coding of Discharge Summaries.
- Jeferson L. Bitencourt, Píndaro S. Cancian, Edson José Pacheco, Percy Nohama, Stefan Schulz:
Thesaurus Anomaly Detection by User Action Monitoring.
- Russell A. Hamm, Sarah E. Knoop, Peter Schwarz, Aaron D. Block, Warren L. Davis IV:
Harmonizing Clinical Terminologies: Driving Interoperability in Healthcare.
- Rema Padman, Xue Bai, Edoardo M. Airoldi:
A New Machine Learning Classifier for High Dimensional Healthcare Data.
- Hirofumi Fujii, Hiromasa Yamagishi, Yutaka Ando, Nobuhiro Tsukamoto, Osamu Kawaguchi, Tomotaka Kasamatsu, Kaoru Kurosaki, Masakazu Osada, Hiroshi Kaneko, Atsushi Kubo:
Structuring of Free-Text Diagnostic Report.
- Rahil Qamar, Alan Rector:
Semantic Issues in Integrating Data from Different Models to Achieve Data Interoperability.
- James J. Cimino, Tiffani J. Bright, Jianhua Li:
Medication Reconciliation Using Natural Language Processing and Controlled Terminologies.
- Thomas Brox Røst, Ole Edsberg, Anders Grimsmo, Øystein Nytrø:
Comparing Medical Code Usage With the Compression-Based Dissimilarity Measure.
- Chintan Patel, James J. Cimino:
A Scale-Free Network View of the UMLS to Learn Terminology Translations.
- Yuzo Onogi:
Assigning Categorical Information to Japanese Medical Terms Using MeSh and MEDLINE.
- Iulian Alecu, Cédric Bousquet, Patrice Degoulet, Marie-Christine Jaulent:
PharmARTS: Terminology Web Services for Drug Safety Data Coding and Retrieval.
- Arnaud Gaudinat, Natalia Grabar, Célia Boyer:
Machine Learning Approach for Automatic Quality Criteria Detection of Health Web Pages.
- Patrick Ruch, Antoine Geissbühler, Julien Gobeill, Frédéric Lisacek, Imad Tbahriti, Anne-Lise Veuthey, Alan R. Aronson:
Using Discourse Analysis to Improve Text Categorization in MEDLINE.
- Lawrence D. Fu, Lily Wang, Yindalon Aphinyanagphongs, Constantin F. Aliferis:
A Comparison of Impact Factor, Clinical Query Filters, and Pattern Recognition Query Filters in Terms of Sensitivity to Topic.
- Nancy Wilczynski, Amit X. Garg, R. Brian Haynes:
A Method for Defining a Journal Subset for a Clinical Discipline using the Bibliographies of Systematic Reviews.
- Peter L. Elkin, David Froehling, Brent A. Bauer, Dietlind Wahner-Roedler, S. Trent Rosenbloom, Kent Bailey, Steven H. Brown:
Aequus Communis Sententia: Defining Levels of Interoperability.
- Alan L. Rector:
What's in a code? Towards a Formal Account of the Relation of Ontologies and Coding Systems.
- Jean Marie Rodrigues, Cornelius Rosse, M. Fogelberg, Anand Kumar, Béatrice Trombert Paviot:
A Road from Health Care Classifications and Coding Systems to Biomedical Ontology: the CEN Categorial Structure for Terminologies of Human Anatomy: Catanat.
- Yasuyuki Hirose, Ryuichi Yamamoto, Shinichiro Ueda:
The Nodes Focusing Tool for Clinical Course Data of Hypergraph Structure in the Ontological Framework CSX Output from POMR-based EMR system.
- Nathalie Bricon-Souf, S. Ngom, Saliha Hamek:
Integrating Descriptive, Functional and Cooperative Aspects in a Domain Ontology to Computerize Home Care Charts.
- Ulrich Schrader, Peter Tackenberg, Rudolf Widmer, Lucien Portenier, Peter König:
The ICNP-BaT - A Multilingual Web-based Tool to Support the Collaborative Translation of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP).
- Henrik Eriksson, Magnus Morin, Johan Jenvald, Elin Gursky, Einar Holm, Toomas Timpka:
Ontology Based Modeling of Pandemic Simulation Scenarios.
- Thomas Beale, Sam Heard:
An Ontology-based Model of Clinical Information.
- Alejandro Lopez Osornio, Daniel Luna, Maria Laura Gambarte, Adrian Gomez, Guillermo Reynoso, Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós:
Creation of a Local Interface Terminology to SNOMED CT.
- Derek Hoy, Nicholas R. Hardiker, Ian T. McNicoll, Phil Westwell:
A Feasibility Study on Clinical Templates for the National Health Service in Scotland.
- Daniel J. Vreeman:
Keeping Up with Changing Source System Terms in a Local Health Information Infrastructure: Running to Stand Still.
- Christel Daniel-Le Bozec, Olivier Steichen, Thierry Dart, Marie-Christine Jaulent:
The Role of Local Terminologies in Electronic Health Records. The HEGP Experience.
- Xia Jing, Stephen Kay, Nicholas R. Hardiker, Tom Marley:
Ontology-based Knowledge Base Model Construction-OntoKBCF.
- Julie Chabalier, Jean Mosser, Anita Burgun:
Integrating Biological Pathways in Disease Ontologies.
- Robert H. Baud, Werner Ceusters, Patrick Ruch, Anne-Marie Rassinoux, Christian Lovis, Antoine Geissbühler:
Reconciliation of Ontology and Terminology to Cope with Linguistics.
- Stefan Schulz, Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn, Franz Baader:
SNOMED CT's Problem List: Ontologists' and Logicians' Therapy Suggestions.
- Paolo Terenziani, Luca Anselma, Alessio Bottrighi, Laura Giordano, Stefania Montani:
Automatic Checking of the Correctness of Clinical Guidelines in GLARE.
- Kaustubh Supekar, Daniel L. Rubin, Natasha F. Noy, Mark A. Musen:
Knowledge Zone: A Public Repository of Peer-Reviewed Biomedical Ontologies.
- Paul A. Fontelo, Fang Liu, Sergio Leon, Abrahamane Anne, Michael J. Ackerman:
PICO Linguist and BabelMeSH: Development and Partial Evaluation of Evidence-based Multilanguage Search Tools for MEDLINE/PubMed.
- Songmao Zhang, Olivier Bodenreider:
Lessons Learned from Cross-Validating Alignments between Large Anatomical Ontologies.
Chapter 5. Decision Support and Workflow
- Jacques Bouaud, Brigitte Séroussi, Ambre Brizon, Thibault Culty, France Mentré, Vincent Ravery:
How Updating Textual Clinical Practice Guidelines Impacts Clinical Decision Support Systems: a Case Study with Bladder Cancer Management.
- Silvia Panzarasa, Silvana Quaglini, Giuseppe Micieli, Simona Marcheselli, Mauro Pessina, Corrado Pernice, Anna Cavallini, Mario Stefanelli:
Improving Compliance to Guidelines through Workflow Technology: Implementation and Results in a Stroke Unit.
- Marc Cuggia, Delphine Rossille, Aude Arnault, Jacques Bouget, Pierre Le Beux:
Towards a Decision Support System for Optimising Clinical Pathways of Elderly Patients in an Emergency Department.
- Samina Raza Abidi, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Sajjad Hussain, Mike Shepherd:
Ontology-based Modeling of Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Clinical Decision Support System for Breast Cancer Follow-up Interventions at Primary Care Settings.
- Subramani Mani, Constantin F. Aliferis, Shanthi Krishnaswami, Theodore Kotchen:
Learning Causal and Predictive Clinical Practice Guidelines from Data.
- Stefania Montani, Paolo Terenziani, Alessio Bottrighi:
Supporting Therapy Selection in Computerized Clinical Guidelines by Means of Decision Theory.
- David F. Lobach, Kensaku Kawamoto, Kevin J. Anstrom, Michael L. Russell, Peter Woods, Dwight Smith:
Development, Deployment and Usability of a Point-of-Care Decision Support System for Chronic Disease Management Using the Recently-Approved HL7 Decision Support Service Standard.
- R. Gaikwad, J. Warren, T. Kenealy:
The TAR Model: Use of Therapeutic State Transitions for Quality Assurance Reporting in Chronic Disease Management.
- Kengo Miyo, Yuki S. Nittami, Yoichiro Kitagawa, Kazuhiko Ohe:
Development of Case-based Medication Alerting and Recommender System: A New Approach to Prevention for Medication Error.
- Ben W. I. Sissons, W. Alex Gray, Anthony Bater, David Morrey:
Is the Future Evidence-Based?
- Judith W. Dexheimer, Laura E. Brown, Jeffrey Leegon, Dominik Aronsky:
Comparing Decision Support Methodologies for Identifying Asthma Exacerbations.
- Daniel Luna, Victoria Otero, Daniela Canosa, Sergio Montenegro, Paula Otero, Fernán Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quirós:
Analysis and Redesign of a Knowledge Database for a Drug-Drug Interactions Alert System.
- Claudine M. Breant, François Borst, René Nkoulou, Olivier Irion, Antoine Geissbühler:
Closing the Loop: Bringing Decision Support Clinical Data at the Clinician Desktop.
- Vitali Sintchenko, Tim Usherwood, Enrico W. Coiera:
Are Clinicians' Information Needs and Decision Support Affected by Different Models of Care? Experimental Study.
- Frédéric Mille, Patrice Degoulet, Marie-Christine Jaulent:
Modeling and Acquisition of Drug-Drug Interaction Knowledge.
- Joanne M. Curry, Carolyn McGregor, Sally Tracy:
A Systems Development Life Cycle Approach to Patient Journey Modeling Projects.
- Gregory L. Alexander:
The Nurse - Patient Trajectory Framework.
- Catherine J. Staes, R. Scott Evans, Scott P. Narus, Stanley M. Huff, John B. Sorensen:
System Analysis and Improvement in the Process of Transplant Patient Care.
- Jennifer A. Laffey, Moran Wasson:
St Elsewhere's or St Everywhere's: Improving Patient Throughput in the Private Hospital Sector.
- Katharina Kaiser, Patrick Martini, Silvia Miksch, Alime Öztürk:
A Meta Schema for Evidence Information in Clinical Practice Guidelines as a Basis for Decision-Making.
- Karen M. Hrabak, James R. Campbell, Samson W. Tu, Robert McClure, Robert Weida:
Creating Interoperable Guidelines: Requirements of Vocabulary Standards in Immunization Decision Support.
- Luca Anselma, Paolo Terenziani, Stefania Montani, Alessio Bottrighi:
Automatic Treatment of Temporal Issues in Clinical Guidelines in the GLARE System.
Chapter 6. Improving Quality
- Andrew Georgiou, Joanne Callen, Johanna I. Westbrook, Mirela Prgomet, George Toouli:
Information and Communication Processes in the Microbiology Laboratory - Implications for Computerised Provider Order Entry.
- Farah Magrabi, Geoff McDonnell, Johanna I. Westbrook, Enrico W. Coiera:
Using an Accident Model to Design Safe Electronic Medication Management Systems.
- Stéphane Spahni, Christian Lovis, Monique Ackermann, Nicolas Mach, Pascal Bonnabry, Antoine Geissbühler:
Securing Chemotherapies: Fabrication, Prescription, Administration and Complete Traceability.
- Sarah A. Collins, Leanne M. Currie, Vimla L. Patel, Suzanne Bakken, James J. Cimino:
Multitasking by Clinicians in the Context of CPOE and CIS Use.
- Christian Nøhr, Stig Kjær Andersen, Knut Bernstein, Morten Bruun-Rasmussen, Søren Vingtoft:
Diffusion of Electronic Health Records - Six Years of Empirical Data.
- Yin Aphinyanaphongs, Constantin F. Aliferis:
Text Categorization Models for Identifying Unproven Cancer Treatments on the Web.
- Funda Meric-Bernstam, Muhammad F. Walji, Smitha Sagaram, Deepak Sagaram, Elmer V. Bernstam:
Currency of Online Breast Cancer Information.
- Cornelia M. Ruland, Laura Slaughter, Justin Starren, Torun M. Vatne, Elisabeth Y. Moe:
Children's Contributions to Designing a Communication Tool for Children with Cancer.
- Ross Shegog, Christine Markham, Melissa Peskin, Monica Dancel, Charlie Coton, Susan Tortolero:
"It's Your Game": An Innovative Multimedia Virtual World to Prevent HIV/STI and Pregnancy in Middle School Youth.
- Patricia Flatley Brennan, Gail R. Casper, Susan Kossman, Laura J. Burke:
HeartCareII: Home Care Support for Patients with Chronic Cardiac Disease.
- Shirley L. Fenton, H. Dominic Covvey, Douglas W. Mulholland, Donald D. Cowan, Judith Shamian, Bonnie Schroeder:
A Web-Based Communities of Practice Support System for Caregivers.
- Roberto A. Rocha, Alfred N. Romeo, Chuck Norlin:
Core Features of a Parent-controlled Pediatric Medical Home Record.
- Eric G. Poon, Jonathan S. Wald, Jeffrey L. Schnipper, Richard Grant, Tejal K. Gandhi, Lynn A. Volk, Amy Bloom, Deborah H. Williams, Kate Gardner, Marianna Epstein, Lisa Nelson, Alex Businger, Qi Li, David W. Bates, Blackford Middleton:
Empowering Patients to Improve the Quality of Their Care: Design and Implementation of a Shared Health Maintenance Module in a US Integrated Healthcare Delivery Network.
- Yang Gong, Min Zhu, Jun Li, James P. Turley, Jiajie Zhang:
Clinical Communication Ontology for Medical Errors.
- N. Aoki, M. Sakai, T. Nakayama, S. Fukuhara, S. Ohta, N. Kikuchi, M. Oishi, T. Kiuchi, K. Nozaki, N. Hashimoto:
u-SHARE: Web-based Decision Support / Risk Communication Tool for Healthcare Consumers with Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms.
- Célia Boyer, Arnaud Gaudinat, Vincent Baujard, Antoine Geissbühler:
Health On the Net Foundation: Assessing the Quality of Health Web Pages All Over the World.
- Alexander Turchin, Tejal K. Gandhi, Christopher M. Coley, Maria Shubina, Carol Broverman:
The Use of Electronic Medication Reconciliation to Establish the Predictors of Validity of Computerized Medication Records.
- Abha Agrawal, Winfred Wu, Israel Khachewatsky:
Evaluation of an Electronic Medication Reconciliation System in Inpatient Setting in an Acute Care Hospital.
- Beatriz H. Rocha, Laura H. Langford, Steven Towner:
Computerized Management of Chronic Anticoagulation: Three Years of Experience.
- Josh F. Peterson, Benjamin P. Rosenbaum, Lemuel R. Waitman, Ralf Habermann, James Powers, Debbie Harrell, Randolph A. Miller:
Physicians' Response to Guided Geriatric Dosing: Initial Results from a Randomized Trial.
Chapter 7. Usability
- Erik Sundvall, Mikael Nyström, Mattias Forss, Rong Chen, Håkan Petersson, Hans Åhlfeldt:
Graphical Overview and Navigation of Electronic Health Records in a Prototyping Environment Using Google Earth and openEHR Archetypes.
- Anders Barlach, Jesper Simonsen:
Which Parts of a Clinical Process EPR Needs Special Configuration.
- Niels Boye, Frey Eberholst, Richard Farlie, Lene B. Sørensen, Karen Marie Lyng:
User Driven, Evidence Based Experimental Design; a New Method for Interface Design Used to Develop an Interface for Clinical Overview of Patient Records.
- Kai Zheng, Rema Padman, Michael P. Johnson:
User Interface Optimization for an Electronic Medical Record System.
- Lina Maria Rojas-Barahona, Toni Giorgino:
AdaRTE: Adaptable Dialogue Architecture and Runtime Engine. A New Architecture for Health-Care Dialogue Systems.
- Panagiotis D. Bamidis, Andrej Luneski, Ana B. Vivas, Christos L. Papadelis, Nicos Maglaveras, Costas Pappas:
Multi-channel Physiological Sensing of Human Emotion: Insights into Emotion-Aware Computing using Affective Protocols, Avatars and Emotion Specifications.
- Holly Brügge Jimison, Misha Pavel, Payton Bissell, James McKanna:
A Framework for Cognitive Monitoring Using Computer Game Interactions.
- Magnus Bång, Toomas Timpka, Henrik Eriksson, Einar Holm, Conny Nordin:
Mobile Phone Computing for In-situ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
- Johanna I. Westbrook, Amanda Ampt, Margaret Williamson, Ken Nguyen, Leanne Kearney:
Methods for Measuring the Impact of Health Information Technologies on Clinicians' Patterns of Work and Communication.
- Lois Burgess, Jason Sargent:
Enhancing User Acceptance of Mandated Mobile Health Information Systems: The ePOC (electronic Point-Of-Care Project) Experience.
- Thomas Bürkle, Philip A. Engel:
When Usage and User Satisfaction Differ: The Case of an Electronic Discharge Summary.
- Shobha Phansalkar, Katherine A. Sward, Charlene R. Weir, Alan H. Morris:
Mapping Clinicians' Perceptions about Computerized Protocol Use to an IT Implementation Framework.
- Sharon Levy, Anne Casey, Alison Wallis:
e-Health in Scotland: Setting a Baseline for Stakeholder Alignment.
- M. Cristina Mazzoleni, Raffaella Butera, Franco Corbella, Vittoria Balcet, Enrico Masenga:
Usability of Institutional Cancer Web Sites: an Italian Case Study.
- John Powell, Aileen Clarke:
Investigating Internet Use by Mental Health Service Users: Interview Study.
- Qing Zeng-Treitler, Hyeoneui Kim, Sergey Goryachev, Alla Keselman, Laura Slaughter, Catherine Arnott-Smith:
Text Characteristics of Clinical Reports and Their Implications for the Readability of Personal Health Records.
- Helma van der Linden, Thilo Schuler, Rong Chen, Jan L. Talmon:
Generic Screen Representations for Future Proof Systems - Is It Possible? Two-model approach to a generic GUI.
- Jeannie Yuhaniak Irwin, Shawn Fernando, Titus Schleyer, Heiko Spallek:
Speech Recognition in Dental Software Systems: Features and Functionality.
- Maigaelle V. Moulene, Simon de Lusignan, George Freeman, Jeremy van Vlymen, Ian Sheeler, Andrew Singleton, Pushpa Kumarapeli:
Assessing the Impact of Recording Quality Target Data on the GP Consultation Using Multi-Channel Video.
Chapter 8. Sustainability
- Prajesh N. Chhanabhai, Alec Holt, George L. Benwell:
Sustainable Health Systems: Addressing Three Key Areas.
- Shona K. Wilson, Jan Duke:
Locating Nursing Classification Schemes within Health Information Strategies for New Zealand.
- Mark Olive, Hanene Rahmouni, Tony Solomonides, Vincent Breton, Yannick Legré, Ignacio Blanquer, Vicente Hernández:
SHARE, from Vision to Road Map: Technical Steps.
- Boonchai Kijsanayotin, Supasit Pannarunothai, Stuart M. Speedie:
Penetration and Adoption of Health Information Technology (IT) in Thailand's Community Health Centers (CHCs): A National Survey.
- L. Philip Caillouet:
The Health Informatics Center of Acadiana - Informing Health Policymaking in Post-Katrina/Rita Louisiana.
- Elizabeth E. Weiner, Patricia A. Trangenstein:
Informatics Solutions for Emergency Planning and Response.
- Robert A. Logan, Tony Tse:
A Multidiscipline Conceptual Framework for Consumer Health Informatics.
- Naoki Nakashima, Kunihisa Kobayashi, Toyoshi Inoguchi, Daisuke Nishida, Naomi Tanaka, Hiromi Nakazono, Akihiko Hoshino, Hidehisa Soejima, Ryoichi Takayanagi, Hajime Nawata:
A Japanese Model of Disease Management.
- Sebastian Garde, Carola M. Hullin, Rong Chen, Thilo Schuler, Jana Gränz, Petra Knaup, Evelyn J. S. Hovenga:
Towards Sustainability of Health Information Systems: How Can We Define, Measure and Achieve It?
- Kwang Chien Yee:
Bermuda Triangle or Three to Tango: Generation Y, e-Health and Knowledge Management.
- Jo-Anne Kelder:
Health Service Organisations and Professionals: An Information Systems Model for Transforming the Nexus between Accreditation and Practice.
- Quynh Lê:
Health Informatics: An Intercultural Perspective.
- Sheila Bullas, John Bryant:
Successful Systems Sustaining Change.
- Finn Kensing, Hrönn Sigurdardottir, Arjen P. Stoop:
MUST - A Participatory Method for Designing Sustainable Health IT.
- Karen Day, Tony Norris:
Change Management and the Sustainability of Health ICT Projects.
- Michael A. Shifrin, Elena E. Kalinina, Eugene D. Kalinin:
A Sustainability View on the EPR System of N.N. Burdenko Neurosurgical Institute.
Chapter 9. Genomics
- Qiongyu Chen, Guoliang Li, Tze-Yun Leong, Chew-Kiat Heng:
Predicting Coronary Artery Disease with Medical Profile and Gene Polymorphisms Data.
- Holger Stenzhorn, Elena Beisswanger, Stefan Schulz:
Towards a Top-Domain Ontology for Linking Biomedical Ontologies.
- Marienne Hibbert, Peter Gibbs, Terence O'brien, Peter Colman, Robert Merriel, Naomi Rafael, Michael P. Georgeff:
The Molecular Medicine Informatics Model (MMIM).
- Yu Rang Park, Hye Won Lee, Sung-Bum Cho, Ju Han Kim:
Cancer Genomics Object Model: An Object Model for Multiple Functional Genomics Data for Cancer Research.
- Cristiana Larizza, I. Buetti, Giuseppe Milani, Angelo Nuzzo, Cinzia Sala, D. Toniolo, Riccardo Bellazzi:
Automatic Pedigree Reconstruction for Genetic Studies in Isolated Populations.
- Chrysa Collyda, Sotiris Diplaris, Pericles A. Mitkas, Nicos Maglaveras, Costas Pappas:
Enhancing the Quality of Phylogenetic Analysis using Fuzzy Hidden Markov Model Alignments.
- Andrew V. Kossenkov, Aidan J. Peterson, Michael F. Ochs:
Determining Transcription Factor Activity from Microarray Data using Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling.
- Lewis Frey, Mary E. Edgerton, Douglas E. Fisher, Shawn Levy:
Ensemble Stump Classifiers and Gene Expression Signatures in Lung Cancer.